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You can have both a labor shortage and mass unemployment. It occurs when workers are skilled for an industry with decreasing or no demand while another industry that requires different skills has increasing demand.

A good example of this is the high demand in the US for so called "Blue Collar" jobs. We have a shortage of trades people (Electricians, Plumbers, HVAC, etc) and far too many Business and Marketing people. There's 100,000 MBA's out there looking for a job and there's 100,000 Plumbing Contractors trying to hire someone.

C'mon Vox...this article is straight garbage.

First you link to the wrong god damned instance of this case at SCOTUSBLOG (McKesson v Doe 2 instead of McKesson v Doe 3) you then don't link, or you know just post, Justice Sotomayor's remarks about why SCOTUS didn't hear this case for the third time.

Of course you probably chose not to link, or state, her full remarks because if you HAD then you wouldn't have been able to write that inflammatory headline.

SCOTUS already resolved this in 2023 with Counterman v. Colorado. It's right there on pages 14/15 in the linked PDF.

Modern Media is a raging dumpster fire of inflammatory bullshit.

Edit: In case it's not clear this Vox article was carefully crafted to leave the reader ignorant and outraged.

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Could be that civilians don't want to be near them because they are scared. Russian soldiers returning from Ukraine are committing all sorts of violent crimes.

I mean would YOU want to be within 20' feet of someone who has a high likelihood of being drunk, suffering from PTSD, and a member of an especially violent and brutal military force?

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The Title Company has to be sweating bullets right now. It's their whole job to prevent problems like this.

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This particular School District has pulled this stunt so many times that the State of Texas passed a damn law, called the CROWN Act, to make them stop! They're back it claiming that the CROWN Act doesn't regulate length or color.

The CROWN Act sailed through the Texas Legislature with strong bi-partisan support and Gov Abbott even held a formal signing ceremony for it. How god damned racist do you have to be that even those people think you've gone too far?

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Another great example is "Chunk" from the Goonies (1985). He was considered so fat that it was comic relief. Now you can walk through any Middle School in the United States and find dozens, if not hundreds, of kids that are MUCH larger!

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It's all kinds of bots; Russian, Chinese, Liberal, Conservative, but most of all its Reddits own bots meant to inflate traffic stats ahead of the IPO.

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I'd like the Steam Machine to come back with the addition of being an HTPC. Why? Because Valve is big enough to arm wrestle streaming services into releasing an official app.

I basically want a user customizable, privacy respecting Xbox.

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This is way way wider than just browsers. Anything that can display webp images is vulnerable and that includes things like MS Teams and Twitch.

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The "No Fly List" is unconstitutional garbage. The list is secret, you can't get the fuck off of it, and it's absolutely riddled with errors.

I applaud SCOTUS for not allowing the Federal Government to retract Fikre's listing and then claim the issue is "moot" to avoid a potentially unfavorable ruling.

The No Fly List needs to be de-invented. Immediately.

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Lemmy really really needs instance blocking. Yes I know some clients have it but Lemmy itself needs a way to enable users to fully block another instance and all of its communities.

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I find it sad that instead of spending her golden years with her husband and daughter that she instead spent them being wheeled around the Capital Building desperately trying to pretend that she was still healthy and relevant.

Hopefully this incentivizes a few more geriatrics to go home instead of spending their final years "on the hill".

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Jia Tan, University of Hong Kong in China. He’s been the sole maintainer of the package for almost two years.

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The question I'd like to ask them is WHY they want to get involved in Content Moderation. They make a toolset, nothing more, so why do they care what someone is using the tools for? What could they possibly get out of this that makes it worth the time or expense?

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It's not that the titanium metal is fake, it's probably real. By "fake" what they mean is that the part made with the titanium isn't what the documentation for it claims. It may have been made by a different company than what the documentation says or it may not have been tested in the way that the documentation says.

Every last piece, down to the tiniest screw, in a commercial airplane has a paper trail and for these parts someone is saying that the paper trail has been falsified. That's the "fake" part.

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Screw Trump but this whole article is nothing more than conjecture from two dudes on twitter. When the hell did stuff like this become news?

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Trump has been warned about a vast number of things by an incredibly wide variety of people and organizations. He's been warned by members of his own family, close personal associates, business associates, numerous lawyers, various Federal and State Law Enforcement agencies, various Federal and State Courts, numerous politicians inside his own party, multiple former Presidents and at least two former Vice Presidents, one of which is known to shoot people and have them apologize for it.

He doesn't listen and he never will as long as the warnings about consequences don't come true.

Perhaps I'm just brain dead, I've been accused of it often enough, but I can't figure out what the stupid thing is good for.

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I'd like to read the article but holy hell there's over 700 companies in their tracking cookie policy!

Luckily there's an archive of it: https://archive.ph/Yrcda

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I dunno where Republicans got this idea that they can control the behavior of their citizens in other States but it's unbelievably fucking stupid and enraging. No one is "owned" by a State simply because they are a resident of it. That's some straight up Lord / Serf kind of thinking.

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Your comment made me go do the math and a TCM is, in fact, between 3.5 and 4 times faster than the fuel efficiency speed of a Cessna 206.

Kudos to you good Person.

So the author proposes using not one but two legally questionable tactics to send Ukraine artillery shells that are actually worse than useless!?!

As the article correctly notes the US quit using those M483A1 and M864 DPICM rounds because of their high failure rate. If Ukraine were to fire even 2,000 of these per day that means there would be 280 (or more) unexploded bomblets lying on the ground just waiting for a unsuspecting soldier or child to wander by and set it off.

It gets mind bogglingly worse the longer they are used too, as after just a year there would be over 100,000 of the damn things laying around!

So no, they shouldn't be used anywhere...unless you want to spend the next hundred years dealing with the unexploded ordinance littering your terrain!

Republicans need to STFU and get back to funding the real stuff. THAT is the answer, not legal chicanery to send shit ordinance.

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I have YT Premium and I really don't mind paying. I watch a LOT of YT and making sure the creators I follow get paid for their work is important to me.

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Even worse, the shooter wasn't a "cop" he was a "Constable" and the distinction is important. A Constable isn't allowed to carry a gun nor are they allowed to physically evict a tenant. They're allowed to serve the paperwork, which he'd already done 4 days prior, and that's it. That's as far as their authority goes.

This guy was genuinely out looking for a situation where he could shoot someone and after he shot Magnus he tried to do it AGAIN not a month later.


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This is great, and I don't mean that in a "fuck landlords" way either. It was good to see the DoJ start anti-trust action against RealPage and it's great that it's continuing. The Government has a true role to fill as Referee in the Marketplace and they've been absent for far too long.

I'd also add that there's no official or legal record of this property transfer. The story is supported by nothing more than an entry in Zillow that has since been removed.

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This smells of graft.

It IS graft. I've forgotten where I ran into the information but someone tracked it down. Taylors (the machine company) has an exclusive contract with McDonald's Corporate for the machines and McDonald's Corporate receives a portion of the service revenue whenever a Taylor machine is "fixed".

That's why McDonald's is fighting Kytch / helping Taylor.

As a 2A Advocate / Gun Guy all I can say is GOOD. Parents who do this deserve to held legally responsible.

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Correct me, but we are yet to see a trans person winning anything or achieve a significant record anywhere.

The article itself has this to say:

"Thomas was the first openly transgender athlete to win a Division I title in any sport, finishing in front of three Olympic medalists for the championship."

I'd say that winning a Div1 title ahead of three Olympic Medalist is somewhat significant.

The women got their cars back, this case wasn't about that, but SCOTUS really needs to deal with the "Civil Asset Forfeiture" monster that they created.

Europe CANT do more. They don’t have the military strength due to perpetual underfunding. It’s precisely what every US President since Bill Clinton has been bitching about. The wolf is at the door and they’re every bit as unprepared as has been claimed for the last 30 years.

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It's surprising to me how often high profile Democrats, who really should know better, make racially stereotyped comments like this.

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You ain't seen nothing yet. When the F-16s show up Ukraine will finally able to use all three modes of the NATO AG-88 HARM. Right now they are restricted to the Pre-Briefed mode where they have to program the target before take-off. However when launched from the F-16 the AG-88 can also use Target of Opportunity Mode and Self Protect Mode.

Self Protect mode uses the F-16s sensor package to find active Radar Installations and alert the pilot there is a threat to the aircraft in the area. Target of Opportunity mode does the same thing but it uses the AG-88's sensors instead of the aircraft's sensors and will alert that it has a target even if the radar isn't a direct threat to the aircraft.

The SP and TOO modes of the AGM-88 allow an F-16 to perform SEAD / Wild Weasel missions. At that point lots and lots of Russian air defense systems are going to go poof which will free Ukraine to run its native Jet Fighter fleet farther into occupied territory and allow them to more safely perform CAS missions to support ground troops.

It's not a war winner on its own but it will give them more freedom to support combined arms operations, allowing them to hopefully crack Russian ground defenses with less loss of men and materials.

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I want a $10000 car that would normally be inflated to $30000 in the US.

You can't make that same car in the United States for anything like the same price. Even ignoring the Chinese Governments heavy subsidies there's still a massive cost gap due to worker compensation, cost of compliance with safety regulations, cost of compliance with environmental regulations, and a whole host of other things.

The cost of manufacturing in the United States is radically higher than it is in China and that simply isn't fixable unless you're going to unwind Union pay deals, remove environmental laws, and reduce safety restrictions.

You cannot have both, so which are you choosing? Are you going to go with your wallet like a self absorbed capitalist or are you going to support union workers, stronger environmental laws, and more worker safety?

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I'm not a big fan of President Biden after some consideration I've decided I do like his answer. It's nuanced, which means the Internet won't understand it, but it answered the question correctly (Yes he is) while making it clear that other countries have different styles of Government that we may not like but must accept if we want to have relations with them.

Countries with Liberal Democracies, like the United States, have no responsibility to lie about another countries style of Government to spare their feelings but we also don't need to let our distaste preclude us from talking to them.

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It's not even just "the first" post. Lemmy is exactly like Reddit where any comments or posts, no matter how high quality, that can be interpreted as "against the grain" will be attacked. Lemmy has the same strong tendency towards group think that Reddit does, it's just lower volume and the bias runs even farther left. Shrug.

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SCOTUS is ticked because this lawsuit should have never happened. The original plaintiffs (Alliance) had no standing to file in the first place and it should have been dismissed at least three times by now. Beyond that the issue never needed a Constitutional Judgement in order to be resolved, mifepristone is federally legal and that's not going to change unless Congress does it.

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I don't understand this headline. If you believe the Bible how is it it a myth that the Jews handed over Jesus to be killed?

You have to pay attention, the headline isn't talking about the Jews killing Jesus, but rather HANDED OVER which is precisely what happens in Mathew 26:47.

There's no confusion about why Jewish leadership arrested and handed him over either, they were involved in a conspiracy to do that in order to get him killed. This is blatantly clear in Mathew 26:3.

I absolutely despise MTG but surely I'm not the only whose noticed that this whole article is twisted?

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Fascinating scheme for Wayward Police Officers they're running.

Of the 50 Sworn Officers 38 of them are CROs (Certified Reserve Officers), meaning they aren't Regular Day to Day Police but rather people who can be called on when asked / needed. Since these people are CRO they're able to be used in other towns / cities / counties when necessary. Big Event in Houston and you suddenly need an extra 30 or so cops? These people are available. Want private security for your mall / apartment building / construction site but need them to be "Certified" for insurance purposes? These folks are available.

the individual officers make money doing that stuff and if they do it long enough without getting into trouble again then they can point to their clean record as a CRO in Coffee City as a reason they should be hired back onto a regular force.

The question I have is what is Chief JohnJay Portillo getting from this? Nobody is going to run a setup like for this nothing, so what's his angle? Oh, the guy has an active warrant for DWI out of Florida too.

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