MTG Cites Antisemitic Fable Jews ‘Handed Over’ Jesus To Be Killed

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MTG Cites Antisemitic Fable Jews ‘Handed Over’ Jesus To Be Killed

I'm Jewish and have been told very angrily that I killed Jesus more than once. It's fun.


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I don't understand this headline. If you believe the Bible how is it it a myth that the Jews handed over Jesus to be killed?

You have to pay attention, the headline isn't talking about the Jews killing Jesus, but rather HANDED OVER which is precisely what happens in Mathew 26:47.

There's no confusion about why Jewish leadership arrested and handed him over either, they were involved in a conspiracy to do that in order to get him killed. This is blatantly clear in Mathew 26:3.

I absolutely despise MTG but surely I'm not the only whose noticed that this whole article is twisted?

Because "Jewish leadership" isn't the same thing as "all Jews".

It wasn't back then, and it isn't now.

Implying that they are is exactly the reason why we are somehow not allowed to criticise the STATE of Israel without being labeled an anti-semite.

The Jews didn't hand over Jesus. A HANDFUL of Jewish state leaders did.

The Jews aren't committing active genocide in Gaza as we speak. A handful of Israeli state leaders are, and using their faith to justify it.

The Jews didn’t hand over Jesus. A HANDFUL of Jewish state leaders did.

This. Someone who had amassed enough of a following while calling out authority figures for hypocrisy, greed, and corruption is going to make some very particular enemies.

That was 2000 years ago. She's blaming Jews right now.

The woman is batshit crazy but my comment wasn't really about her; rather how the headline is about one thing while the article itself is about something different.

headline is about one thing while the article itself is about something different

It's antisemitic to blame "The Jews" collectively for handing Jesus to the Romans. The people who handed him over were Jewish, but then, so were Jesus and most of his followers. Most jews at the time, and obviously all jews since then had no involvement in the matter. But there is a long history of blaming all jews for the death of Jesus.

If MTG had said "Jewish leaders" handed Jesus to the Romans, there wouldn't have been potential antisemitic implications. But she said "the Jews" did it, which can be interpreted as antisemitic.

Because it’s a grievance Christians love to bring up to justify and incite antisemitic violence.

There are no systems of power this act set into motion. There’s no way to resolve this grievance. It’s at its deepest core a call for pogroms.

Okay, but so what? People who are alive now and have had nothing to do with any of that (made up nonsense, btw) should tolerate these comments why? What’s even the point of bringing it up? She’s a U.S. congresswoman ffs, not a religious scholar. Her only point in doing this is to create an “other” to hate, and I hate that about conservatives the most. The underlying conservative identity is based on nothing but hatred of some boogeyman, which conveniently changes each election cycle or generation.