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Joined 1 years ago

Serious question;

Am I over-thinking it to be skeeved out by the phrase "blacks" for Trump?

It's basically saying that their main defining characteristic as a group is their colour rather than anything about who they are culturally.

It would be like a politician here in Canada courting the indigenous vote by holding a rally called "Reds for Pollieve" or something.

I don't see that really being talked about or mentioned and wonder am I just over-thinking it? Or is it just that it's just one more fucked up thing that gets buried under a dozen other fucked up things...

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I never saw those moments as Kif being homophobic. I read it as a subordinate being repulsed by the idea of seeing his commanding officer naked.

Unless there's another one that looks very very similar, I'm guessing its:

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Even rabbits got their hipsters...

I think Married With Children has managed to come through unscathed because of Ed O'Neil and who he is as a person. He's so much the opposite of Al Bundy and has always been very open about that. The show as a result falls into that same category as South Park or All in the Family; We understand that the jokes are meant to be satire via absurdity; It's so over the top and the actor is so different in real life that we just get it.

Compare that to something like Home Improvement, where we know that the humour isn't meant to be absurdist, and we know that Tim Allen really is a douche.

I find that, at least with local Canadian Politics, they're pretty accurate at least. So I'm guessing it would be similar for the U.S, although the number of so-called "media" sources is far larger.

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Sadly, for many people, "factual" means "does it agree with what I already think?".

Those people are lost causes.

Wherever they go, Tim Horton's Beiber-bites eventually follow. So this case I'd agree with that assessment.

The fact that people care about whether their messages are blue or green is so absolutely ridiculous.

I've known people who literally refuse to message anyone who doesn't use iMessage (and by extension has an iPhone).

Every one of them turned out to be a twat in every other facet of their personality as well.

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correction... always were worthless.

It's always been a con game.

Their so-called "value" was always determined by the ability of the person shilling it to make up bullshit. Literally the definition of a "confidence" game. Same problem as crypto in general. It's only has value if you have confidence in the person shilling it. The moment that person loses the confidence of their marks, the entire thing crumbles to nothing because it isn't backed by any real tangible assets.

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If your business plan can't make a profit while paying your people a living wage, than it doesn't deserve to be in business.

Expecting people to live paycheque to paycheque in order to subsidize your desire to be a business owner is the Pinnacle of bullshit.

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Defeating Hamas?

A war against Hamas that targets civilians is just going to create more Hamas.

You kill 100 civilians for every 4 Hamas fighters, all you end up with is 10 new Hamas fighters from the relatives of the civilian dead.

He's delusional.

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It's absolutely insane that it's even up for fucking debate.

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Why uneasiness? This is federation working exactly how it's supposed to. People are free to spout whatever garbage they want, and no one else is obligated to listen to them if they don't want to.

No one is infringing on hexbears so-called "free speech". They're still free to shout into their megaphone. But the rest of us can close the damn door on them if we don't want to listen. That's quite literally the best of both worlds.

The only people that are "uneasy" are the people who think that "free speech" means being able to force people to have to listen to their bullshit. It's not. Never has been. Never will be.

I for one love how federation tends to sort itself out without stripping away anyone's right to free expression. Hexbear, or whatever instance happens to be controversial at the moment, can still say whatever they want. No one is shutting them down. No one is censoring them. No one is stepping on their rights. The rest of us just have the power to not have to listen to them. It's a great system working exactly as designed and it's absolutely how the future of social media has to be.

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GIMP has its share of issues, just like any other software. but it's biggest issue is that somewhere down the line general users got this idea in their head that it was supposed to be a Photoshop clone.

So they go into it with certain expectations and then get frustrated when it doesn't work that way. People like me, who actually learned GIMP before PS, obviously didn't go in with the same bias and therefore have a much better grasp on it.

Gimp is not a Photoshop clone. it's its own piece of kit with it's own design and feature decisions that some may like and others may not. That's life. The developers have no obligation to follow any other software design scheme any more than Sony is obligated to follow LGs TV UI. They're not clones, they're alternatives.

if you think Gimps only function is to copy Photoshop, you're in for a bad time. If you want to use gimp as an ALTERNATIVE and go in without the bias,, you'll likely learn your way around a LOT faster.

I'm not excusing Gimps failings. far from it. but I AM saying that half the issue is the Photoshop users thinking that gimp only exists to copy everything from their precious Adobe daddy. And that's simply not true.

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I've said for years that the very last power we have as consumers is the ability to turn off our internet and still be able to use our devices. That is my minimum expectation of any company.

Fridge needs an internet connection, fuck you. TV won't work unless it's connected to the internet, fuck you.

But most especially (and this is why I moved to Linux originally), computer needs to always be connected to the internet even if all I'm doing is opening an office program that has nothing to do online? Go fuck yourself.

The ability to unplug my ethernet cable and still be able to use 99% of my computer with the exception of email and a web browser is the absolutely most basic human right left to us.

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I often wonder if it ever pisses Martha Stewart off that she did time for a crime that nowadays, is just seemingly a part of doing business for the super-rich. (as well as much much worse)

The world has gotten so much more fucked up since then. A little insider trading to save a few measly millions is NOTHING compared to what blatantly do in the open nowadays.

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Every day you wake up and think, "There's no way America can get even more fucked up than it was yesterday".

And every day some asshole says "wanna this."

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I love that quote. We need more Sagan's and fewer Rogans.

You're assuming that the point of the American justice system IS to refrain and rehabilitate. It's not.

A for-profit prison system seriously is low-key the most fucked up thing in a country full of fucked up things.

American prisons exist to make a profit for their investors. They do this by both government subsidies (which are calculated per inmate) and using the prisoners as cheap labor that they legally only have to pay pennies.

The system NEEDS a continuous influx of prisoners (slaves) to remain profitable. Rehabilitation is anathema to that.

People have become so jaded from years and years of corporate monopolizing, they no longer remember what an internet run by real humans feels like.

I'm not saying that in order to excuse them. Quite the opposite. To make this whole "federated" thing work, we all have to remember the empathy we lost dealing with the Facebook's and Twitter's of the world.

An internet run by the people for the people is by nature going to have more empathy' and therefore more risk of hurt feelings. We need to be aware of that.

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Sayonara, Duolingo.

As a writer on the internet with no power to stop these companies from scraping my work, you now want to teach me using someone else's stolen words and teach someone English using mine. Go fuck yourself.

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I'm not going to pretend that this is some grand strategy by Trump. He's an immature man-child and that's all there is to it.

But there most certainly is a strategy by his lawyers.

If their client somehow manages to make the judge "lose their cool" its fuel for an appeal/mistrial. So they really have no interest in ACTUALLY controlling his outbursts.

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I'm personally not a fan. But I am a fan of her making the right-wing nut jobs apoplectic.

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He could never set a single foot on the campaign trail and still win the nomination by a ridiculous amount, sadly. And he knows it.

GOP voters are ridiculous.

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This according to a study published in the journal "No Shit Quarterly".

I think if Trump had direct dirt on them, he's too stupid to not blab it out at some point during all the infantile name-calling he calls "campaigning".

More likely is that Putin has kompromat on most of the GOP, and the threat of ol' Putin-on-the-Blitz giving that information to Trump is what allows him to hold on to their short and curlies.

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Much of the "slider" form factor died out early for a very good reason.

The simple reality is that the more moving parts you put on something, the more parts there are to break. It's why phones became boring rectangles, hand-held gaming devices became slightly less boring rectangles, and why physical buttons were phased out of mp3 players, phones, etc...

Physical things cause complexity. Complexity increases warranty claims.

Yeah. Same. I moved to Mastodon, and then ended up getting my invite to Bluesky (two weeks before it opened to everyone...thanks Jack Dorsey...real helpful...). But no one is there. Mastodon has mostly tech and open source. Bluesky is...well...nothing that I can tell.

Unquestionably the winner of Twitter's fall was TikTok, when suddenly everyone including politicians started making accounts/posts. Which is likely a large part of the push to get it banned in the US. Because it's taking away users/advertisers from good ol' 'murican tech businesses owned by south african diamond mine nepo babies.

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Thanks to trump, they think "debate" is just a fancy word for "argument". They're too dumb to even know what Robert's Rules of Order are, let alone ever actually read them or understand how they apply in an actual debate. They just think that mockery and aggressiveness count as "debate strategies" thinking that winning an argument is about making the other person piss down their leg.

They literally can't handle it when the other person doesn't actually cower before their insanity.

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A GOP "firebrand" is just another term for classless white trash.

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Because once a corporation increases prices due to "supply and demand" or whatever bullshit reason they make up that week, those prices never go back down if the reason changes. conveniently.

Every corporation will say "we need to increase the price on "x" because the primary supplier in Bolivia is facing economic turmoil...blah blah blah." But once that turmoil is over and supply returns to normal, they don't bother taking the prices back down and rely on the fact that modern society is too distracted by their "conveniences" to care.

"The people will not revolt. They will not look up from their screens." -- a stage play based on George Orwell's 1984

They (the super-rich) have created a class of people beneath them who don't notice or care that they're being fucked over so long as they are provided with more and more vapid content to consume.

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Ah yes, the "If it's not going to stop 100% of the problem, let's not do it at all" bullshit.

That old chestnut.

If random check stops don't stop 100% of drunk drivers, why do them at all. Your just punishing the drivers who AREN'T driving drunk!

If seatbelts don't save 100% of lives, why regulate that we wear them. Muh Freedums!!

It bullshit excuses made by people with literally nothing of any real sense to fall back on.

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My first thought as well.

We all know he's not nearly as wealthy as he likes to pretend, but it'd be nearly impossible to live his lifestyle without at least 200,000 in available cash.

Likely he's using his so-called "genius" business brain to intentionally Welch on the debt and snag himself a cool 90% discount on his bail.

Why pay 200 when you can pay 20

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As a Canadian, I still find it shocking that people don't take their shoes off inside. That's just gross.

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Just like they've always done, they'll throw a couple of their own to the wolves to distract the pitchfork weilding townsfolk (that's us) just long enough for us to stick our heads back down into our smartphones and gadgets and forget the entire business.

Just like the sacrificed Weinstein and Spacey to our public ire and then quietly stayed under the radar long enough to forget how many other celebrities are doing the same thing.

The powerful stay powerful by distraction and subterfuge. This will be no different.

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I don't know why, I have zero reason to even think this. Maybe it's my growing distaste for Musk and his bullshit. But something about this whole thing has my "press X to doubt" meter going off the charts.

If I'm wrong. Great. But something in my gut tells me that you don't just go from multiple dead test subjects and a steven king novel's worth of FDA investigations, to suddenly having someone using it perfectly fine with no side effects.

Again, this is all allegedly. I have no proof or evidence either way. It's just my own gut. So don't sue me, Elon.

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TIL that Trump obviously doesn't know what "Deport" actually means...

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Can someone just tell Boeing that he has some dirt on them, already...

The more important question to me is why the hell the church of alien mumbo-jumbo has a cross on top of it....

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