How do you keep your homes clean? to No Stupid – 200 points –

I've just swept and mopped. Once the floor dries, I could easily go sweep again and turn up more dust and dirt. If I were to mop again, I'm almost certain the water in my bucket would be filthy. It feels like it's never actually clean.

Beyond that, there's dusting, cleaning windows, sinks, countertops, bathrooms, and probably things I don't even consider. How do you all stay on top of these things?


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As a Canadian, I still find it shocking that people don't take their shoes off inside. That's just gross.

It's always the Brits and the yanks

Fuckin barbarians 😅

To be fair, some people just aren't that flexible and its a bit of a chore tying & untying laces.

If you can take them off to go to bed, you should be able to take them off earlier, at the door

But that's why shoehorns exist?