Constable said a Phoenix man killed after an eviction had shot first. A new report shows that wasn't the case. to – 357 points –
Constable said a Phoenix man killed after an eviction had shot first. A new report shows that wasn't the case

Screenshot of article for paywall troubles here -

Also, yes, I do think that headline is bending over backwards to avoid saying "bastard cops murdered someone and lied about it," but the media's unwillingness to say these things is part of the story in these cases imo


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Even worse, the shooter wasn't a "cop" he was a "Constable" and the distinction is important. A Constable isn't allowed to carry a gun nor are they allowed to physically evict a tenant. They're allowed to serve the paperwork, which he'd already done 4 days prior, and that's it. That's as far as their authority goes.

This guy was genuinely out looking for a situation where he could shoot someone and after he shot Magnus he tried to do it AGAIN not a month later.

In the US the only people more dangerous to be around than cops are the people that desperately wish they were cops.

I guess you're talking from experience and not just what the media reports on.

I, personally, have had 0 bad experiences with law enforcement. Really puts things into perspective when I have my own experiences to contrast what I read online.

I guess you’re talking from experience and not just what the media reports on.


I, personally, have had 0 bad experiences with law enforcement.

That's good.

Really puts things into perspective when I have my own experiences to contrast what I read online.

LOL I'm sure the irony of this statement is completely lost on you.

That's some Nancy Reagan level "I don't care about an issue until it affects me personally" he's got going on.

What are you talking about?

Say something of substance, if you can.

What are you talking about?

Say something of substance, if you can.

Oh I already did.. But as I thought, the irony of your own point was completely lost on you. If you insist on having your hand held in an effort to get you to understand that the experiences of others are just as valid as your own, fine. But only one of us here is suggesting the other thinks the way they do because of "WhAt ThE mEdIa RePoRts On." Got it? Good. We're done here.

Alright, gonna block you now troll.

Well, I appreciate the courtesy. Your contributions will not be missed.