Plap plap 𓁑𓂸

@Plap plap 𓁑𓂸
0 Post – 25 Comments
Joined 11 months ago



The problem is, is that if you engage with anyone outside of the internet, they have no fucking idea what you're talking about when you call it "X".

It's so fucking stupid of a name. Even worse than Facebook changing to Meta.

You can ask people to call it "X" all day, every day, but you can't just change the name of your brand/product to a single letter, that people use every day for other things, and expect it to work out for you.

14 more...

Regardless of political leanings, if one of the steps in your master plan is "receive pardon from glorious leader once they return to power", you might want to rethink what you're about to do.

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These incessant, full-screen upgrade ads, with no way of canceling other than a small "Remind me later" tucked away in the corner, where the final straw from me switching to Linux.

I'm a hobbyist digital artist and have had to do a handful of graphic design projects for my mundane, non-art-in-anyway job.

As our computers are locked down Windows PCs, I've had to manage with MSPaint. It's always taken me double the time as on any other program or app, and I have been wishing it had layers for years.

Since this update is Windows 11 only, I'll have to for my company to upgrade, so I can look forward to layers in maybe 5 years.

22 more...

If they're really short-staffed, they shouldn't be wasting their time beating around the bush. Additionally, texting is too slow, I would just call them to get an immediate answer, so I can move on with planning how the rest of the day/shift will go.

"Hi {name}, would you be interested in coming in today to pick up some overtime?"

Simple yes/no, directly to the point, and frames the question in a (potentially) beneficial manner to the employ.

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1 can, sure.

2 cans, maybe.

But when I see some asshole load up a cart and start booking it towards the nearest fire door? Yeah, I'm stopping you.

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I realized the only game I play online is FFXIV, which doesn't require PS+. I almost never play the "free" games they add to the service, and spend a non-zero amount of time browsing said free games in an effort to find something to play rather than something in my backlog. So I just canceled.

My membership is up in December and I doubt I'll even notice when it's gone.

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If you're a digital artist or someone looking to get into digital art, an IPad Air with an Apple Pencil is the cheapest entry-point that doesn't require a computer and doesn't absolutely suck.

I agree for the most part. However, due to how Steam only lets its users review games in a binary manner of good or bad, and how prominent Overwatch 2 is (major publisher, highly advertised), I think this is a case where it is warranted.

It's easy to assume that everyone has the same level of interest and enthusiasm in the game's industry to follow all of the shitty practices, both in terms of development and just in general, that Blizzard has demonstrated over the years, but people like us are not the target audience for their ads and we aren't the people they're trying to get to play OW2.

Most people who fire up Steam don't know who Blitzchung is. They haven't heard about the whole breast milk thing, or about the bathroom camera thing. On top of that, they haven't looked into anything about OW2, so they won't know about how the game was only developed to move the previous entry's player base into the new fleecing "free"-to-play model. They won't know about the promised, yet cut content. They'll just see the banner ad and click on it to check to see what the game is all about. Seeing an immediate overwhelmingly negative review is going to make them pause and then check out the comments to see what's going on.

And also this is really the only way Gamers have to let their voices be heard against gaming companies like this. The statement of vote with your wallet doesn't work with a free-to-play title like this. It also doesn't matter, because whales are going to play it anyway and that's where all of their money comes from. The overwhelmingly negative review at the very least could potentially prevent additional people from falling victim to their schemes.

Yeah, I have to wrap up what I'm working on so that I can be available for the "quick meeting" which usually means I'm doing nothing for 15-20 minutes as I can't get started on anything else. If I'm caught not doing well, I get in trouble for the productivity, so I have to pretend.

When the 5-10 minute meeting runs closer to 45, I'm out an hour I could have been working.

Not the end of the world, but when we have these at least once, if not twice a day...

I spent 99% of my time on Reddit through Sync. When they decided to restrict API use, which killed third-party apps, I decided I was done. If the Sync dev didn't switch over to making a Lemmy app, I probably never would have heard about it. I've only gone to Reddit a handful of times since, and that's only because I was searching for something and a Google search took me to a Reddit thread.

I'm literally in the middle of performing an investigation into allegations of sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact at my work. If half of my co-workers or employees were hitting or slapping or groping each other, they'd all be fired. I can't imagine working at a place where anything like this would be tolerated.

If you're paying for it, then you could argue that you aren't "stealing" it. How are you (or at least the average person) suppose to know that the steaming service you used got their content illegally? This way, all of the liability falls on the streamer rather than the consumer.

I don't think he was joking. Yoshi-P probably wants to play it just as much as anyone else.

If I recall correctly, they had a Live Letter (scheduled FFXIV livestream with him and a few others) right after Tears of the King came out and he had his Switch with him when they were still setting up.

Scan a barcode next to the hole, insert bolt, wrench applies correct force for the piece.

The why not just have the barcode have all of that information encoded in it and not reference a database on a network?

7 more...

"Xbox...not a platform for fans of Japanese games".

Are people really surprised by this?

What big Japanese games have ever been exclusively for Xbox?

Blue Dragon? Lost Odyssey? Both of which would have been more successful on Playstation, or at the very least whatever Nintendo console was relevant then.

Honestly, it just a bad time to be a fan of Japanese games in general.

No one in Japan has an Xbox and the vast majority of people outside of Japan with one didn't buy it to play anything Japanese (nor have they ever).

Anything getting released on Playstation out of Japan is getting censored one way or another. Anything weird or crazy or violent or sexual is fine in Western developed games, but when it comes to Asian ones, then it's too much. It's almost as if Sony hates Asians.

Nintendo's hardware is so old, you'll be lucky to get more that 20 FPS on anything multiplatform, and no one wants to make anything exclusive for it because they have to compete against Nintendo.

And if it's on PC, it's either a terrible console port or isn't made because no one in Japan games on PC.

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Clip Studio uses a monthly subscription model for IpadOS and Android. I'd rather pay a one time fee than pay forever.

For the three of us who bought a PSVR2, the foveated rendering they finally added with this update is fantastic. Still not as good as playing it on a TV, but so much better than the blurry mess it used to be.

I don't keep my employees phone numbers as contacts on my phone and only use our landline to contact them.

I do this to create a barrier that prevents me from calling or texting my employees as the first step to solving a problem or getting information.

Additionally, it allows me to take actual time away from work and not be giving out instructions via text every few minutes when I'm home. Any issues that arise can (usually) be handled by my subordinates, and if they can't, then they can contact be as they have my number.

I really don't like bothering my employees when they're off in any fashion. I plan out my staffing every week, four weeks out. I never really thought about it until one of my newer hires told me his last employer only made schedules for his staff a week at a time, and when the week ended, he didn't know what time he would work the next day (or at all).

It blew my mind.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

The story has so many great twists and turns even up to the very end. There was a distinct point about 75% of the way through when I came to the realization that I had to binge the rest of game. Even if it meant I got zero sleep that night, I had to see how it ended.

It was so good I wish I could experience it again blind.

You can customize them through the emulator (or Steam) to make the controls a bit more modern. I found a community layout for AC2 when I played in on my Steam Deck that made it feel much more like how AC6 plays.

Two of the major chains in my area merged a while back and they were required to close down a few of their stores to prevent having a monopoly.

So of course they closed the stores that were under-performing, which just means they closed the ones in poor neighborhoods.

They still owned or kept the leases to the buildings and sub-leased them out with the stipulation that any business taking them over could not carry groceries.

Not only are the people in those areas having to drive a lot further (or spend more time on public transit), but a lot the surrounding businesses to the stores that closed down ended up going out of business themselves.

There's at least one nearly abandoned mini-small, shopping plaza in town due to this.

Why am I a bigot?

Because pedos hiding in the Boy Scouts have a wider selection of targets?

Because Girl Scouts exist, so girls can join that organization to do all of the things Boy Scouts can do?

Because the only thing anyone attributes to Girl Scouts are their cookies?

What am I wrong on?

Nice, so now predators that prefer little girls will have more reign.

And what about the Girl Scouts? Can we start letting boys in there to start selling cookies and whatever the hell else they do?

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No he won't.

He made this exact same campaign promise back in 2016 and he didn't pull the US out of NATO when he became president.

The only thing he did was to call out the majority of member countries that weren't paying their agreed about share, causing (primarily) the US to make up the difference.