
1 Post – 206 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's very depressing, also for those of us in the imperial sphere of countries. Because we're beholden to US foreign policy, and the worse the US gets, the more dangerous it is for us.

I mean, we (Australia) already we're doing war crimes for the US in Afghanistan (look up David McBride, the Australian military lawyer), already buying $300 subs as some kind of tributary payment, already followed you into dozens of wars we had no business being a part of, I truly worry for what's next under a more corrupt US regime.


I think this logic is silly.

Employers don't own you, so witholding wages for services you provided isn't stealing. Getting a haircut and not paying isn't stealing.

I think the better justification is: rights holders make it a pain in the arse to access content affordably, so fuck you, just going to steal it.

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Because of the Reddit migration, 196 is coming up in my Lemmy feed a lot, I have no idea what it is (because you haven't made a description).

This could be your chance to gain more community members if you update your description

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I echo the dissatisfaction people have with this and won't be donating again. This is Lemmy.world not Lemmy.(we need a safe space from the communists)

The fact you were upset about Beehaw's defederation but then turn around and do this is massive hypocrisy.

This is you imposing your personal ideology on your users. The fact you lead with those 3 "concerning statements" tells us everything. You only like free speech when it aligns with your own beliefs.


Same reason I hate it when the housing market is described at "strong" in Australia? In what way? Is the market providing housing for all who need it? No?

Then it's weak and I'll have none of this "strong" housing market bullshit.

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Jerboa (mobile app for Lemmy) is really great so far! Feels basically the same to me as Boost was. The sign in process is a little odd (top left hamburger menu, accounts, add account).

I'm staying here, I'm done with Reddit.

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Preach. Harsh penalties with no rehabilitation and an uncaring system with no safety net?

If you can't get a job and can't eat without a job, who wouldn't do crime?

"Musk and the Tesla board to return $735M after being sued for overpaying themselves" There, I fixed it. I hate headline style.

Suing unpaid volunteers for not working hard enough? Not a lawyer, but surely you can't ~use~ sue an employee for not working hard enough. Just do a really poor job, don't moderate well. What are they going to argue?

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People may see this as a "see, AI isn't that good". We all need to rail against these kinds of programs to the point they are made illegal. Because there are examples around the world of being able to track people with facial recognition (and even by the way someone walks with their face entirely covered 0_0)

I see this as the new Orleans police dep hired a inept contractor (or did an inept job in house).

Around the world, we must fight against all inappropriate data harvesting.

The only issue is they have not enough storage capacity for the excess.

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Under captialism we lament robots taking our jobs, where under a better system we would be rejoicing.

You shouldn't lick the bottom of boots, ain't healthy.

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As an outsider, it is absolutely wild that we're seeing refugees within the same allegedly developed country. I'm more convinced everyday the United states is a just a bunch of countries in a trench coat.

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How are pardons a thing. Seems incredibly ripe for abuse.

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I love spreadsheets (hey, we all have our weird interests) so at first thought this was an ASD meme.

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Pretty sure this is because both sides agreed to not carry firearms in those areas. I'd guess to prevent a full-scale war breaking out

John Green's "this machine kills fascists" sticker on his laptop on Crash Course has aged extremely poorly. More like makes life easier lol

Why is it a thing for US legislatures to certify elections anyway? You'd think there would be an independent commission that runs the election. Is this a thing around the world?

Most people would agree yes, they should be pardoned. I'm not against the idea of pardoning completely, just the idea of it being a single person questionable, since it seems a bit risky.

Someone could have a political opponent killed and then just pardon the assassin.

Doesn't seem like a sensible thing to have around.

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Am I the only one who watched the video, and due to nostalgia upscaling my memory, could hardly tell any difference other than frame rate.

I should go look at the normal game 😅

As a non-software engineer, feels weird that they're making this distinction.

I don't have much to do with engines either.

I take engineer to mean: designs stuff that does some task, involving SOME kind of calculation.

Visual designer: not an engineer

Piping designer: not an engineer (although this one felt weird, that's what the piping designer corrected me to say, so)

Chemical engineer: ya

Mechanical engineer: yeah

Software engineer: totally different flavour, but still yeah

Language is what we want it to be.

Web designers presumably still need to script things, I reckon that counts 👍

Because it makes getting an intuitive sense of what solar time it is somewhere harder.

Can I call my grandma in a different country? Hmm what time is average midnight there. Okay 8 (so far, same thing as looking up a timezone), and it's 18:00 now, so 10 hours after midnight, which is like my 23:00. Needlessly complicated with extra steps for the average person.

Sure, you can say, I'll call you X and that will mean the same thing everywhere, but does not have any information about solar time. And these days, it's automatically converted if you use a calendar (which you should). This is the point of programming, to make the USERS life easier, not the dev. The end is more important than the means, I think we can agree.

Or: what time is it where my grandma is? Okay, cool, I have a sense of what that is immediately after knowing the answer.

There are reasons we do things this way. Working roughly to solar times has more benefits than being able to say a time and it mean the same moment everywhere.

I say we leave things the way they are, works okay.

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YYYY.MM.DD and 24 hour for sure.

Everyone using UTC? Nah. Creates more problems than it solves (which are already solved, because you can just lookup what time it is elsewhere, and use calendars to automatically convert, etc.).

I for one do not want to do mental gymnastics /calculation just to know what solar time it is somewhere else. And if you just look up what solar time it is somewhere, we've already arrived back at what we're already doing.

Much easier just looking up what time (solar) time it is in a timezone. No need to re-learn what time means when you arrive somewhere on holiday, no need for movies to spell out exactly where they are in the world whenever they speak about time just so you know what it means. (Seriously, imagine how dumb it would be watching international films and they say: "meet you at 14 o'clock", and you have no idea what solar time that is, unless they literally tell you their timezone.)

Further, a lot more business than currently would have to start splitting their days not at 00:00 (I'm aware places like nightclubs do this already).

Getting rid of timezones makes no sense, and I do not understand why people on the internet keep suggesting it like it's a good idea.

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So far I'm sensing a food related theme with your sexual conquests

It is absolutely wild that it's so bad over there, that you're gushing over a service that should just be provided by the government in the first place (and is, in most developed countries)

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I feel very grateful that I grew up in a non-veg household that still ate tofu. And now I am a tofu fiend.

However, eggs are still far less impactful than beef, so, protein options still exist, not to mention all the nuts and beans out there.

Also, what about vegetables? Though I admit these should be part of a diet no matter what your diet is, so doesn't really count.

It's not all carbs in non-meat land, is all I'm saying.

Power to you for whatever works for you though, no judgement.

My condolences. I'm already annoyed with the times USC units are presented in Australia (our nominal pipe sizes are often talked about in inches, and sometimes valves and such have USC flow coefficients because the manufacturer is American).

So I cannot imagine the pain you must be subjected to.

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This is interesting. Not a lawyer, but I'd encourage anyone in Australia to demand a free repair under Australian Consumer Law because the company bricked the laptop. I'd guess it would fall under the Acceptable Quality consumer guarantee, since the fault was caused directly by the manufacturer.

Not sure how you'd go about proving that, but you could then just take it to your state tribunal, like VCAt in Victoria and file a small claim.

Not a lawyer, not legal advice, but something to think about if you're in this situation.

You could probably go faster on a bike.

Amsterdam is well known for making trips by bike and foot the fastest and best way to get around. I am very jealous.

It would have made more sense to just legislate an advisory body to parliament as envisioned and planned, to show people: see, it's literally just an advisory body with no veto or other legislative power, and then put it to a refenedum to enshrine it in the constitution afterwards.

Would have given the no campaign less space. "If you don't know, vote no" would have had less traction.

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An email client that can't open email files? Hmmmmmm.

Is this something to do with the fact it's routing all emails via Microsoft servers?

I am not a developer

It depends what it is. There are some things better reserved for a call, where tone of speech can be heard.

I'm glad to not have quite this level of social anxiety, sounds really not fun for the suffer :(

This is a problem I'd very much like governments to sink a bit of money into. Sure, we don't have 100% efficient energy storage, but we certainly have technology that does the job. Liquid air energy storage, fly wheels, thermal sand batteries etc, can be installed anywhere and are available right now. Not to mention pumped hydro if you have suitable terrain.

There's a lot of stuff that we could build, and honestly, we just need to build it, now, even if it's not profitable, or super efficient. There's a bunch of solar and wind around the world not being built, or curtailed because prices go negative when there's no one to store it.

The free market sucks. We need government intervention to do the things the profit motive won't.

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I'm with you on this. Dance socials always starting at like 10PM, like could we not have done this earlier?

They're not trapped... Egypt traps them

The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one. Which is it, are they trapped or not?

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In Australia pre-polling places open like 2 weeks in advance. (I don't know the exact number but you don't have to vote on election day if you can't make it on election day)

And election day is always a Saturday.

Why not from Sony, they are the retailer, at least under Australian Consumer Law they are responsible for providing a refund.

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There is no reason they can't go into Egypt.

If they broke into Egypt the egyptians would kill all of them

🤦‍♂️I can't believe you've been internally inconsistent twice in a row after it being pointed out.

Let me get this straight: Every, single, person in the Gaza strip is a terrorist, and they are simultaneously not trapped, and if they try to leave they would be killed.

Pro tip: say things back to yourself once before saying them. Just to make sure they're not dumb.

The cognitive dissonance you have is mind-blowing (this means you think conflicting things to justify your hateful beliefs)

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Yeah I've been enjoying that aspect too, finding posts from communities I've never heard of before.

I never paid for Reddit, but I've already donated to Lemmy.world (mastodon.world) and the Jerboa app. I've done the same for signal. Just a couple of coffees worth, but I see myself doing it from time to time as I remember.

I'm just so pumped about the way things are growing here, and think this federated donation-based model for a Reddit-like app is fantastic.