Engineering Memes to New – 0 points –



Saw that this hasn't made it over during the Reddit migration so have decided to start it myself (ChemEng).

Engineers and all others welcome, architects too if they enjoy some bants.


May be wrong place to comment this. But how the heck can I get to this link from Jerboa? ! Tapping it results in my mail client opening. The initial exclamation mark doesn't get included in the link. I can't seem to find this community manually either. It's getting a bit frustrating trying to make the leap across, and I'm a technical professional! Appreciate this might be a Jerboa thing, but would be good if anyone has any insight.

Yeah, it's very frustrating, but I think it's a known bug to the Jerboa contributors and they're working on it. Guess that's the trade off when things are done for free, sometimes bugs take a bit longer to work out :/

In the meantime you can tap this link and Jerboa will open it in your web browser, then tap where I've highlighted. Should open it up in Jerboa.