Reddit Admin team asking for volunteer moderators at tons of subreddits to – 1353 points –

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Suing unpaid volunteers for not working hard enough? Not a lawyer, but surely you can't ~use~ sue an employee for not working hard enough. Just do a really poor job, don't moderate well. What are they going to argue?

No they will sue the malicious ones not the ones doing nothing.

A lawsuit requires them to be breaking a law. Doing a shit or even malicious job at something you volunteered for is not against the law. Mods are not employees of reddit. If the argument is that they're somehow harming the product, that same argument could be extended to the protestors and shitposters. It wouldn't hold any water in an actual court.

Good for the protesters then, one thing less to worry about.

I don't think anyone ever was lol. If reddit even tried something like that they'd be opening a legal can of worms that would cause them way more harm than good