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Joined 5 months ago

Wanna know how I know y'all suck?

Tickle is taking on Giggle for Girls and not one witty joke?

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Probably met two girls named Autumn and Summer and got triggered or something

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Good honestly. The world needs to stop using America as a cure-all solution.

Weapons are evil, oil is bad, neo liberalism is terrorism and capitalism is slavery. Knock it all off

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Tbf none of these mfers are hurt. They're just in power. Historically those in power abuse those who have no power

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I hate this shit Trump literally did nothing but say the quiet parts out loud.

Nope she has every right. Trying to make things right doesn't make things right, don't fuck up and if you do especially as a company pay the fuck up.

I also dislike that her not wanting a property against her zodiac sign is supposed to suggest craziness. If someone said they didn't want a house near a cemetery or pork factory for religious reasons we don't question it, if anything we understand that. Let her have that space too all religions are goofy as fuck.

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huh so he's THAT desperate?

he's on uppers they all are

So arrogant are we


I understand the math but disgusted at the moral/ethics.

Destruction would potentially cause post WWI vibe, could create a massive migration issue, cause further suffering or the development of horrible black market bullshit or anything in between, that power vacuum would be awful.

Burn out would probably cause more revolutionary thinking and inspire a change in direction.

Fuck. I honestly just want people to not fuckin die.

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I love seeing this and the comments about BRICS lol

Imagine being excited two kids are eating sand. That's what you're doing lol

Is this how they thought the vaccine would kill us?? I thought it was heart attacks or something

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money will drop him so fast he's struggling to act out this bad

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Not their fault. I blame the people around them.

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I mean homie is just sharing thoughts not really making anything up

But you realize Putin is a human trafficker right???

Pay up capitalist fucks

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From my understanding though they weren't in a position of power and came from not the greatest backgrounds. I'd consider what happened to them exploitation and while they should be shamed a bit and not seen as artists the real assholes aren't them

Hard disagree.

cool film it

have a bad day bro

dudes been done

I think it started with those cute boots

No I'm fucking cares.

imagine not only being a dick, but a stupid dick

What did the other presidents do?

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Interesting bridge to burn and build from both ends

Fuck JPM and also sounds like Russia is a little desperate wonder why

the fuck boomer shit is this

Dems dominate every election so far. Why do people keep saying that like they don't?

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Yeah this screams desperate

"help I'm rich and retarded"

What a stupid take.

Don't release unfinished shit projects, if you do you've burned your customers and they don't wanna come back.

Trying to gaslight customers for having standards makes you the fucking goob here stupido

debates haven't been legit for decades and since then they progressively get worse

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Nope you've just radicalized a nation against you further promising further fighting because violence was chosen.

Israel funded Hamas. Never forget that key part.

Israel has more power and money here. Don't forget that

We know.

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Fuck I hope so whatever helps those trying to get ahead. I work with a lot of immigrants and I'd love to give anyone of them those

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Whatever he says I don't care. I hope he has the worst day ever everyday

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this article is literally about corruption. yes it is still there are you blaming him for it?

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A desperate one


for supporting teachers and all

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Tbh not defending them but I'd tell my daughter to do the same. Take from the government all you can fuck those people, toss me off the side of a cliff and cash my checks as long as you can

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We're just animals. We have so much ego we pull ourselves out of the animal basket

Dinosaurs were animals, ruled longer than us. Sharks even longer. We're not that special.

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I don't listen to Israel, the IDF or any news agency talking negatively about the people being genocided. I don't care about Hamas

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He revealed corruption. Whistleblower