7 Post – 150 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Couldn't they just vote that it wasn't an "official" presidential action and try him for murder? With this new ruling and the absurdly vague definitions of what is or isn't official it seems like absolutely anything is legal but only if the SCOTUS say it is. So right now it certainly seems like if you wear red you could do anything you want and if you wear blue you are screwed six ways to Sunday. I may be misunderstanding this whole thing tho.

Here's the problem, it's a solution to a problem nobody had. Never once have I heard someone say "well it's a solid phone but God I just wish it didn't have that pesky 3.5mm headphone jack!" It's just another feature stripped from the phone to clearly get you to buy more shit. I don't want yet another damn thing I have to charge. I dont want to deal with keeping track of two tiny ass earbuds and if I lose one I gotta get a whole new pair. I don't want to deal with the fact that now if I want to listen to wired I have to buy more shit like an adapter and if I lose those headphones, now I gotta buy another one of those along with new headphones. And I hate that if I do go wireless and lose them or they break, I can't fall back on wired because it's not even an option unless I happen to also have the adapter.

It's just another in a long line of clear middle fingers to consumers and it's annoying. Does it like ruin the phone and the experience of a phone? Of course not. Is it a completely pointless pain in the ass with the obvious and sole purpose of funneling consumers into buying a cycle of products they almost definitely don't need and don't already have? Absolutely. And for that I say they can eat a big bag of crap.

I look forward to Christians saying this is blasphemous and it subsequently being made illegal. As is tradition.

15 more...

The fact that whether or not I get medical care is almost completely determined by whatever insurance company I have at any given time is so depressing.

I have thankfully been pretty healthy in my life but the few times I've actually needed help I have been told to go fuck myself pretty much every time by my insurance and since I'm not a millionaire I can't afford anything that's not covered. Don't even get me started on the Russian roulette at the doctor's office where anything can cost seemingly any amount at any time and no one has any damn clue until the bill's arrived.

So whether or not I need the help really doesn't matter at the end of the day most times. All that matters is if the insurance company is feeling nice or not.

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R/steam was forced to reopen and is only posting about literal steam, as in the stuff from boiling water. It's fantastic.

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23 corporations, including T-Mobile US and Xcel Energy, paid zero (or less) federal income tax over the five-year period

So... Does that mean they paid zero taxes and got a return? How the hell do you pay less than zero dollars in taxes?

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Duuuuude I haven't been to McDonald's in forever but fuck me sideways with a lunch box $3.50 for a hash brown??!! You could go to McDonald's with $10 and come home with... Two hashbrowns lol wth is going on.

This article is bogus. It doesn't even mention the power or thoughts and prayers once!

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This is NOT corruption and Mr. Trump did NOT BRIBE the judge as you are suggesting. The judge is honorable and just and made the announcement out of his own good graces. He even pushed back a flight on his new private jet for a trip he had planned for the christening of his new yacht JUST TO MAKE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT. You people are all just jealous and desperately looking to find some dirt where there clearly isn't. SAD!

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I booked a hotel online the other day and was asked if I want to leave a tip... A tip for what? I didn't even interact with a human. Just clicked a few buttons on a website. Am I tipping the web developer?? Lol

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And then the inevitable day or week or so where it's unseasonably cold before we barrel into another couple months of record breaking heat. But during those weeks I will be told innumerable times "so much for global warming! This idiots don't know anything!"

Not to mention he seems to be confused as to why business owners don't already just layoff a ton of people to send some sort of message and put them in their place.

Hmmm... I wonder why that hasn't happened... its almost as if there was some reason business owners would actually need good workers... That can't be tho, must be something else... đŸ¤”

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The real grandmasters were the old guys we made along the way

That sounds kinda heretical to me ngl

I've lived around and have donated to blood banks in every city I've lived in pretty much. The amount of calls I get asking for me to donate is absolutely insane. They don't stop no matter what I do. I'm getting calls from places in states I haven't lived in for like a decade.

I'm pretty sure if I ever went missing or got kidnapped at this point, the blood banks would track me down and beg me to donate way before my family or the police.

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My last land lord raised rent by 2.5x after the first year. When we moved out he kept the full security deposit because "the inside of the oven was dirty"

Your mileage may vary

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What if isn't inflation but they're hiding behind that narrative as a reason to keep raising prices. Not saying that's 100% what happens but we got a whole lot of companies out there claiming there's nothing they can do about the price hikes while also reporting record profits (after adjusting for inflation). The maths ain't mathing.

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Clarify allowed. Is it actually illegal in the EU to turn on the radio or air conditioning while driving unless the buttons allow you to do it from the steering wheel?

7 more...

Yeah screw those people being able to be happy and move to an area that doesn't bend them over almost definitely worse than you. What assholes! They should have to stay in the downtown centers and pay $15 million to live in an old phone booth with a sink.

This has the same energy of people being pissed off with student loan forgiveness or something. "If I had to deal with it, so should you! I can't be happy so you can't either blah blah"

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Lmao no idea why but Eupaf Peslpbent got me. No Offense Herbert is fantastic too

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What a crazy deep cut of an easter egg. i'm impressed anyone even noticed this. That's awesome!

This is the problem. It doesn't matter. For every interpretation one may have, someone else has an interpretation somewhere else in the scriptures that says the exact opposite according to them. The book itself is such a giant catchall for any motive one may have it's almost comical at this point. Virtually anyone can use it as evidence of support for or against just about anything.

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Plus I have cats and no other humans here so it’s a quiet, comfortable, loving environment, and no job can provide that for me.

Looks like someone just needs some more team bonding activities and pizza parties with their team! Nothing builds a loving environment like a strong team!

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Just think how annoying it would be if like the best players in the world were only good because they were literally Olympic sprinters and just ran literal circles around you in a fight lol

7 more...

Holy hell do I disagree with this but I will kill every elf in this thread to defend your right to say it. Rock and stone.

yep, and this is one of the arguments that bothers me the most. I've had numerous discussions with republicans that go something along the lines of "well both sides do it" or "it's only because a republican did it" and that drives me up a wall. It's like i don't hate political assholes that do stupid stuff because they're republican. I just hate political assholes who do stupid stuff... democrat or republican i don't care. If there's proof that they did stupid illegal crap, they should all be punished. i don't get why this is difficult to grasp lol.

I mean I'd argue there's some serious room to help out the consumer since the price of cars has been outpacing inflation pretty handily since around 2014 (and been beating it into a bloody pulp since 2020). There is some insanely obvious price gouging going on when the average price of a new car in 2024 is over 49k. There is room for BOTH higher wages and at least semi reasonable car prices for the American consumer. In my eyes if you clearly aren't willing to help me as an everyday clearly struggling American today, then goooo right ahead and kiss my ass as I buy foreign if it's cheaper.

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This is the main reason I have not had children. I am almost 100% guaranteed to get Alzheimer's in the pretty near future. Having watched countless of my family members go through the absolutely heart wrenching process of Alzheimer's progression, I can't in good conscience have children (so far anyway, I'm not 100% on it) for two reasons:

  • I don't want to put them through the grueling process of caring for, and dealing with someone dying from Alzheimer's

  • While it's not guaranteed obviously, I don't want to doom a child to a very very good chance of getting Alzheimer's at some point in their lives.

There is of course a chance for a treatment to be developed but they've been saying that for decades and haven't really come up with much of anything so far.

I cannot stand how believable this scenario is.

I'm genuinely curious at this point if that point even exists. Like, I've had legitimate conversations with multiple people and i've asked them "what would need to happen for you to believe in human's causing climate change?" The answer is generally something along the lines of "I'm not sure it's even possible for humans to have that big of an effect on the earth."

I would imagine there are tons of people out there who think the same, people with VERY deep pockets and in equally powerful positions that would never change course on their money making machines. Literally the only way I see substantial change happening is if it becomes incredibly profitable.

Trust me it's not weird at all. I've lived in bigger cities in nine states, every single one of those had severe limitations when it came to any pets unless they were fish. Some areas are more lenient than others but I had a hell of a time finding a place that would except a medium sized dog in every single city and never once did I not pay an additional deposit as well as additional "pet rent"

Has there ever been a better example of the government giving the middle finger to its constituents? Nearly 90% of Democrats and 80% of Republicans supported net neutrality and it STILL got overturned. That just blows my mind.

I have personally done a blind taste test just for fun with several different types of fish that my family caught and the two of us that were doing it both couldn't tell for shit what was frozen and what wasn't. Anecdotal for sure but I thought for sure I'd be able to tell easily.

Lol the top comment after this is "me first"

I'm just grateful we figured it out before the creepers. Lord knows what they would do with such power. A walking breathing bomb... with a bomb??? Jeepers creepers

It may not matter to you, but I for one will never vote for him for president again.

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This gets my vote. Runs in my family and I've seen it first hand a ton of times by now. It is absolutely heart wrenchingly terrible. Not looking forward to that one bit.

Kinda unrelated but holy balls did you see that Tucker Carlson crap in Russia? The interview and the several videos after that... It is the most blatant ridiculous propaganda I've seen in a long time and it's strange. That combined with the crazy amount of Russian bots on those videos puts you in such a weird weird environment it's crazy

He even says

"Coming to a Russian grocery store, the ‘heart of evil,’ and seeing what things cost and how they live, it will radicalize you against our leaders. That’s how I feel, anyway, radicalized."

Lmao usually they try to be just a smidge more sneaky with the propaganda

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I have found that the issue is often that people tend to not realize they're arguing that 2+2=6, they think they're arguing what ice cream flavor is the best

Yooo that looks awesome. I wish I had a good group to play a solid campaign with. This looks like it would be so fun. Nice job!