3 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The USA has been doing it continuously for a long time

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This is what happens when you don't bring the fucking hammer down on violent authoritarian fascists. Who has to die to make it clear that this sack of shit needs to be bound and gagged while his trial proceeds?

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I get that gradually tightening the screws and doing this extremely methodically will ultimately end up with the most amenable outcome. This is a fundamental test of our legal system and it has to be followed to the letter for it to work.

That being said that's pretty fucking small comfort to a country that jails people for decades for possessing a plant that is legal in many states and yet won't hold accountable a man who we witnessed stirring up a mob to attack the fucking captial building on live television. He's a cult leader that is given a chance to speak on a national media stage again stirring up his base until they storm the capital again.

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Okay how about we stop calling it a meltdown and start calling it a temper tantrum just like the ones toddlers throw. The solution for both is the same, putting them in a corner and ignoring them until they act like reasonable people while the adults keep things running

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Will these stubborn old fucks just retire and disappear into wine country or something? You are creating a world you won't have to deal with the consequences of and the longer you hold onto power the less experience the next generation of leaders can attain and will ultimately weaken your party and has already weakened the country. Go. The. Fuck. Away. You. Old. Cunts.

Or aerosolized cooking oil if the house is open enough or possibly vape residue if they vape at all

Well yeah he fucked with rich people and their money, it was a foregone conclusion

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It's a catch all just like "communism" and "socialism" were/are. Big words that people don't know the actual definition of that can sound scary

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There you go biting the hand that feeds you again

Protest is never peaceful, if it is you're doing it wrong. It should be non-violent and as respectful as possible but it needs to be disruptive and you can't be peacefully disruptive

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You should also know that when they test for fecal matter they aren't looking for actual pieces of poo they are looking for bacteria that are present in poo. You will find those bacteria just about everywhere

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I propose that anyone getting in the way of an abortion for a child that would be born dead or suffering gets to have their dick or lips ripped off with a wheat thresher. You aren't saving the child, you aren't saving the mother, you aren't saving the doctor you just want to watch a woman in pain and know you caused that pain. Can't even think of a suitable insult because none of them seem sufficient

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Sounds like Germany can start exporting said energy and make even more money. How is this a bad thing?

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Funny how it's the most compassionate of us that are fucked the hardest by capitalism

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Why would anyone want to play ball with the GOP? It's clear that they will throw anyone and everyone under the bus to get what they want. Why help the drowning man who will only pull you in to try and escape with your wallet?

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It's the life cycle of tech. New innovative technology gets invented, takes the market by storm, generates millions in value, investors get their hands on it, generates tens of millions, becomes publically traded, corpos inflate its value, bills come due, technology sabotaged to squeeze out any remaining profit, tech become withered husk of its formal self in a space it occupys alone and we get to eat shit salad every time we have to use it

Anything you purchase to put between you and the ground. Shoes, tires, beds, furniture, foundations

Could have told you his whole story without even looking at the article. Unstable alpha male gets humbled when his woman leaves him for beating her, douchebag can't take it and would rather kill her, his kids and everyone else before admitting he's a bastard undeserving and unworthy of the love she gave him. Oh and living in a state/country where previous calls of domestic violence don't get your guns taken away even though every fucking story where an ex-spouse gets killed there was ALWAYS domestic violence beforehand

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Nah the trick is to find something you can stand doing for 40 years to fund what you actually want to do with your time

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Remember kids, fund your regulatory bodies so it doesn't take the EPA to ban a substance so well known as a deadly carcinogen the commercials advertising financial compensations have become internet memes

See that's the thing, Republicans won't care about it until they really will. They can conveniently forget they hate minorites as long as the minority person is being as racist if not more racist and hateful than them. How do you think Thomas stays the token black friend of the GOP? How do you think the prick with a last name Cruz still stays in power in Texas no less? Same story has played out hundreds of times but people never learn that the "in" group always shrinks away from them

Mr Beast was already annoying. He was doing nice things for folks so I let it go but if he joins with Twitter on this I will lose any respect I did have for him

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Fancy that, when you stop arresting kids for having a plant in their pocket more of them tend to go to college and more of them will sign up for basketball scholarships

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Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake

Maybe if you kicked his ass out after you found him trafficking minors you wouldn't have this problem. You made the bed dumbass, now sleep in it

The pie shop is doing better now than it ever was and Musk now has a new pile of shit he just stepped in, all in all a happy ending

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Won't call myself an expert but as my username suggests I'm also in the industry. If nothing else just looking at how he walks and stands is enough to tell he is lifting his shoes.

This being said I really hate that the media is fixating on the turds height insecurity and not the fact he is a mask-off authoritarian fascist that is trying to become president. It's like making fun of Hitler for his mustache, I mean it's kinda humorous but let's not let that distract from all the other more important shit

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Like Sunak actually gives a shit about "his" people.

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There's a name for it, gynosexuality or the attraction to femininity as opposed to specifically females

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Sounds like the people who run Reddit haven't been paying attention to what the internet does to greedy people who start complaining

Thought it was weird to release brand new games straight to gamepass to begin with

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Not the first time this kinda shit has happened either

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"Flips" read as "stops acting like a blubbering child and does the job he's being paid for"

Fair hit, you don't get to be the one to say it Smeagol

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How about we stop calling it their fucking money. It's inconceivable that someone can look at what has got to be at least 50% of all wealth ever made by humankind and say, "this is mine and just mine". That isn't what sane rational people think

He has too much money to give a shit, he lost more money than anyone has literally ever on this deal and he still has more money than almost anyone who's ever lived. Only way he stops being like this is if he drops dead from the inevitable overdose he's queuing up for himself

Y'all I get that the news has to get paid for somehow but all the scummy shit they do to be able to make ends meet makes me not want to give them any money ever

Something something Streisand effect?

That was my impression, similar move to schools banning the Bible citing all the beastiality, rape and mass murder in there