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To be fair, none of that was in your original post. Not knowing all of that, I think it was a safe assumption you meant the allegations of mistreatment by the CCP, rather than the Falun Gong claims of benevolence.

Obviously you didn't though, and a quick Google search suggests you might have some valid points. I didn't know any of that!

However, I do want to point out that you could say most of the same things about fundamental Christians, and while I'd personally take the same view of those types ( I do believe they're a dangerous cult) I wouldn't say anyone calling them peaceful religious types was engaging in "Alex Jones level of manipulation of the truth" and wouldn't discount them entirely for holding that view. Particularly when, as you say, it's very likely they are actually being persecuted

But hey, if nothing else I think you've shown that I have no idea what I'm talking about here. Maybe that comparison doesn't actually hold. Also, for all I know he's a bought and paid for propagandist. Honestly, nothing surprises me these days

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I suspect it's actually worse there. This guy has a series called "China fakes everything" which is worth watching

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I don't think what he's saying about Falun Gong is so far fetched to be outside the realm of plausibility.

There's been enough reports of similar treatment of other groups, like the Uyghurs and Tibetans, from reputable sources that I believe something is going on there.

As for sources, if the CCP is half as bad as he makes them out to be, it would be irresponsible of him to give sources.

I don't know enough to refute anything you've said, but frankly you're less credible than him right now. I mean no offense but you have a single comment on your account and you've offered nothing to support your claim of twisted truth.

Too much smoke to conclude there's no fire

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I'd like to see stats on that, because there are equally many 2nd language speakers in English speaking spaces as well. Not to mention the brits, irish, aussies, kiwis, canadians, etc, and that's before we get into this list of places with a non majority first language population, like many countries in Africa.

I think the percentage of Americans on the internet will be higher, but still not a majority

those running Facebook groups routinely find that their content isn’t even being shown to those who choose to follow them thanks to Meta’s outright abusive approach to social media where the customer is not only wrong, but should ideally have little control over what they see.


It astounds me how many people STILL don't understand this

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so I've just giving it a quick test vs google with the query "open source chromecast alternative"

the first result for both is a reddit post about NymphCast

it's the rest of the results that are interesting though.

Google has a ycombinator news article about NymphCast and then decends into the usual "17 best chromecast alternatives in 2024" rubbish

Kagi on the other hand lists the github for NymphCast, and then goes on to list others... mirrorCast, pyCaster, free Cast, an article on using a raspberry pi as a chromecast alternative.

obviously this is only anecdotal, and very unscientific, but it's got me interested for sure! Gonna bookmark it and see how it goes

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I prefer flipping that number on it's head. 15%. They delivered 15% of what they promised and are now saying "fuck it."

It's the equivalent of writing your name on the exam, and then sitting there doodling for the rest of the time.

signed, Hugh Mann

"Winamp, it really whips the llama's ass"

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Margaret Elaine Hamilton (née Heafield; born August 17, 1936) is an American computer scientist, systems engineer, and business owner. She was director of the Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory, which developed on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo program. She later founded two software companies—Higher Order Software in 1976 and Hamilton Technologies in 1986, both in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Hamilton has published more than 130 papers, proceedings, and reports, about sixty projects, and six major programs. She invented the term "software engineering", stating "I began to use the term 'software engineering' to distinguish it from hardware and other kinds of engineering, yet treat each type of engineering as part of the overall systems engineering process."

On November 22, 2016, Hamilton received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from president Barack Obama for her work leading to the development of on-board flight software for NASA's Apollo Moon missions.

Huh, didn't know about her! She sounds like a badass lady!

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Psh, I'm already doing that! I'm using smoke signals to write this right now!

Serious response: How would a movement like that spread awareness of itself?

1 more... has a distinctive profile picture, and I see them everywhere. Also I suspect I know IRL, but I'm not certain.

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I'm an adult and I still do weird stuff with my fingers. I absolutely cross my fingers like that.

conspiracy theorists gonna conspiracy I guess

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Recently found out about which ended up being run by ex "students." It's not the same thing, but there are parallels. Conversion therapy is essentially brainwashing at it's core, and I find it fascinating (in a horrifying, train crash, can't look away, kind of way) that in both cases, ex members become involved in perpetuating the horror.

eta: I agree it does not absolve them

Hey, don't beat yourself up about it. Who hasn't accidentally bombed a camp of displaced peoples? The important thing is to apologize and try not to get caught bomb the next one.

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I'd say it's because Apple's implementation isn't essentially spyware at it's core. The Microsoft implementation was straight up deranged and dangerous, frankly.

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Huh. My phone always tries to correct MAGA to MEGA... at least now it'll make sense... Now I just need someone to make one for MEGAN

Make Europe Great Again, Ned!

interior crocodile alligator, I drive a Chevrolet movie the-atre

I still have hope for Paralives

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Youtube Shorts is the absolute worst for this. Just recently it's massively trying to push transphobic BS at me, and I cannot figure out why. I dislike, report and "do not recommend this channel" every time, and it just keeps shoving more at me. I got a fucking racist church sermon this morning. it's broken!

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Invader Zim. Haven't watched it in years but I still quote it.

Is this so you can yell "DOWN QUARK" when he jumps up on the sofa?

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You're forgetting about the schmuck on the other end of that equation that has to answer the same question a thousand times over.

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After covid, this strikes me as a dangerous thing to say. Are you an immunologist and could you expound on this?

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So I'm mostly in agreement with you and I've said before I think we're at the "VR in the 80's" point with AI

I'm genuinely curious about the legit use you've seen for NFTs specifically though. I've only ever seen scams

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Thanks, that was a great answer! I had no idea it was so complicated. I was definitely in the naive camp there.

Did you even read the article? That's literally what they're calling for. The removal of subsidies.

As for everyone needing to pitch in, just no. The vast majority of emissions come from sources outside public control. The "everyone needs to pitch in" and "watch your personal carbon footprint" crap is just effective marketing from BP.

Not saying cutting down personal emissions is bad, every little helps...

but it's not a solution. We need to be holding the big emmiters accountable.

The only realistic way to doing that is through inconvenient protests like blocking roads and making sure we can't be ignored. How else do you force governments to turn on their benefactors?

It's been over 50 years now, and we've seen very little real movement on this. it's been mostly token and empty gestures, and pandering. It's time we stepped up our game.

Soooo she's got the right idea imo

I... partially agree? There's a bit of a difference between the targeted tracking a private individual does with an airtag, vs the generalized, but equally creepy tracking google/apple/others do through widespread tech. One definitely poses a greater short term risk than the other

Have a look at Paralives

I'm willing to bet canceling will be instant too

"VR in the 80s" is my go to analogy. Sooo many promises, such tantalizing potential.... and zero follow through

Lol, I'm not sure I'd describe it as anime, but I understand what you mean. Personally I quite like the aesthetic of it. It makes them feel just the right amount of fake to me that I won't feel bad deleting the pool ladder. I can totally see how it would bug you though. Hopefully it'll be easy to mod out, or at least turn down.

Dwarf Fortress and Doctor Who? I... can't even picture it.

Edit: I don't know why I thought it had to be a Dwarf Fortress style game in the Doctor Who universe, but actually, I'd absolutely watch a show about some time traveling dwarves! Strike the Time Vortex!

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Imagine watchibg let alone even having the option for shorts.

I like shorts for the most part

Report for what?

Misinformation and hatespeech mostly. They have some crazy, false pseudoscience to back their "opinions" and they express them violently. Like it or not, these videos "promote hatred against a protected group" and are expressly against youtube TOS. Reporting them is 100% appropriate.

it's on the chromecast remote as well now. Is there an open source chromecast alternative?

Now we're scraping the bottom Quark of the barrel?

(Come on, someone do better than this please, this was terrible!)

I feel this. I'm well aware that if my partner wasn't on Facebook, we wouldn't have a social life. I HATE that fact, but that, sadly, is where people put their events. I don't think I'd join if she left, but I can't deny that I benefit from her being on the platform.

She won't leave until everybody else does, and they won't leave until everybody else does, and so nobody leaves. It's dystopian.

They should take it literally, because it is meant literally!

They're not exploiting customers, they are exploiting people. Those people are NOT their customers.

Facebook is literally selling people in data form. Everything you post, everyone you interact with, everything you look at across most of the web (not just is all catalogued and used to create a fingerprint that is a digital representation of you, and that is their product! "Essence of /u/Melt for sale here"

Their customers are advertisers.

ETA: Link

So what I'm hearing is: Fauci DIDN'T shoot a puppy in a gravel pit for essentially getting too excited...

what a monster /s

Aaaaand the DDG enshitification begins... continues? continues.

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