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Some things cannot be replaced. Spez destroyed something wonderful. There's no going back.

It's even simpler than that: they leased the office space and have to continue to pay that lease or else pay an early termination fee. This is basically the sunk cost fallacy. But you are right that sometimes additionally they get tax breaks for certain office space, for instance the San Francisco mid-market tax break (AKA the Twitter tax break)

You'd think they'd want somebody who acted like a Christian. Surely the Bible says something about using sinful means to an end...

Why not say—as some slanderously claim that we say—"Let us do evil that good may result"? Their condemnation is just!

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice.

Dang, he only ran for president 8 years ago? It seems like an eternity ago that he was president.

This is so fucked:

When Mr. Duterte left office, his administration said 6,252 people had been killed by security forces — all described by officials as “drug suspects.” Rights groups say the overall death toll stands at roughly 30,000.

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Privatized profits and socialized losses are such bullshit.

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Except male genital mutilation, aka circumcision. (Please don't take this as me saying FGM and MGM are equally bad. FGM is much, much worse.)

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It's so bad.

III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.

You can cut one leg off an IC on the board and it becomes a regular barcode reader.

That means the supply of workers in many countries is quickly diminishing.

I thought AI was going to take our jobs.

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Who cares. Reddit is dead to me, and spez murdered it.

Reddit was amazing. I will always enjoy and fondly remember what it was like before Spez fucked up one of the most reputable cultures and brands in internet history. Fuck that guy... just... what a fucking shithead to destroy something so wonderful.

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God exists and watches everything you do and loves you while threatening you with eternal damnation.

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I will thank him for his honesty and straight forward communication. I now know never to buy an HP printer.

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I will cheer for the expulsion of a Christian nationalist of this caliber. There is so much wrong with this guy.

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Talk to HR. If they are not responsive talk to a lawyer that specializes in workplace law.

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He woke up and thought "today, I'm going to be the shitty politician that punk rockers sing about", and then he did it.

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Who cares though, right? We all unsubscribed from that useless streaming service, right?

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Meta's practices also collected protected data like race, religion, and sexual orientation. Meta disputed that it needed explicit consent, arguing that agreeing to terms of service was enough, but courts rejected this.

Oh please let this be the beginning of a global backlash against corporate EULA's and the start of a path towards a few well understood EULA's, similar to how we have a few well understood FOSS licenses.

Wow. Nobody has ever thought of using an X in their branding before. What a brilliant idea. This man's vision knows no bounds. 🙄

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What is really happening is your car has hardware features that are being disabled, and you have to pay extortion money for the criminals to not disable them. It's ransomware as a service.

So the question is, who wants to buy from a company that is running ransomware as a service?

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What about a reality TV celebrity like, oh I don't know, Donald Trump?

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14,000 rouge accounts closed? That's a lot of blush.

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What they are saying is they practice security through obscurity. Their security relies on people not knowing something that is simple to understand. This is fundamentally different from actual security where there is no easy way to defeat it no matter what you know.

It might be the most profitable Trump hotel.

lol, so what exactly does and does not go against OpenAI policy? "Sorry, I can't help you cheat in a video game, but let me know if you need help selecting people to kill."

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His name is Littlejohn, and he's fighting against rich people? It was his destiny! If that judge didn't let him off he must be in bed with the aristocrats!

Or a raspberry pi.

$75, 8gb, and this isn't even the latest model.

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God, that was worse than I expected.

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This is the most punk rock thing I've seen folks do in a long time.

Oh. My. God. Can fucking apps learn that when I say "block" and "less like this" I fucking mean it? Don't show me fucking anything about baseball, soccer, tennis, basketball, and especially not American football. I AM NOT YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE.

Also, I have to block a large fraction of my social feeds at certain times of the year because all they talk about are sports.

How to disable Face ID through the Power Off screen

  1. Hold down both the Side Button and either Volume Button at the same time for three seconds.
  2. The Power Off slider should appear. Tap Cancel.

You actually don't need to hit cancel, you can just hit lock, so you can do this whole thing with your phone in your pocket.

This is easier and less intrusive than the lock-button-5-times method because it doesn't start making a phone call that you have to quickly cancel.

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Big brother who art in heaven, surveillance be thy name. Thy data come, recon be done, stored in SQL as it is in heaven. And lead us not into frustration, for thine is Consistent, Available, and Partition tolerant. COMMIT ;

select * from prayer_requests where response = 'yes' ;

0 rows returned
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At least he didn't do a backflip and shoot into a crowd of people, right?

I think if the pro gun crowd wants to get people on their side they need to be harder on gun carriers who are irresponsible. Leaving a loaded gun anywhere should be anathema.

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This sentiment sums up so much of what is wrong with modern consumer oriented tech companies

It's really ironic when makers of socially interactive 3D experiences demand their employees meet in physical space. Even more ironic that they tell us that virtual property is valuable.

"Family values" on display again.

The word "still" makes it seem like the cause of the religious trauma was solved. It wasn't, so of course people are still traumatized.

women aged 18 to 30 are now 30 percentage points more liberal than their male contemporaries. That gap took just six years to open up.

That is quite remarkable.

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