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Joined 1 years ago

I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I'm in the front row, and I'm hammered drunk.

Worst supreme Court ever so far.

Until they start paying tax and stop molesting children all of them can fuck right off.

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Sounds like obstruction, let's charge these traitors too.

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My overtired brain took this as a coca cola plant and much confusion was had.

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Lots of losses but still paid spez a cool $193 million.

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And he'll face exactly zero consequences I'm sure.

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Conservatives already frothing at the mouths and getting their checkbooks out for Clarence over this.

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That's not fair Joe, Donny is for plenty of things. Such as McDonald's burgers, fascism, killing Americans, fake tan, committing crimes, and bad comb overs.

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What a shame he was born in South Africa and isn't eligible.

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Actively undermine democracy? That's fiiiiiine

Call a gigantic piece of shit a mean name? Right to the gulag!

Grifting his cult, as is tradition.

Good bot.

If Lubbock county is a "sanctuary for the unborn" then they'll be glad to help pregnant women and then adopt any unwanted children, right? Right?

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Can we trump proof the presidency too?

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We're fast tracking to 1930s Germany and I don't like that.

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I say we bring back dueling and let those 2 hash it out colonial style.


Here's a thought, maybe make the tax code simple to understand and eliminate these bullshit tax services all together.

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I've read somewhere that all important decision making for SpaceX and Tesla are out of muskrat's hands.

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Floridians do though.

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Show us on the doll where the evidence touched you Rudy.

3-5 fewer than he should have sadly.

So 36% of Americans are fucking dumb. Which is lower than I would've guessed.

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People are constantly surprised when I tell them my GTI is great in winter with snow tires. These are the same people who tell me their SUVs are perfect for snow rocking bald all seasons cause FoUr WhEeL dRiVe.

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Reagan would like a word.

Even if convicted Trump would never end up in anything past Club Fed or house arrest.

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Not yet, be the change you want to see! (Dont take me seriously murder is bad mmmkay?)

Surprised there's any rope left for them to burn.

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There's a good chunk of the public that is unbelievably dumb, so they'll give whatever cheato Mussolini tells them to believe.

She lacks the depth and warmth to be a cunt.

He's rich and white so business as usual.

Don't threaten him with a good time, he'll have to self report himself to his son for impure thoughts.

So it's a gimmick for rich and/or stupid people, which we knew anyways.

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He's 20 years past "retirement" age in a high stress, high responsibility position: it's good to be questioning if he's up to the job. That said Trump's mental and psychical failings are much more concerning and that's totally ignoring the whole racist, fascist thing.

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"The dildo of consequence rarely arrives lubed"

And when someone does come along, the obstructionist party torpedoes it.

Isn't that from the fugitive?

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Follow up question: how long do we think Johnson will last?

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