Shutdown standoff: White House preps for Johnson to fail to politics – 191 points –
Shutdown standoff: White House preps for Johnson to fail

Washington this morning is waiting for House Speaker Mike Johnson to release his plan to keep the government funded past Friday, with Johnson and other leaders planning to brief House Republicans in a 3 p.m. call.

Given the timetable (less than a week), Johnson’s experience dealing with shutdown politics (near zero), and the level of disarray in the GOP conference (high), the chances of a shutdown are growing.

Sources on the Hill and at the White House said they are adjusting travel plans accordingly and preparing to spend the holiday in D.C. A last-minute short-term clean CR is always possible, but over at the White House they are not holding their breath.

Aides are betting on Johnson not being able to figure this out and are preparing along two tracks.


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Follow up question: how long do we think Johnson will last?

“About thirty seconds. Yeah. I wish I didn’t know that either.”- his son probably

I feel so bad for that kid, but it ain't gonna stop me from laughing my ass off.

And, how long until an international sell off of US currency as the national credit rating takes multiple hits?

At which point, how long does the US last?

Anyone got a head of lettuce handy to compare?

What is a “head of lettuce handy” and where can I get one? Are we talking about one that you can get in a car, or is this more of kind that you get at a commercial establishment?

Not sure if I'm not getting your joke or you're not getting mine, but just in case it's the latter (or for anyone else wondering about the lettuce) -

Tldr: a British tabloid live streamed a head of lettuce the entire time Liz Truss was PM to see which would last longer. Spoiler, it was the lettuce.

Handy as in handjob, brother

Ah, as I am a sister who generally does not talk about "handies", it very much flew over my head 😂

Yes. I infer that "handy" is an American slang word that isn't common in the UK, based on this interaction. I've got no skin in this game, just having fun.

Not British, just of the wrong gender to consider that type of dirty joke 😉