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Joined 1 years ago

Fun fact, you can feel it when you're uncut too. At least, my spouse has never not been able to warn me over 14 years together, so, that doesn't seem like a good reason to mutilate kids' dicks.

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I mean, there's support and then there's enabling. Not all things that ND people do are good, either for them or those around them. We as a community don't act like it's ok for Autistic people to go around grabbing women's tits "cause they don't understand social conventions" (though I've absolutely come across this argument before, which infuriated me), why would we act like it's ok for NPD people to manipulate and emotionally abuse those around them "cause it's just the way they are"? The goal is to support them in a way that limits harm: both the harm that comes to them from outside, and the harm they can do to others.

I mean, how about my boring example from work the other day? I wanted to double check whether priority mail had guaranteed delivery timeframes before telling a customer that they did not and if she needed something by a specific day she should use UPS. When I searched "is priority mail delivery date guaranteed", the first real answer, from USPS's website, was a resounding no, just like I thought. Guess what Google's AI told me? "Priority mail is a guaranteed service, so you can choose it knowing that your package will be delivered on the projected date."

It's fucking stupid. It's wrong. It should not be at the top of search results.

I mean, I'm sorry, but if they believe that abortion is baby murder, black people are predisposed to being criminals, poor people don't deserve to have healthcare, and trans kids should have to live in a miserable hell that makes them want to commit suicide, I'm not going to just "not talk about it" and stay friends with them. If your morals are that fucked, I can't in good conscience call you a friend.

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It is when they vote for people who outwardly say that shit. I don't care what they claim to believe, I only care what their actions say they believe. I don't know a single "conservative" who wouldn't vote for a politician aiming to infringe upon minority rights, and if you're voting for people who want me to be forced to bear a child I don't want, or who want my trans sibling to be banned from receiving life-saving medical care, or who want to deregulate the medical industry so that insurance companies and profit-hospital CEOs can line their pockets at the expense of the working class, or who want to give more money to racist cops who harass my black friends? Then you can talk about how you don't hate trans people all you want but the consequences of your actions say otherwise. You can say abortion doesn't bother you but I don't believe you. You can say "well, I have a black friend" but you're still voting for racists. And I'm sorry, but that makes you a bad person and I won't be friends with a bad person.

Maybe in other countries it's different. But American conservatives only want to "conserve" the status quo of rich white people doing whatever they want and everyone else getting fucked. They can deny it, but until they stop voting for it there's zero reason to believe them.

The last 2 times I went under (for a complicated tooth extraction and the subsequent implant) they didn't do the countdown, which surprised me because that was what I remembered most clearly from my lung surgery as a teen. They just asked me if I was comfortable, then said "Good, cause you're about to get extra comfortable!" and we laughed, then I woke up. Maybe it was a dental surgeon thing? But I've also got a really good relationship with the dental techs and the anesthesiologist was a riot.

PSA: it's actually supposed to be "toe the line", aka stand with your toes on the line like a good drone. Earlier versions of the phrase included "toe the mark" or "toe the scratch". They are adhering to the party line, not pulling it along behind them.

That's a lot of words to say "I don't actually understand how technology works".

On that's easy, it's because he's still on Putin's good side.

As to why no one has... encouraged him into any other "mysterious accident", though, your guess is as good as mine.

Firefox mobile now has a full suite of extensions, including old reddit redirect to bypass all that bs. It's the only way I access reddit anymore for answers/the last few niche communities that haven't been built up on lemmy yet.

Yeah if I'm gonna get digital-carded to play a video game like I get regular-carded for booze at 34, I will absolutely just start pirating everything.

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did not actually file copyrights on their art with the U.S. Copyright Office.

The way they've worded this isn't really a sufficient explanation of how this works. An artist is automatically granted copyright upon the creation of a work, so it's not that they don't have the right to protect their work. It's just that, without registration, you cannot file a lawsuit to protect your work.

Copyright exists from the moment the work is created. You will have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for infringement of a U.S. work.

However, if it's within 5 years of initial publication, they can still be granted a formal registered copyright and bring the complaint again.

This is different because, to a certain extent, people in the public eye can expect, anticipate, and react to/suppress this kind of thing. They have managers and PR people who can help them handle it in a way that doesn't negatively affect them. Billy's 13 year old classmate Stacy doesn't have those resources and now he can do the same thing to her. It's on a very different level of harm.

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This is the most painful "you had me in the first half" I've seen in a while.

The problem I see is not that Islamophobes are against the religion of Islam. They're mostly just against brown people and use "Islam is a religion of hate" as an excuse to justify their racism. Furthermore, most Islamophobes "hate" Islam for the same reasons the love Christianity, they just don't like that brown people have been able to do what they haven't - suppress an entire population through the use of their religion, subjugating and oppressing women, LGBTQ+, other races, and non-believers. It's not that most of them have any actual problems with what hard-right Islam does, they just don't like that those brown (enter slur of choice)s are the ones doing it instead of them.

Wow, that's so much better than fire and brimstone. Still not enough to make me believe in anything, but I can at least understand why a kind and rational person would be ok believing this, vs the eternal hellfire punishment crap.

Asexual people don't exist in MAGALand, silly!

Yep. I'm on immunosuppressive medication so gimme gimme - I've managed to only get one very mild case of covid so far and even that was fucking miserable. Do not want, please give more vaccine.

Because unfortunately, you have to meet the customers voters where they are. You're not gonna reach gen z with cable ads anymore.

He was effective at getting a bunch of wannabe fascists to become full fascists and follow him into violent failure...

Yeah, I get autoimmune vasculitis from time to time when I have a rheumatoid arthritis flare up and it looks very similar to this (although mine is never this bad because I take meds, like holy shit that guy must be in ridiculous amounts of pain and needs to get on some medication right fuckin now)

I have been eagerly watching this since it was first reported on in September. I will literally throw myself at the researchers to be a test subject for RA when they get to it. Cannot fucking wait.

The woman arrested wasn't the driver, just the dognapper. They haven't caught the man who was driving yet, but I assume he'll have much harsher charges if/when they do.

Who's the artist? This has excellent composition and I'd like to see their other works.

The Beatles - Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band


White Album? Abbey Road? I mean, even if you aren't a big fan of Yellow Submarine or Magical Mystery Tour, how can you say freaking Abbey Road is a comedown from Sgt Pepper's?

It doesn't work. You can still always tell the kids who have new uniforms vs those who had to buy second hand, or those who have designer backpacks or shoes from those who have Walmart versions. The rich kids who were raised to be assholes will still find something to look down on the poor kids about. Best friend was stuck in private school for years and hated it because of this.

I know a lot of people didn't like it because it was a departure from their earlier style but I honestly think A Thousand Suns was their peak. I don't even like all the songs on it, but each one was so obviously crafted with care and intent, and you could tell they were really all-in on it. I think the exploration of their talents through a post-apocalyptic concept album really challenged and brought out the best in them.

I miss Chester still :(

She obviously is. She's said so dozens of times! And really, who would just go on the internet and lie like that? ;)


Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul or bust son, Aximili is just a lowly aristh, ain't got nothin' on a true prince ✋😠

It's because we have brains and can read further than the headline 🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh, I see the problem. You've written black and brown people.

You should know by now that they don't count as people unless they go through a very rigorous "personhood" check, with markers such as "will they stay quiet about racism," "will they strive to emulate rich white people in dress, speech and manner, to the detriment of their own culture," "will they lead fully sanitized lives as wage slaves without complaint and never dabble in white collar or petty crimes that would be ignored if their skin was lighter," and "will they silently and happily vote for rich white capitalists in politics, against their best interest". Because clearly if they can't follow these very generous and simple guidelines, they don't want to be considered people, duh.

Fuck I feel dirty having typed that out.

That's because he refuses to exercise, like, at all. He thinks humans have a finite amount of energy to use in their lives and exercise is just "needlessly draining the battery".

Oh, it's very easy to understand. They're worried their tax dollars might help someone who "doesn't deserve it", so they'd rather not help anyone.

CVS participates in the govt program that gives the covid shots for free. I was between insurances when my husband left his corporate job and I'm immunocompromised, so I looked into it and while there's a few schools and medical centers participating too, CVS is pretty much everywhere and it was absolutely zero cost to me.

Friggin teach your kid they can't make plans without checking with you first, then? Besides, what if you text them at noon and they made plans with their friend at 10am? How is that any different?

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Now that's a blast from the past. My edgy teenage nostalgia is calling.

Because I can't get my husband to take his shoes off right when he comes inside after 13 years together, so I've given up and just started wearing shoes inside myself 🤷🏻‍♀️

It depends on how you manage it. We had a system where parents could pay up front for your lunches, and students using that system got their lunches the same way the needs-based students did - the lunch lady just checked their name off the list for the day. You could guess at who had which, probably, but there was no way to confirm it.

That being said, you're right about the bureaucracy and I'm all in favor of free lunches for all students regardless of their parents' income.

Every time I give myself my Humira injection I feel a little bad about the giant plastic cylinder I'm throwing away.

But yeah, without it I may as well die, so 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyone got a head of lettuce handy to compare?

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