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Biden could have started saying, "you know, I've never been a good debater -- especially with a bit of a campaign cold -- but what I have been good at is running this country. I've clearly been around for a while and, since I've dedicated my career and life to being a servant to this great country, I've never been more optimistic about America's economy. Yes, we've taken a few punches recovering from the pandemic, but compared to our international neighbors we are doing ok. Not great, but not bad. There is still a lot of work left to do cleaning up from the mistakes of my predecesor, but we are making good progress and will continue to do so. "

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The problem is Biden’s team has been saying the economy is great, look at all the metrics… but people don’t feel that it’s great for them. It would be helpful for Biden to validate people’s concerns and feelings instead of dismissing them.

The economy is doing well, let’s admit that. But the first question of the debate demonstrated that things are not great. Denying that reality and pretending otherwise is extremely damaging. I don’t want a grandpa who will lie to me to make me feel better, I want a grandpa who will sell it to me straight but help me through what I’m going through.

If Biden could accept and be upfront that people are struggling day-to-day, he may not alienate as many people over to Trump on economic success.


You’d be surprised how much of a place’s physical infrastructure depends on a physical line. Automated fire alerts for high rises, security alarms, remote access for gates and doors, backup phone connections. A lot of this still uses old physical lines because it is easy to fix and highly reliable.

Now consider the infrastructure needed for specialized services like EMS, police, secure and classified buildings, federal agencies, embassies, smart traffic signals. Shutting down a network like that has massive implications for anything in society that relies on it, which is well beyond your cell phone plan.

As an Oregon voter, tough shit. We voted with a 68% majority to amend the state constitution, with explicit penalties for legislative absenteeism.

The chilling impact they are feeling is the will of the people bitch slapping their defunct political strategy.

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Why are these not standard at every beach in the US?

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Terminating RJ-45 takes about 2 minutes if you damage the connector, and takes novice techies about an hour to get it down quick. You can’t say that about USB-C.



Hahaha, get fucked, Mr. 45

Long story short: WW2

The military required men to be clean shaven, which was partly tactical (proper gas mask seals), partly to whitewash the service (e.g., black men can have severe skin reactions to shaving every day), and had other benefits to unit cohesion and general order (routine personal fitness and hygiene).

Well, that stuck, and an entire (massive) generation of men and their male children were taught that to be good they simply had to be clean shaven. Those two generations make up the vast majority of business and political power in the US, so the idea of “success” and “power” was idolized by a clean shaven male. This was further accentuated by the counter culture reaction of this cohort’s kids in the 60s and 70s, where longer and unkempt “bad” hair was cast against this “good” clean shaven look.

Fast forward to today, those traditions and appearances have been baked into most of modern life. As the boomer population starts to fade away, so will the tyranny of the razor.

Can we get another admin to sign off on this being authentic? In other words, short of a signed GPG signature how do we trust announcements after a breach where admin accounts are compromised?

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Using AI with humans-in-the-loop is a fantastically powerful combination. We can solve many problems with smart system design that humans alone cannot achieve.

Source: PhD on automated animal censusing: we can build visual databases of individual animals for passive and long-term conservation work.

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I can’t agree more. I watched the video and not only did he not topple over due to his own movements, he made very witty comments and played to the crowd in the moment.

Honestly, I would be scared to show that clip of my opponent having a human moment.

To accentuate the argument, relying on science here is not a good idea because concepts like “viability” will very likely change with technological advancement. In 100 years, it could be perfectly possible for a fertilized egg to grow into a baby outside a mother’s womb. Eggs or sperm could be genetically modified to correct for disorders and syndromes. What would viability really mean in this scientific context?

This argument tormented one of the SCOTUS justices on the original Roe vs. Wade decision.

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The Chevy Volt PHEV was an absolutely fantastic car, I was very sad the day I sold it and even more sad when GM said they were discontinuing the line. Whoever brings a PHEV truck to the market with 100 miles of all-EV range, I’ll buy it day one.

Pretty sure the 5th Amendment doesn’t protect against obstruction of justice if you knowingly wipe your phone while under custody

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It’s not dumb to spend $10 on 5 tickets and spend the next 2-4 hours imagining / discussing what I would do with the winnings. It’s basically a movie ticket for my imagination, costs the same amount, and lasts about the same amount of time. I call that worth it for a bit of fun every year or so when the jackpot gets really high.

A felony wouldn’t disqualify him.

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Well he can just fuck right off

…like, out of the hospital

…preferably out of his profession entirely, if possible

This is the reason why theoretical physicists and engineers rarely have fun together at parties.

In this particular scenario, it likely doesn’t hurt that AOC represents parts of The Bronx and Queens.

In a word, no.

In more words, haha no.

We can start with cancelling my neighbor’s dog at 6AM and work our way up to jet tarmac zen garden.

I mean, this is like seeing the Dutch East India Company or Shakespearean London or the events of Les Mis in Game of Thrones.

In my mind, these are very distinct time periods. One has castles, the other had coffee.

Seems like a worthy trade, let’s do it.

Thanks for the reply!

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If Chevy put their Voltec powertrain from the Volt PHEV into a Silverado, I’d buy one the first day it came out.

Fun fact, the only way you can claim dependents on your taxes is with a social security number. Some people in the US are exempt from the Social Security system and don’t have a number.

So good luck getting a social security number for a frozen embryo.

I have a strong feeling you don’t live in the southern US.

Humans naturally conflate wealth with either high intelligence or impeccable morality. In religious circles, this is often the source of prosperity gospel. In economic circles, this is often the source of fraud.

California is a massive market and has huge impacts on car manufacturing across the US. Put it simply, if a car can’t pass inspection in CA then it is almost not worth selling it. A car bought in Pennsylvania will have additional parts and components to pass CA smog standards. Not only would it hurt their brand loyalty to have a car incapable of being sold in CA, but it may simply be cheaper and simpler to build the capacity in for all cars instead of having two slightly different trims.

Well, it’s a good thing this guy will never be elected president…

That’s a pretty big decision for a 22 year old. I understand your point about it feeling condescending, but I can’t help but feel like the doctor was doing you a massive favor. It may have been an inconvenience but that’s better than the chance of a lifetime of regret.

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I feel like I’m cursed or McD’s is taking a huge nose dive. I haven’t had a good, hot, not-soggy, salty McDonalds french fry in like 2-3 years. Every time I go, the fries are super gross. I’ve taken several road trips and the only consistency I’ve experienced is how terrible the fries have been.

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I mean, Jeff said he got it covered… yeah, Jeff’s got this one.

A double digit bump would be, at worst, 10%. 160 million people voted in 2020, so 16 million. There are just under 1 million police sworn officers in the US, so I’m gonna take a guess that this is a worthwhile electoral trade-off for Biden.

You don’t need a percentage to make that number meaningful. That amount of money would nearly fund the US Navy for 1 year. They operate multiple nuclear aircraft carriers and submarines.

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Me too, and the quick connect and passoff with my various Apple devices makes the Max a clear standout. I can live with them being a close second to the Sony headphones, especially when the Max excels at the spoken word tests.

I just wish they didn’t look so goofy on the head.

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I highly recommend people read / listen to The Brethren by Woodward. It is a political narration of the inner workings of the Supreme Court by one of the same reporters who took down Nixon.