ValorieAF [she/her]

@ValorieAF [she/her]
0 Post – 52 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Whoa Black Betty, slam ba-lam

Republicans immediately after trump was shot at:

Political violence is never okay.

Republicans 1 week after trump was shot at:

If trump loses we'll start killing people!

Well, let's see

Looks at everything on fire around us

Yeah I have no clue what could have caused his life to be bad enough to do something like that!

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Fucking bullshit. Citizen uses the 2A for its rightful purpose and gets charged anyways.

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The moderators probably seemed like they were on her side, because they only fact checked trump. But we all know the reason for that is because most of what he said were lies.

Kinda sucks when minorities bash other minorities.

Hopefully he'll actually be in prison before then.

So it was rigged, but they won? Hmm sounds familiar

He was saying "wait wait wait" as SS were trying to escort him off the stage, so he could pose and pump his fist. He knew what he was doing here

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I love minotaurs

Rare Ohio W

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If there is actually a god (of the Christian variety), then there is a very high chance that trump is the anti-christ.

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For an adult to get SRS in the US, they generally need to have two letters from therapists supporting the surgery (for both surgeon requirements and insurance), and insurance that actually covers it (unless they wanna pay like $100k out of pocket). But no, teachers are just doing it to kids for free.

On the flip side, I once had a super vivid dream that my wife started ghosting me, and left me for someone else. Years passed and I was still alone, lost interest in all of my hobbies, had to get rid of our pets, and I caught up with her randomly and she looked like she was much happier and better off, and I was so upset in the dream that I considered suicide. Woke up and was relieved that it was just a dream, but frustrated with my brain for putting me through all of that.

New "aight I'ma head out meme" just dropped

If anything it's just a bit.. weird....

I'm an ex-christian whose read basically the entire Bible. I'm amazed how many boxes he checks but my Christian parents who support him don't agree.


Not as far as I'm aware. A lot of people don't care for sure but the general consensus in the trans communities I participate in (mostly r/MtF on reddit) agrees it's a slur and find it offensive.

"Trap" is almost strictly a porn term / tag. Not every trans woman wants to be referred to by that, nor do they want to be sexualized.

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That's cool but you don't go and call girls you don't know sluts, and in the same vein, you don't call trans women you don't know traps or trannies.

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"I know I'm offending a group of people but I don't care"

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Chipotle. I don't understand why anyone likes cold burritos.

I am trans and find "tranny" and "trap" offensive. They are derogatory terms.

EDIT: Damn crazy to see such bigotry on this platform. What a shame.

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I realized I was actually trans in the summer of 2022, and I started on HRT in December 2022. I had to take a break from HRT tho because my sister needed a place to stay and I didn't want to have to hide things, and then of all the worst timing, I lost my job. Once I found a new job and stabilized my life again, I started back on HRT in June of 2023 and have been on it since (so 14 months).

My wife started using she/her pronouns for me right away (at home) and I came out to my friends in April, and finally my parents and mostly everyone else including work in July.

I still see plenty of "Let's go Brandon" signs that have yet to be taken down.

Someone link to the video of him talking about it from a few years ago

Hell yeah I want a VIM mug

It seems like trump has leaky fluid and that really grinds his gears.

The shooter was a registered Republican

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Probably but who would fire the left up more than Bernie?

Again that's cool, but is it right to call people you don't know sluts? I'm not sure what your point is.

...Yes, people should be able to call themselves what they like, but using a derogatory word to describe a group of other people is a no-go, sorry. It's like, using a derogatory word to describe a group of people from a certain race is obviously wrong, right? This is no different. And if a significant percentage of people from that group definitely consider a term derogatory, then maybe you shouldn't use it.

As I said before, "trap" and "tranny" are both terms used almost explicitly in pornography. You should NOT refer to a transgender person or group of transgender people using either of those terms, unless A) those people are all okay with that term being used to describe them and B) it is in a pornographic context. But even better not to use those terms at all - trap is literally saying "you've been trapped / tricked by a girl with a dick" and tranny is short for transexual which is an outdated and now derogatory term.

Yes, trans communities exist outside of r/MtF, but that subreddit is a general non-pornographic forum used by many trans women, and the opinions of the people there give a pretty good consensus of how trans people online feel about certain topics (including this one, which I've seen multiple posts of).

Depends how much fiber they ingest, I would suppose

Who the hell cares about interaction though. Why do I NEED to go into the office to see Dave from a department that I never need to interact with? As long as I can fulfill my job duties remotely, that's all that matters. Otherwise interacting over emails / chat or audio meetings is plenty.

Now we just need Butt goat

Arm-powered? How am I supposed to use one when my other arm is being occupied?

Because money

What the fuck lol

There is a clip with audio where he says "wait wait wait" in quick succession and turns around to pose. I do know he was asking about his shoes but I think that's separate from what I'm saying

🤞Bernie Sanders 🤞

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