
1 Post – 179 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

I can't express how excited this makes me.

I have been saying for years now that regulation is the only cure for the housing crisis, and resulting homeless crisis.

I wrote my Congresswoman about this a while back.

Fuck. Yes.

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I think it's more likely that he is looking for excuses for the years of delays on the cyber truck.

Now he can blame it on his "desire for perfection" instead of admitting that his timeline was never viable

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I've been dreaming of a future where Uber, DoorDash, etc are devoid of any corporate organization. Developers, drivers and support staff are the only human workers, the rest is organized by a complex, but open source, program.

No investors, no shareholders, every cent goes to the workers. Wages are higher in prices are lower because we aren't paying five VPs a million dollars a year or sending all our profits to the shareholders.

I think advances in computing and AI could actually make this possible. If only greed didn't run the world it might be doable

I want free market capitalism that works for us. What we have now if slavery with extra steps

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We just let anybody have a gun these days

I say that as a firearm owner and manufacturer. Anytime somebody asks me about my guns I explain to them how any 13-year-old could have done the same thing and how are gun laws are completely broken

You can be pro gun in pro regulation at the same time, fuck all these false dichotomies

I am getting the feeling that Israel (aka US) is creating more terrorists on purpose. If my entire family was killed and I survived I would be out for blood. I think anyone would.

Is this done just an excuse for the US to re-insert itself in a middle eastern conflict so our tax dollars can enrich the military industrial complex? Sure seems like it

We created our enemies in the Middle East, they would have no reason to hate us if we didn't.

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That means that you are personally liable for the 1 Million dead civilians from our unconstitutional war in the middle east.

Using this logic you are fair game for a terrorist attack, and would deserve it.

50% of the population was not born yet during the most recent election where Hamas gained power (16 years ago)

Stop parroting this bullshit and think for yourself

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Once they raised prices I created a media server with jellyfin (+Sonarr, Radarr, QBittorrent) and never looked back.

Automatically downloads new episodes of my favorite shows

Got my own personal netflix accesible anywhere with infinite users. No one can cancel an episode of my fav show and erase it from existence.

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I think it's at a point where the left needs to arm themselves and train their family to operate firearms safely. 2024 will see "lone wolfs" born of stochastic terrorism like this. They are prepping the handful of armed mentally ill to commit violence on Americans if they don't get their way.

There were multiple bomb threats against elementary schools and libraries recently.

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And if you accidentally open edge you can't even close the application without going through the setup process.

They literally tried to force you to make a Microsoft account as set up and make it seem like you have no choice other than to make one.

Microsoft is more guilty than Google

Pro tip: enter no@thankyou.com and any password to bypass it

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It's funny how efficient it is when you're poor. They'll give you a public defender that won't answer your calls and you will only see them 5 minutes before the hearing. You won't stand a chance, and that is by design.

We don't have a justice system. We have a poverty pipeline.

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Brutal truth telling, exposing corruption

Not to mention the CIAs involvement in the formation of Al-Qaeda

These wars are not protecting America They are making us more vulnerable

What we do is not defense, it is conquest.

The only thing scholars agree on is that he was baptized and he was killed. Nothing in between is supported, it is all fairy tale. All the miracles, bullshit.

Who cares if some mentally ill man 2,000 years ago created some fucked up cult based on the lie that his mother didn't cheat on his father and get pregnant. If I could go back in time I would murder Jesus to save us from the Christofascism we are facing today

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Bring us a rational Republican and we'd have a choice to make. As of now it's democracy vs fascism. Easy choice

Go ahead and get froggy in 2024, FAFO if you must

This comment is so out of touch.

I work in CAD and 3D printing and I'd be completely dead in the water if I used Linux.

No fusion 360, no cura

I bet there are plenty of other apps that I rely on that are not available on Linux.

I'm not some sort of Windows fanboy either. I'm disgusted with their action in the recent years.

I run Linux on my home server, but not my main computing machine

Let's be realistic here, your experience is not universal

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Weren't most cases of election fraud in 2020's election committed by Republicans?

Our governor's son tried to vote for him even though he was 17. He was turned away and then came back later that day and tried to vote again...

It's always projection

Correct, but no one on the right is advocating for the working class while a decent amount of the left are pro union and pro worker.

Just because both candidates are bad choices does not mean they are equally as bad. The DNC & RNC decide who is the candidate, let's be real. Primaries are rigged, so we get "a shit sandwich vs a giant douche" as South Park put it so eloquently.

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Unless he disagrees with you

All of this is taking years off his life and that is cause to celebrate. I just hope he dies in prison

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Someone fell for the anti-vaping propaganda...

PG is not dangerous, vitamin-e acetate is.

Black market THC cartridge makers were adding it to improve consistency, causing lung issues.

Greedflation is real

My rent went up 24% this month. Now I'm paying half of my income to one corporation

More than my parents mortgage on their house

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all those amphetamines and cheesburgers have to catch up with him sometime. he's morbidly obese and nearly 80

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The wealth inequality in America today is worse than France pre-revolution.

We are long overdue, bring out the guillotines

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Yeah I got a 20% raise and my rent is going up 24%. Any progress I make is immediately thwarted.

If I stay here I'll be paying half my take home income on rent for a 1BR

that kind of defeatism guarantees that we will never have a morally upstanding president.

You are a part of a self-fulfilling prophecy. Sanders would not get everything he wants done in a term, but any progress is better than our current puppet presidents

Good reason to never move to TX, MS, AL or GA.

Humans are fucking disgusting. If you zoom out far enough we are just a bacterial infection of the Earth. Spreading our gray cities like bacteria in a petri dish. Growth for the sake of growth is the mentality of a cancer cell.

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Because he is not as smart as people think he is.

He did not invent Tesla. He did not create Twitter. He did not create SpaceX.

Musk has done nothing but use his family's emerald fortune to leverage wealth to create more wealth. He has not contributed to anything.

anyone over retirement age should be barred from running, and that should not be controversial.

If you got on a plane and the pilot was 80 you'd be a bit worried, and we let these fucks run the most powerful nation ever to exist.

Exactly, playing on people's ignorance like current talk show on-the-street segments do. The joke was not that they thought women shouldn't be able to vote... It is just humorous to hear people say they are anti-sufferage not understanding what theyre saying.

It's like asking people if they are afraid of dihydrogen monoxide in their water...

It sounds like you think IBM has the same employees from 90 years ago...

Is your point that they should be consistent in their historical anti-Semitism? What exactly do you expect them to do other than disavow their past transgressions?

If anything companies like IBM, Hugo Boss and Volkswagen should be extra vigilant about supporting Nazis because of their past.

Your ancestors probably did some fucked up shit too. They may have own slaves. Are you arguing that you should be defending slavery since your ancestors engaged in it?

Think dude

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So edgy. Hand yourself over to Al-Qaeda or ISIS since you are responsible. I will buy your plane ticket for you.

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been saying this over and over for a while now

Make the 3rd home any entity owns taxed at 50% property tax rate. Make it prohibitively expensive to try and turn the American Dream into a subscription model.

This is not for us. This is for your children who will otherwise "own nothing and be happy".

And if they die a couple days after a beating the master is absolved of wrongdoing.

The bible is fucked

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Jellyfin + Sonarr/Radarr + Bittorrent = free personal netflix with infinite logins.

I gave logins to my whole family over the holidays and now they can watch anything they want. They just text me the name of the movie and it's up there in 2 minutes.

Streaming is becoming just as bad as cable was. I'm done playing their games.
Hulu literally has adds on their PAID subscription.... People are getting WAY too used to being butt fucked by these companies

edit: I used this guide to set it all up: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/5911487

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then why have any consumer protections? and why have a minimum wage?

They are just going to make up for it with higher prices right? Let's make min wage $1 so we can all enjoy low prices. right?

You are playing into their hands

idk about a majority....There was a massive protest outside Netanyahu's house.

Israeli's are bombing their own civilians that are being held hostage right now. They are killing their own as if they are disposable.

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Then he can file bankruptcy and not have to pay back the loans he took out to buy Twitter

I think it's all his plan. Naming it X was the big red flag for me

It's that time of year to prove you love your family by spending money

Too many of them believe that Wi-Fi causes cancer and that COVID was engineered to spare Jews. Our shitty public school system is intentional, keeps us dumb and scared