Angry_Autist (he/him)

@Angry_Autist (he/him)
0 Post – 561 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

IED(EDS) sufferer and spectrum surfer. You probably won't like what I have to say.

I am serious enough that I have punched nazis before and look forward to a time when I can punch nazis again.

Violence is necessary for a functioning society to address those that reject the social contract that are not amenable to rationale.

Some people are more dangerous alive than the disruption their death would have caused.

I appreciate and understand that you are a strict pacifist, and that you feel it is a worthwhile life to follow, and I agree with you.

The problem is, in order for most of the populace to be pacifists, there still needs to be agents of violence to remove the disruptors who wish to co-opt or destroy our society that are not amenable to words.

Your ideology cannot exist in the real word as it will be consumed by other ideologies that do not eschew violence.

[This user has been banned by an activist mod and their inbox blown up by racists and piss drinkers]

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I don't know if it still works but abusing the physics engine to make kinetic ship obliterating shotguns added an easy extra hundred hours to my gameplay.

Can we get a little deeper of a discussion as our top comment please? We used to be better than this...

Most upvoted top 2/3rds of the thread are all repeats of the same 'yeah no shit'.

The remaining 1/3 is actual discussion...

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Authoritarianism will never die, there will always be people wanting to be dictator.

Violence is needed to hack back the sprouting fronds of fascism wherever it arises, but it will never stop arising, and Normandy wasn't won with a strongly worded letter.

I've got 1k+ hours in both Fallout 4 and Skyrim, bought them both on opening day.

Haven't finished either of their main quests, for Fallout I just really didn't care at all about Shaun.

Tactics on how to spot propaganda

shared stories of propaganda sources exposed

Little know practices of the putinbots for study purposes

there's a fucktonne of stuff that's better than 35 renditions of 'no shit sherlok'.

Hermaevs' youtube channel has a no-hit RL1 boss run where she shows Morgott's safe spacing and timing, got me through and now I'm trying to RL1 Radahn and I'm stuck there lol

I have played Dwarf Fortress and I consider myself quite good, pulled off a bunch of tricky megaproject engineering tasks and mastered hydraulics and lava flows.

Most people consider Dwarf Fortress a very hard game. I consider it a moderately hard game.

Noita is a


hard game

And I say that as a person with likely more than 20k hours in game.

I bought it, played it for 2 hours, got tired of dying to invisible poisoned zones and uninstalled.

I WANT to like the game but it is really stupidly buggy and claustrophobic

As a recovering ex-Floridian, the cities are pretty blue, just you know normal regressive fuckery keeps this from being apparent.

Plenty of minorities tired of old rich white men too. This year is going to be interesting.

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The media is owned by rich old white men that would gladly accept fascism for lower taxes. It's that simple.

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Excuse me, fruit are NOT in GENERAL low caloric density with the exception of strawberries.

This is part of the danger of getting your nutrition advice from some internet randos.

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Bring back hanging as an execution method for sedition.

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Protip: Some of those shops are not meant for the poors to shop at, and set their hours accordingly.

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I am blisteringly angry about CSS in general AND THIS FUCKING ISSUE IN PARTICULAR since 2005 at the very latest. Likely enough to up the average for several thousand people with only mild dislike for CSS.

If CSS had a church I would burn it down. In minecraft of course.

cuntservatives have been outraged by SOMETHING literally every year I have existed on this planet, and my first console controller only had one button...

Still remember my mother freaking out over a satanic panic and throwing away all of my action figures because I was apparently worshipping satan by playing with my Ninja Turtles.

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It has enough mass to deform into a spheroid, it orbits on the major plane of every other planet.

"Clearing their orbit" is utter bullshit, Earth hasn't even cleared its orbit that's why we get the Perseid and The Leonid meteor showers.

Fuck you NDT, I know you didn't start it but you SURE as FUCK popularized it.

And I will literally fistfight any of you who disagree idgaf where or when.

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Cannot wait to see some of the sick things modders bring in the coming years

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Well if this stacks up with the rest of his claims then it's going to perform as a GPT2 model and come out the box rrrrrreeeeealllly racist.

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Eighteen? Have you SEEN how hard they push to drop the age of consent?!

To the Gilead crowd, if she's not on her 2nd child by 18 then they send the council around to find out why.

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What the fuck even is 'liberal corporate culture'?

Corporate culture everywhere is 100% regressive hierarchies.

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I will help you understand:

Narcissists treat the world as their personal toybox. The people inside are not 'people' to them, but 'things' to be manipulated, exploited, and discarded.

Narcissists also are hyper-focused on appearances and anything that may be associated with status and control, so being seen as the father of a daughter that represents values not approved of by regressive conservatism is a detriment because 'How can he be a good conservative world leader when his daughter is trans?'

To regressives, LGBTQ+ people represent glaring flaws in the universe. They embody a dangerous disregard for the social values of 100 years ago, which the regressives enshrine in some sort of misguided cultural nostalgia.

Instead of simply considering it 'the way people are born', they view it as a deliberately anti-social choice taken for the express purpose of the individual contributing to the collapse of society.

So when regressives harass and marginalize LGBTQ+, they genuinely feel they are performing a morally good act that keeps society from imploding, and the constantly pumped out anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda the right keeps vomiting up keeps the fires of their hatred burning.

Your child is statistically safer with a drag queen than they are with a priest, politician, or hollywood producer. This is a fact they will ignore as long as it allows them the moral latitude to hate what they don't understand.

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The more I see MBAs taking c-suite positions, the quicker the company collapses. Seen it more than six times now in person, and countless in the news.

I wonder how long before they notice.

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The only reason this shitbag's site is still relevant is because it is a boomer propaganda machine

He knows he's complicit in the collapse, and just wants to make enough money to survive the world wide riots that will result. Every decision he makes is to guarantee that goal.

There are probably less than 5 emails in our internal helpdesk queue this month that WEREN'T marked as urgent.

Urgent problems this month include: 'The glare from my kitchen window washes out my laptop screen', 'How do I change the color of my folders icon?' and 'Client reports hearing faint mumbling from their org's landing page'

I handled the last one personally, she had a forgotten tab with a looping podcast playing on very low for the last few days.

When EVERYTHING is urgent, NOTHING is urgent.

Literally every sane person on social media called this guy out as a pedo 2 years ago.

I can't believe people STILL idolize him...

It teaches the kid to rely more and more on AI for everything, just like Google wants.

They're already 'thanking' siri and alexa, this will be a very dangerous development.

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Nothing says 'normal' more than having to constantly tell people you're normal...

Yes, that's what rational people do, pick the less damaging choice.

What the FUCK is wrong with you people who actively choose the more damaging choice for lulz?

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I will now list every scripture passage where Jesus speaks on homosexuality:

" "

Thank you for coming to my presentation, the receptionist will validate your parking.

Canned fruit salad, the ratio of ingredients is for some fuckdamn reason federally mandated so there's little difference between brands.

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You had the chance to legitimately used 'defenestration' and you didn't jump on it?!

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I am so fucking tired of this era of rampant consumer abuse. So. Fucking. Tired.

They test us and test us and test us until we are so exhausted that one of their bullshit tests goes through and becomes an industry standard and now everyone except a tiny handful of ridiculously rich people are slightly worse off.

Repeat ad enshittificatum.

I'd love that opportunity to grab him by the ear and explain why it's so beneficial for our society to actually cater to the needs of humans.

This is exactly it, still have a lot of family in cult45 and it's crazy how many of the boomer generation WANT a civil war because they imagine it will improve their standing.

If it does happen, it's probably going to go the way the last one did.

Boeing is just a symptom of the rampant corporate greed and irresponsibility that modern MBAs teach as part of normal daily operations.

It affects everyone, makes everyone less safe and less secure. Enshittification on a world scale brought to you by Next Quarter Only bottom line capitalism.

But the powers that be are fine with it for now, mainly because of class war.

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Almost everyone who's ever known him for more than 20 minutes knows he's a raging narcissist without the actual smarts to back it.

I predicted Peloton's failure on launch, two of my cryptobro friends laughed and dumped semi serious money into it.