Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win | Trumpist county election officials are preparing to throw the process into chaos. to politics – 844 points –
Get Ready Now: Republicans Will Refuse to Certify a Harris Win

A lot of what needs to be done is making sure that the Harris win is large enough that you can't easily claim that a handful of ballots should be tossed and change the outcome. That means:

  • Check your voter registration — part of the Republican strategy has long been invalidating registrations so people can't vote
  • Volunteer — nothing in the world quite like talking to people.
  • Donate — money is used for everything from ads to voter turnout operations
  • Organize; be prepared to turn out with others in your community to actively object to any effort to ignore your votes

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Bring back hanging as an execution method for sedition.

Over noticed that peiple dont really fear the social consequences of their actions, especially sinve scammers and con men keep getting chamce after chance to steal money. Cant help but feel that coincided with the decline of a good ol' tar and feathering.

Autocorrect should not be turned off.

Believe it or not, that's with autocorrect on. I haven't been able to find a sywpe keyboard that's worth a damn in the last 10 years

The new Futo Keyboard is phenomenal. All the features of Google keyboard/swiftkey but completely local and open source with on-device speech to text if you use voice typing (with models you can swap out yourself if you want).

Just make sure to download the latest pre-release version as it fixes a bunch of bugs and adds missing stuff compared to the 'stable' release.

It’s basically a cheat code for society. So much of our functioning civilization is built on honor code that just noclipping straight through has shown that there’s no backstop and you can just about literally get away with murder.

Well, it's a cheat code for the rich. There are only consequences for your actions if you're a poor

Oh there are consequences for the rich, just that some cultures (like us) are so complacent with bread and circuses that we haven't yet felt the collective urge to pick up rocks and bash in the heads of the callous owner class.

History shows what happens when the rich live consequence free for too long.

Cant help but feel that coincided with the decline of a good ol’ tar and feathering.

I legit think that's part of it but more in a broad sense that we've lost nearly all sense of a local community. People act differently when they legit don't care about the opinions of others around them.

That didn't used to be the case back when everyone knew everyone else in the local community because ratbags would get cut off from doing business and retaining services and everyone would publicly shun them which is a significantly more powerful tool for social shaping than people realize.

We need to bring back the sense of local responsibility that being a part of a community used to involve. I have no idea how to do this.