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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah the title already said that. "GOP Sen."

Tl;dr: they voted

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Am I the only one who feels like exclusively jerking to their SO is weird as fuck?

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The issue is not the number of houses, it's who owns them. There are 16 million houses with nobody living in them because private investors are buying them purely as an investment.

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I went to a comedy show in a somewhat "progressive" red area last night and the comic made a joke about pronouns (not in a negative light) but as soon as he mentioned pronouns pretty much the whole audience started booing at pronouns. It was pretty sad to see.

I genuinely cannot understand why anyone gets hot and bothered over pronouns. It's crazy. They're crazy people.

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15 minutes is a pretty long shower

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Empress is the only person that cracked denuvo games, and recently they've decided to stop cracking them and become a cult leader.

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Some people are just wired differently, those people are programmed in a way that just so happens to be congruent with our society. It's not that something is wrong with you, it's just that society is "more right" for them.

Cursive was a mistake

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It's also heavily subsidized

Remote restroom usage

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Why in the hell do push notifications need to be generated on google/apple servers? I'm sure our phones are more than capable of processing the information from the app to the lock screen.

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No. All the other kids in her class are typing their own essays. Why isn't she?

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Ohh sorry, surely your daughter is the only child enrolled at the online school.

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Because they're using different tech. That's like asking why do phone calls sound bad compared to voip calls. They're just using different tech.

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Used to, then I started jogging 30 minutes a day

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Hey man maybe just eat regular food

It's actually because sailors were often looked down upon in high society and they used their elbows to keep their plate from sliding around on the table as the ship rocked back and forth

Landlords are crazy the way they just paint over everything so lazily. Doorbell? Paint. Door hinges? Paint. Nails/staples from the previous resident? Paint. The floors near the base boards? Believe it or not, paint.

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To be fair, printers are full of ghosts and demons. Even if you get to know how a printer works for years it'll still randomly just do some crazy shit you weren't expecting.

Voting 3rd party is voting for Trump.

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That's not true, at least not for all vpns

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Expert sex change?

Why does the Mac make you sweaty?

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But they are using a technicality that allows them to label them as 0 calories. While pickles don't have many calories, they don't have 0. According to fda guidelines a serving between 0-5 calories can be claimed as 0 calories and even the nutrition facts is allowed to say 0.

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Both of those games are on PC

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They do now, yeah

What are they gonna do, arrest 40% of the country?

Flushed the entire AD not realizing I somehow got back into prod

I like the sentiment, but unfortunately most places that get looted like this are mom and pop stores :(

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Isn't that just eugenics with extra steps?

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"world news"

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That's not true at all. Most of the houses are in prime areas, otherwise they would be bad investments for the people buying them.

I would imagine our hunter gatherer ancestors had a far easier time falling asleep given their activity level during the day, their diet, and their lack of artificial lighting (particularly blue light).

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Do you give credit to Canon for the photos taken with their cameras? Do you give Adobe credit for the digital art made in photoshop?

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Just like how people you can't stand the most just subconsciously remind you of yourself, republicans can't stand the taliban because it's like looking in a mirror for them.

It says in the article that the money will fund different projects that will combat food insecurities. It's not implying that the 1.7b will directly buy food for people, that'd be silly.

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This is sick.

Am I crazy or were you also posting updates to the pmw subreddit a few weeks ago?

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unrelated to your comment (sorta), but I just saw your comment update in real time after you edited it. I just thought that's a really cool feature and wanted to point it out :)

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The word "strict" does not inherently mean bad or oppressive. It just means that the rules have teeth.