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Joined 1 years ago

That's the whole point. Unless you are a dog you don't hear it. Otherwise it would just be a normal whistle...

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It is even worse than that. He wears his hair in a way that the it does not go below his eyebrows and ear lobes. But the school is mad that it could . It makes my blood boil.

Religion, at its core, is basically rules that state "don't be a dick." Unfortunately, all of the dicks didn't get the message.

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With all of the violence going on in the world today, I am constantly surprised at how little of it is directed towards insurance company offices.

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The article "conveniently" omits the names of pilot states and the eligibility criteria, so I dug them up:

The Direct File pilot is available to eligible taxpayers residing in Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming.

You may be eligible to join the pilot if you live in a pilot state and report these items on your 2023 federal tax return:


  • W-2 wage income
  • SSA-1099 Social Security and RRB -1099 railroad retirement income
  • 1099-G Unemployment compensation
  • 1099- INT Interest income of $1,500 or less


  • Earned Income Tax Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Credit for Other Dependents


  • Standard deduction
  • Student loan interest
  • Educator expenses

The pilot is not an option for if you:

  • Have other types of income, such as gig economy or business income
  • Itemize deductions
  • Claim other credits like the Child and Dependent Care Credit, Saver’s Credit or the Premium Tax Credit

I'd be perfect departure time man. Able to determine exactly when to leave in order to arrive at your destination on time, regardless of traffic, weather, or other conditions encountered along the way.

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That guy is essential the head of the Republican party, which controls half of Congress and holds a majority of seats on the Supreme Court. When he says jump all of the other Republicans ask how high, while they all try to figure out ways to 1up each other to please him.

So when he speaks, he indicates what he wants to happen which telegraphs actions of all of his sicophants. So if he says "torpedo the border bill" it gets canned. If he says IDGAF about NATO, you can be sure China and Russia see an opening they can exploit.

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I can't be the only one disappointed by the lack of an order by clause after being told the list was being sorted (twice!)...

Next advertising campaign: Cable companies sued to keep us from telling you how much money you'd save by switching to YouTube TV. Find out the numbers for yourself at calculate your savings link

Afterwards they will complain that they lost their jobs because they are being persecuted for their political beliefs.

Of course it was American Airlines. Whenever you read a story about an airline doing something terrible to a passenger, odds are it will be them. I stopped flying on them a decade ago after a bad experience with power tripping flight crew, and every time I see a story like this I continue to not regret that decision.

I wish a prosecutor somewhere would look at the pervasive pattern of this behavior and bring a Rico case against police departments and union leaders engaging in coverups. Sadly if one did they would probably turn up dead shortly afterwards.

They will never stfu. The lack of evidence is just further proof of a giant conspiracy to these folks.

I liked it a lot better when the conspiracy theory nutjobs treated the x-files as a documentary and were convinced the government was hiding evidence aliens were among us.

Collective punishment is a war crime.

For first names we separately compiled lists of names that we liked from whatever sources we could find (Internet lists, books, media l names used in media, etc). We went through each other's lists and vetoed names that were a hard no. Then we wrote the names out on a sheet of paper in random order in a playoff bracket style arrangement. Each pair had a winner until there was only one.

For middle names, it had to be something that flowed well with the first name. It also had to be able to convey that special sense of "you done fucked up" and disappointment when said with the first name (while emphasizing the second), like "John PAUL". Finally, candidates were from (mostly deceased) family members.

Names and initials were checked to minimize bullying potential; if we could think of a way to abuse it the name or combination was rejected. For example, Karen would be a no due to current slang usage. Or if the initials would spell ASS.

They set the flashbangs off outside the house, which shattered windows. Putting some security film on the 1st floor windows should do the trick. Generally a good idea anyway as it makes it difficult for a burgler to gain access by breaking a window.

Flashbangs aside, reinforcing and bracing the doors isnt a bad idea either -- metal plates around the lock on both the door and the jam, screws that dig into actual house structure, etc. You won't make it impenetrable but they won't be getting in 6 seconds after knocking on the door.

They usually lag fmv by a few years in my experience. But I've never seen a case where they are 2500+% less than the value of the property.

Yes, modern religion has many rules made by the dicks once they took over. Before the dicks rules were things like don't steal shit, don't fuck your neighbor's wife, don't murder people, don't lie about shit, etc. The dicks were so bad that some other guy had to come along and say "seriously guys, stop being dicks". But the dicks didn't like that so they killed him.

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The Church's position in general is that everyone is immoral and going to hell without the Church's help. (See original sin, the sacrament of confession, etc)

He isn't saying "gay is now ok." The pope is saying that the sin of homosexuality shouldn't be treated any different than the sin of lying, greed, stealing, envy, cheating, murder, child molestation, etc.

I think the quote from him below expresses his viewpoint with more nuance than I could:

"The door is open to everyone, everyone has their own space in the church. How will each person live it? We help people live so that they can occupy that place with maturity, and this applies to all kinds of people."

"What I don't like at all, in general, is that we look at the so-called 'sin of the flesh' with a magnifying glass. If you exploited workers, if you lied or cheated, it didn't matter, and instead relevant were the sins below the waist."

"We must not be superficial and naive, forcing people into things and behaviors for which they are not yet mature, or are not capable. To accompany people spiritually and pastorally takes a lot of sensitivity and creativity."

"Everyone, everyone, everyone, are called to live in the church. Never forget that."

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They don't need the fascist nutjob mob, they just need to have enough members to win impeachment votes. Impeach the president, then the VP shortly afterwards, for the "high crime and misdemeanor" of being a Democrat. Done.

You see, only 39% of the population voted. 95% of the people who voted, voted for Putin. So if you extrapolate that out to the entire population, you get 37% + 95% = 132%. With math like that you can't lose!

I bought my first house in 2010, during the last dip in the housing market. Sold every asset I could for the down payment and end up with a mortgage payment I could afford. The value of the home has since increased 3x from when I bought it; I couldn't afford to buy the place today, let alone move someplace else. My major source of frustration has been property taxes, which now cost 1.5x more than my mortgage payment. I'm not entirely certain I'll be able to STAY in this place if they keep going up 20%/year like they have been.

That's because it is absolutely terrible. It is the first serious/real "language" I have encountered since Cobol where indent level has functional meaning. This is not good company to be in.

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I'm convinced those statements are wrong in some way. Either not comparing houses of similar size or unoccupied units are skewing the numbers. Or they just tell everyone they're doing horrible to try and sell energy efficiency stuff.

When I compare using figures from my thermostat via beestat.io my house is in the top 40% (uses less energy than 60% of similar homes in my area).

A more cynical person might suggest they are doing this BECAUSE of that. Biden can't run on the numbers if Texas keeps blocking action.

Once, while traveling though Idaho, I came across someone peeling a potato in a reststop bathroom...

Hamas are not the good guys. That doesn't make the hospital the bad guys, and it doesn't make everyone in Gaza complicit. Your inability to separate different actors in this scenario is limiting your perspective and objectivity.

The evidence available makes it pretty clear that the hospital was not /targeted/. That makes the incident a tragic accident, not a deliberate overt act -- regardless of who is ultimately responsible.

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Perhaps you just need to learn what gossip is.

Georgia's governor is a Republican.

They also won't be able to tell you if Microsoft has plans to deport you to Mars.

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You assume that rulings would be consistent. If you read any of the recent decisions you will note plenty of hypocrisy and a decided lack of reasoning consistency in their written opinions. It is almost as if they are trying to justify a predetermined outcome...

So you'll see plenty of rulings in favor of things red states like and against things blue states like.

Ubisoft will own the streaming rights, worldwide. They will license those rights to other game streaming services (including back to Microsoft).

I've met more mature 7 year olds.

Saw one the other day with Jennifer Anniston. Good enough that it took a second to realize it was deep fake audio and video.

Those "good" cops stand by and do nothing while watching the bad cops be bad. Even if they aren't going out and hurting people they are part of the problem by enabling that behavior.

Avocado toast or peanut butter toast. I guess technically there is some sort of cooking involved there but it is minimal...

The lite, being the cheapest model in that line, unsurprisingly only supports 2x2 mimo. Getting 600mbps from that is actually really good, but given net bandwidth is nearly identical to what is available for wifi5 I'm not surprised you didn't see much of a difference.

An ap with 4x4 mimo would substantially outpace your wifi 5 router.

I'm pretty sure he has already violated it after the verdict was read. How funny would it be that he gets jail time for contempt at his sentencing hearing?