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This was kind of my response. Everyone is thinking of Trump's shit, I was wondering about Al Awlaki. Assassinate a 16yo American citizen at a child's birthday party in Yemen? Np.

What result did we expect except some weird middle ground that allows the war on terror and a shitload of other extra-judicial killings with no proper declaration of war? They're codifying immunity that was already assumed.

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Two. The Seals got his little sister.

It does blur. I used to watch all the videos of police murders and try to remember the names. I also used to hope we would make progress.

I think this ruling was the most likely outcome, but I was kinda wishing we'd get every ex-president, except maybe Jimmy Carter, in front of a firing squad.

Inexpensive AR. Typically bought in pieces. You can get a basic rifle pretty inexpensively.

When haven't presidents been able to order assassinations?

Aw. I was gonna thank you for being a good sport but the catty downvote kinda ruins it.

Have a good day, either way, friend.

If I were a copium dealer I'd be rich as fuck right now.

At least you're just delusional and not gaslighting others because it seems like the right thing to do.

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Same. I'd go through cabinets to find shit to read.

They kinda set the trap themselves on that one. They took the risk of putting him on TV and he lost.

The Ancients in FF7 were a race called Citra. The Japanese version used the name Aerith (Aeris in the US) and she was a PC Ancient.

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Trump's faults are obvious to all of us. Even when I talk to Trump supporters at work they recognize it and mostly just don't care.

Gaslight, deny, deflect. Anything to avoid facing how fucked we are.

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Get a poverty pony and some ammo.

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It's not one mistake. It's four years of obvious decline being put on stage where people have a harder time covering it up.

I don't know if anybody wants you to worry to indecision, but it sure would've been nice if this had been acknowledged when it might've been repairable.

You're not going to get any accountability my friend.

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I'm going to blame the people that have been trying to gaslight everyone into thinking that Biden was fine.

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Aerith, no!

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As much as it sucks, at least it's being adjudicated.

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He does this shit consistently and has been for a couple years. It wasn't one fucking answer in the debate. Christ. We are so fucked.

That citrussy tho.

We still doubling down on this shit?

Do you honestly think Biden just had one bad night?

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That's the fucking point. You don't have a choice. They decide. You vote for who you choose. Hope you don't have a problem with that or you're a fascist.

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Fair enough. Prolly too personal. I still think there's room to show compassion to people that are frustrated with Biden.

Either way, hope your weekend goes well.

Fair enough. Bathrobe is the old trope of elderly people wandering around in, well, fuzzy slippers and a bathrobe.

A silver alert is an Amber Alert for old people.

I was referring to Biden with the first and CNN helping him when he got lost with the second.

Probing questions are bullshit.

Okay, I said you're pro trump, which, in action, you are.

Yes, me arguing with people IRL that Biden is a better choico is de facto Trump support.

Oh, so you actually are a psycho. That's why you said that.

No. I said it because you're treating people poorly. This isn't healthy for you or your party or political goals.

You have less self awareness than either of those old fucks on stage.

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Let me quote myself nearby:

Trump's faults are obvious to all of us. Even when I talk to Trump supporters at work they recognize it and mostly just don't care.

Gaslight, deny, deflect. Anything to avoid facing how fucked we are.

Pretty sure my father was a cook. A cook routing encrypted messages.

I mean I don't discriminate a whole lot when I'm having a good time licking things.

The context is in the sentence.

It's pretty bad...yeah.

Because they have principles you don't agree with?

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You've lost it. I tell people to vote for Biden, I'm just not a fucking psycho. You've let this shit steal your humanity.

Once your gaslighting fails completely and Trump actually wins because you couldn't lie about Biden's health well enough for people to not bail I'll at least still be here showing you the compassion you can't show for your own peeps.

Lol ally. I don't claim to be anyone's ally. I'm not on your side, or almost anyone's, I'm legitimately talking about you railing at people who are ostensibly and obviously on your side with more hate and vitriol than you could probably find for actual goose stepping nazis. It's pathetic and disgraceful and you need to step back and evaluate how you treat people.

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"I won't vote for a genocidal duder" is a perfectly fine position. They don't have to subscribe to harm reduction. Stop shitting on your fucking allies. Jesus.

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Explained it to another dude in the same thread.

I'm sure I could find a hamburder joke with Trump on the stage.

I'm not sure if Boeing is going the same route we are, but blue collar people - the ones building and assembling airplanes - are treated like replaceable cogs. They aren't taught the actual meaning or point of quality/quality management systems. It's mostly warm bodies. When I ask people if they've read the specs that cover the processes they're doing, they stare at me. It's maddening. You're performing a complex process solely on OJT? Fucking lunacy.

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The retaliation isn't even the story here. Interference with delegated FAA responsibilities is, and the FAA should be handling it. Any type of delegation interference is a serious issue.

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No. They'll see it as a power move.

Fully insured. They likely had liability but couldn't get full coverage, which is perfectly legal.

It's hard for me not to go off on speculation like this. Bunch of random assumptions for no reason. You can look up the requirements. For my state it's a weight/passenger limit.

Chicken tax and EPA nuttery. It's fucking bullshit.

If a lot of them are ridiculous speech, anti-trans and abortion laws that could also inflate it. Pass dumb laws, get dumb court cases.

The scam is called pig butchering.

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Waste of energy. He's been lying about his popularity for quite a long time now.