5 Post – 178 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The new testament stories were written well over a hundred years after. That would be like someone today writing an account of the civil war based solely on stories.

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Christianity and capitalism. If it doesn't make you feel guilty the Christians don't like it and if you can provide it to yourself for free the capitalists don't like it.

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I mean it was never actually a good place for news, aside from the top five trending stories, if you wanted infinite bad takes on them.

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I don't know, he sounds like he always does.

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May I offer you some punctuation in this trying time?

Well isn't that the pot calling the kettle a pot.

Digital privacy.

It was very recently revealed in unsealed court documents from I believe 2013 that the Facebook app pushed a certificate to mobile devices that funneled all of everyone's decrypted traffic through their servers. That means every webpage visited, every file sent and received, every word typed passed through and was stored on a computer at Facebook HQ. One engineer was quoted as saying that Zuckerberg had a particular interest in looking at people's Snapchats. It was also revealed that Facebook had a data exchange partnership with Netflix where Netflix had open ended access to user's private messages.

Now you don't have to be a Snapchat or Facebook user to see how wrong and downright creepy that is, but if you bring it up with the average person you can see their eyes immediately glaze over. It's hard to blame them, it feels like a hopeless situation and it's much more convenient to pretend it's not happening. People have been completely indoctrinated into abandoning their right to privacy. It's a real shame because if we were paid as individuals what our data is apparently worth I'm sure that perspective would quickly change.


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Enough with the AI chatbots. They try to shove one down our throats on our computer desktops, in our browsers, in our messaging apps, now we need to be inundated while trying to game?

They committed treason, they should be in prison.

Not just YouTube. Now I have to say I'm not a robot when searching from my phone because I dare use a VPN that's not theirs.

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I also work in a data center, I can't take anything :(

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Turns out you're not supposed to feel tired after doing nothing, sleep 12 hours, then wake up tired..


I've thought about this way too much and if you seriously think you're in danger, there's a few things you can do. Obviously lots of security cameras with local and off-site backups. Then hidden cameras, whatever spy cameras you can find, with an SD card in each. Then you need to create a deadman switch. Something you must interact with at least daily or it automatically uploads all your videos and documents etc everywhere it can, and / or sends them to your lawyer or journalists if you think you can trust them. I err on the side of public release as well because as long as it's in the public eye it will be subject to scrutiny. That's also why I'd start establishing a social media presence. "HI I'm X, I blew the whistle on Y. There's a hearing scheduled for Z and I would like to once again publicly state that I don't have any current medical or mental health issues and I have no plans to ever take my own life. Anyway here's how to make waffles" or whatever.

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Please support Foundation 451 and consider donating. It is a Florida teacher-led organization that has already provided thousands of banned books to Florida students and is opening up banned book libraries all over the state.

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Most CEOs are sociopaths so that tracks.

I'm all for blaming boomers, but what about the corporations and foreign entities buying up single family homes?

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To be even more pedantic, Columbus arrived in South America. He never saw any part of what would become the U.S.

Also we celebrate the birth of our nation on July 4th, the supposed anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, but it was actually signed over a period of several years and wasn't even the Country's first governing doctrine.

And just because it's a fun fact I like, Florida was a Spanish colony for longer than it's been a U.S. state.

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Only people dumb enough not to connect the strong economy under Trump to Obama, or the current issues to Trump.

Too bad that's the majority of people.

You'll need a school full of students and probably some news sites to run an article about you in order to make those kinds of profits.

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Sometimes you have to pre-suck to show investors you are serious about dismantling your company so they can feed on the corpse.

"I'm not on the bus so let it crash"

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Not sure if people still use it but you might have better luck posting on XDA.

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Why did you repost the thumbnail from the article??

If Russia attacks the UK they've attacked NATO and all bets are off...

Stop wondering, it's literally always a marketing campaign. How wildly inept would any PR firm be not to do this in 2024.

You're fine with a corporation making money off your copyrighted work? Without seeing a cent of it?

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He's just not the bigger dick. Let's hope he fails equally as miserably in the next elections he decides to throw his hat into. People dismissed Trump for similar reasons and look what happened. 10th try's the charm, sometimes.

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Yep yep, same. Old droves get destroyed. My word that I'll wipe the drive is apparently not enough.

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Right, he literally said he'd crush protests and deport protestors. It's terrifying AF when someone with this much influence is this ill&informed.

End of support means no more security updates. MS already ended support for Win 7 which has numerous unpatched vulnerabilities.

Certifications certifications certifications. Get your A+ or net+, apply for shitty remote help desk jobs like They will suck and you'll get back to back calls, but keep your ears to the ground and a few months experience should be all you need to hop to something else. A lot of places are desperate for competent techs. Degrees don't prove anything, I'm fact it seems like kids are graduating with these technical degrees and zero actual practical knowledge.

Source: My decade long IT career off just an associates degree.

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Enshittification - a pattern of decreasing quality.

Why life expectancy in the US is falling.

Declining Health-Related Quality of Life in the U.S..

The enshittification of life is real.

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A year ago it was a joke at my (IS) office how much I dislike Musk. Now his dickery is part of the zeitgeist and it is such a weight off my shoulders that I can stop being the only local champion of this cause.

Crap I knew there was something I was supposed to do!

Let's be fair here, it works okay.

Jane Doe has a personal account, two business accounts, a page she set up for her dog, and a secret account for affairs. There are five monthly active users right there.

Pretty dumb. I thought this would be about lending libraries -_-

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Love Jon Stewart. You two are not communicating the same point.

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He should have listened to himself in Smallville 😞

This is amazing but also so super unfair to Ralph who's never once shown the severe brain rot required to be part of the modern Republican party .