Maybe becoming president takes more than just being a dick to politics – 279 points –
Maybe becoming president takes more than just being a dick

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He's just not the bigger dick. Let's hope he fails equally as miserably in the next elections he decides to throw his hat into. People dismissed Trump for similar reasons and look what happened. 10th try's the charm, sometimes.

10th times the charm with help from Russia and who knows who else. Russia ran a really tight psy op campaign on facebook and laser focused their energy on those most likely to affect the outcome and even more importantly more likely to be persuaded by fake news.

Oh I'm well aware of how Russia has helped him and the GOP and all else from their playbook (Just wanted an excuse to mention that), but let's not pretend that he wasn't also greatly aided by the American media's obsession with him and the constant stories he provides and ratings he brings in. Let's not forget how the DNC helped him by sabotaging and hamstringing their only viable candidate because it was Hilary's turn.

Are we of the opinion these factors couldn't possibly come together to fuck us again, because I'm not quite so optimistic.

The media you refer to like fox and those who now own cnn were working on behalf of at least one of the following if not more, russia, sa, china, etc.

Some news just glammed onto trump because he is a clown show that drove ratings. The rest helped him get elected because daddy putin or a saudi prince or someone else told them to.