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It was also the opening theme song to an old scifi show from decades ago.

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Cleopatra 2525 is the one I'm talking about. I always feel like that show is older than it actually is.

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This is false. They aren't really that much heavier, 1k lb or so. It's not the weight that tears up tires it's the instant and 100% torque when you hit the accelerator. If you go easy on the launches your tires will last longer.

You should watch more scifi, it's all like this, especially the stuff from the 80s through 2k.

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They knew what they were doing on that show. The main woman in it has been scantily clad in a ton of stuff before and since that show.

That it was.

This is the difference between the two sides.

The right thinks that the rules don't apply to them.

The left takes even the smallest infractions way more seriously than they need to. I'm still pissed off about Franken. Pretty sure Biden didn't do a damn thing to protect his son aside from just being his father as most good parents would do regardless of their innocence or guilt.

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Yes, this is a big fucking deal.

And to clarify here. Biden is declining because we all do at that age. No one is immune to that. Trump is declining because he has abused who knows how many different drugs and fuck knows what else over the decades, add that history to age and it's never going to be good. Biden has always had a stutter and while I know you didn't mention it, it's been used a bully stick by the maggats seemingly unaware of the fact that their guy has been deranged and unable to stay on topic for years.

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This goes in the (no shit sherlock) pile. Those of us who have been paying attention and saw the instant flip from red scare to licking putins asshole have known this for a good couple of decades now.

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I'm sure the spikes and other barriers that were put there by the state of texas have nothing to do with the number of deaths.

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They are going broke across the country. Trump has been sucking up all of the donations and then spending on legal bills. He is going to be the end of the party and I'll be watching with glee.

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I wouldn't throw in the towel just yet. When was the last time a sitting democratic president lost the second term, with a strong economy? Plus the entire 18+ demographic waking up thanks to the attack on reproductive rights, on trans, gay, basically anything other than white males.

With the number of criminal charges trump is facing I would be surprised if he gets anywhere near this next election. All it takes is one or two states declaring him unfit under treason and sedition and he has zero chance of winning even with the electoral college being borked.

Plus keep in mind that trump is good for these news organizations. They are going to keep giving him the spotlight and he can keep rilling up the 75% of us that know what his masters want from him.

Remember that it's a very small, very loud minority supporting trump. We also don't have the same troll farms manipulating people on fb and elsewhere like we did last time around. We will also be more likely to be more vigilant (hopefully) protecting people at the voting booth from people scaring off anyone who may vote for sanity.

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I question his fitness for office if he had no clue, they aren't shy about these beliefs and they have gotten less shy post trump.

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Nice to see the reddit attitude making it's way here. OP is downvoting all of the correct answers and the bad advice is getting upvoted.

To everyone reading this. If you don't want spam calls stop answering numbers you don't recognize. You should also go to your carrier and opt in to whatever spam blocking service they offer (should be free).

I would also advise as I did in another comment to keep your real number on GV or similar with decent spam protection/blocking and use a direct number you can burn if needed.

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It's exactly the same. But because it's their god it's somehow different, but it's not.

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Yep and they said it out loud at cpac.

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And nothing of value was lost.

I'm going to call bullshit on that premise.

Holy shit. Why did I read that. There is zero science in that and it's nothing but religious, woo woo, bullshit. That domain and this user are definitely getting added to my block list.

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Not really. The choice is between a fascist sychopant who did more damage to this country than we will likely ever know or an experienced statesman who has led the charge to undo said damage and bring us forward on many fronts. If trump had won again we would probably be chest deep in the worst depression we have ever seen and note that I said depression and not recession.

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Yes, you just didn't get caught.

So anyway, I started blasting....

Surely they are running out of troops. How many people do they have to toss at the grinder?

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I hope that Biden gets reelected and then a few months in steps down and gives us the first female and black president. The maggats will lose their fucking minds and I'm going to have a trailer of popcorn ready for the show.

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I get what you are saying but keep in mind that he has been losing his ability to stay composed for awhile now and it seems to be gaining speed. He is sundowning as we watch. I doubt he will be mentally capable of campaigning in a few months. He literally just told the world that Biden took a shit in the oval office, just when you think he can't get more unhinged, he proves you wrong.

I'm not sure where to find it now but some clinical psychologists or psychiatrists (iirc) gave a pretty decent breakdown of how trump is breaking down mentally.

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Word for word (from what I can remember).

We didn't go far enough on January 6th, next time we will end democracy.

Yes. They said it out loud multiple times and over the past few years they have started saying lots of quiet parts outloud. We have a decent chunk of this country who are supportive of and helping to install a dictator.

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Because someone else wrote it.

Trump is a moron and can barely string a sentence together when he is winging it. When he has a prompt and someone he owes money to tells him what to say, he is as eloquent as he can be.

I feel like the only one who sees through the bullshit. I feel like I'm the only one who has realized that trump isn't a smart person nor good at speaking unless he has a script to follow that he can't diverge from because as soon as he does the crazy cat lady is on display.

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It's a perfect example of the dog catching the car. They likely never expected to be successful with roe and had no idea what to do when they won. This is also likely to be their downfall. I'm not sure they thought through just how many younger voters would be riled up and extremely pissed off about it.

This is never going to be worth the investment. What is needed is more charging stations at rest stops, and points of interest off the highway. People can stop and top up their battery while they use the restroom, get some food, stretch their legs, etc.

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The left could use more of the my way or the highway. We (our representatives) have let the right pull us towards their insanity in the name of "working together". Hopefully we get enough control back this election that we can stop playing footsie with them and tell then to sit down, shut up and let the adults take care of things.

Shit dude, give me access to most things I want to watch and most of the stuff I've forgotten about and that's worth $50/month as a minimum.

I've come full circle back to wearing an eye patch. I was using amazon, hulu, hbo and paramount, usually letting some lapse or pause to watch stuff on the other ones but they have all gone to shit. It's impossible to find what you might be interested because just like netflix they show the same shows/movies in multiple categories and their search sucks ass plus they are all missing a ton of good shows.

Now I am slowly downloading shows from the past that I don't already have in my library and haven't watched in years while I keep an eye out for new shows I might be interested in. I use showrss to auto download current shows that it has in its DB to a vps and I have sync setup to mirror it to my nas so I can stream it to my TV with vlc. So much easier than opening hulu, finding the show I want to catch up on, etc.

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Shhh, you're exposing our top secret plan.

This right here. It's not like no progress has been made and the legality of things is not under the presidents purview. Biden can't wave his hands and declare weed legal across the country. It's close to being moved away from the current scheduling which will be a giant step forward.

Plus, for the convictions, I'm not sure he can unilaterally override state level convictions for weed.

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This is why I run my own router. I'm sure my cable modem has a way in but then you'd have to get past my router.

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This isn't exactly surprising. Despite how dangerous some people think this country is, I've never felt like I needed any protection even in the so called "bad parts" of town. There is also a clear difference between those who conceal carry and those who open carry.

I drive for a living, uber, my own service, etc. On the uber and lyft subs on the other place their are a ton of drivers who feel the need to be armed when working and they don't seem to understand how having a gun out of sight isn't exactly a deterrent and having it out in the open not only breaks a ton of laws, it would make it more likely that someone would try to take it and the driver would be the one likely to be shot in the process.

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Not exactly. The issue is that we have let the idiot's take control. We have let the idea of democracy and civility lead us to this mess. Those of us with working brains need to start yelling louder than the morons and tell them to sit down and shut the fuck up because the adults are taking back control.

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Where are you that you're paying anything extra for sms? They used to be expensive because they could charge that much, now that are included in even the cheapest prepaid plans. If you are paying per message, that's a you problem and you need to find another wireless provider.

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None of this is accurate at all.

Work harder at your fake news and bullshit.

For those who may not know, we have gun regulations because the black panthers started carrying and some people (I'll let you guess who) didn't like it that black folks were carrying weapons.

I've been known to text them back some very very NSFW images. That tends to put a stop to it (until the next batch of wannabe flippers gets that number).

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The smarter kids will just go in and change their bday or create a new account that has them old enough. The only way to prevent that is to make them verify ID on every single person logging in from a Florida based ip or is a resident. But, what about those who are traveling from other states, should they also be forced to upload ID? I'm going to say no.

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