Reddit's licensing deal means Google's AI can soon be trained on the best humanity has to offer — completely unhinged posts to – 148 points –
Reddit's licensing deal means Google's AI can soon be trained on the best humanity has to offer — completely unhinged posts

Cant wait to see how Google AI is responding to something in english written by a German user with "SPRICH DEUTSCH DU HURENSOHN!!!!".

Yeah, that will be a real problem. Germans really have a special culture on Reddit where they are writing a unique form of German. If you train an AI on /r/de , /r/ich_iel or /r/okbrudimongo , you'll produce something special.

Dieser Post ist Staatseigentum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland!

Now waiting for spam articles about which is the best poop knife.

We should spam gibberish so it gets confused

Too easily filtered. You need to make plausible posts with subtle errors.

Poisoning the data set will be pretty hard I reckon.

Reddit already has a lot of shit they don't want so I imagine they are heavily filtering it.

I imagine they'll stick to heavily moderated subs like askscience