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Joined 12 months ago

I'm not working in the meat industry, but in the german food industry. German meat consumption has gone significantly down, but the most "feelable" effect would be that vegan and/or vegetarian options are now a must for every restaurant owner who knows what he is doing. A few years ago it was normal for restaurants to have no vegan option on the menu or for them to be kind of crappy. Now there are so many vegetarians that you will run into problems with your restaurant if your vegetarian option is crappy - because those vegetarians will complain to their family and friends and lead them into other restaurants.

(and yeah, there are still restaurants left without good options for vegetarians. Your region also might play a role - but chances are that you can find a pizza without meat on the menu that is not a Margherita)

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This - Twitter is currently not usable without an account. You can't see any posts and there's no way to ensure that your followers will see your posts. Therefore it's really useless as a communication channel for government information.

This should be human usage - the user survey was done by phone.

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One of the biggest problems with this AI-spam in every app is that there is no workable business model. You can't run the AI locally on most end user computers. And running it in the cloud or via OpenAI API is expensive and won't work in the long term. So you're looking at another one of those stupid subscriptions, but who really wants to pay monthly for his PDF reader so he can ask it questions?

Does anyone know what this is? Elaborate trolling? Mental illness? Are there really people out there who don't know what a sunset is?

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Dear Bill,

the german government has a banking account where you can send them money, no questions asked. Feel free to send over your fair share of taxes you are avoiding by routing the Microsoft profits from Germany via Luxembourg and other tax havens.

That really is interesting - all this talk about "Reddit is not profitable, we need to monetize in order to continue business, we need to layoff people" and now we're learning that it is just some greedy assholes stuffing their own pockets

There are still local governments or police forces announcing important things via Twitter. There are still interesting and smart people posting there. There are all those "legacy" accounts which are not active anymore, but have valuable content. Nitter was the last way to read this and this is now lost.

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Yes, cereal is bad. Yes, it's expensive. Yes, it's unhealthy. But what many people here are forgetting: There is a whole industry advertising cereal as a healthy breakfast (and now apparently dinner). You go into a supermarket and it is full of colourful boxes telling you what an awesome meal cereal is. Potatoes don't have that. There is no TV ad for potatoes. And yes, cereal tastes great, because of the sugar.

It's still really petty - Elon is one of the richest guys on earth. Take the username, but send him a Tesla. Invite him to a SpaceX launch.

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Yeah, that will be a real problem. Germans really have a special culture on Reddit where they are writing a unique form of German. If you train an AI on /r/de , /r/ich_iel or /r/okbrudimongo , you'll produce something special.

That's actually quite an insane chart. So the average american eats around 125kg of meat a year? France is at 83kg, Italy at 81kg and Canada at 82kg.

Current german recommendations for healthy eating are saying that around 300 grams of meat a week are the max and Americans really seem to eat that every day.

It's a smart move for a spammer to create a lot of accounts in the early days of a platform, before more restrictive signups with mail verification, phone verification or captchas are in place. Look at how difficult it has become to register on Twitter or Facebook.

TBH Amazon has a whole zoo of devices. Even if they are putting a small team of 2 or 3 people in charge for porting this to each device, they might end up with a few hundred people

Since this article is coming from Germany, the term used locally would be "schweigende Mehrheit". This is based on Elisabeth Noelle-Neumanns work on the spiral of silence:

In this case the head of the German Verfassungsschutz (one of the spy agencies tasked with fighting extremism) asked the silent majority to stand up against right wing extremism and Nazism and therefore this term is used here. Those american far right idiots don't have anything to do with it. Could be that they heard something about Noelle-Neumanns work and didn't understand it, but even that is unlikely

Yeah, and don't pretend that comparable software like Google Drive, Sharepoint or Dropbox is faster.

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Most people are not really using the OS. All they do is starting the webbrowser and that's it. They need input & sound from the OS, but that's it.

Those 120 people have family and friends. A workplace or a school. So if 120 people die, nearly everyone in a city of 60000 would have known one of the dead.

Yeah, you can't do a reliable poll in Palestine. Normally polls are done by calling random people and asking them about their opinion, but nobody in Hamas territory would give a random caller the answer that he hates Hamas because it also might be that it is Hamas who is calling. We also know that the phone network in Gaza is currently down, so you can't even call people.

Take a look at their method:

The sample size of this poll is 1231 adults, of whom 750 were interviewed face to face in the West Bank and 481 in the Gaza Strip in 121 randomly selected locations. The sample is representative of the residents of the two areas. Due to the war in the Gaza Strip, we conducted interviews in the central and southern regions inside the selected sample homes, with the exception of one displaced area, where residents were interviewed in the shelter area where they had taken refuge. As for the northern Gaza Strip, residents were interviewed in 24 shelter locations, of which 20 belonged to UNRWA and 4 to governmental institutions. A total of 250 interviews were conducted in these shelters, and another 21 were conducted in the homes of relatives and friends of displaced people from the north. Despite the large representative sample, the margin of error for this poll is +/-4. The increase in the margin of error is due to the lack of precision regarding the number of residents who stayed in their homes, or in shelters, in the northern parts of the Gaza Strip which we did not sample.

So they have field interviewers doing interviews with random refugees in the gaza strip during a cease fire. I'm not really sure if you could do a poll like that.

In a better world roads would be closed for cars which exceed the capacity of those guard rails. Just put up a sign, do some enforcement and people will start buying smaller cars when they can't use them.

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How was their free service abused?

RSS is not gone - you can read RSS by mail and it's quite awesome. Check RSS2Email or Nachrichtensortiermaschine

It does work. People are distracted and are not reading every message correctly. And payment processing in the appstores is also kind of easy - so you might be able to scam a few people into subscribing and they might not notice this directly. You know that you are not checking your credit card bills in details every month. So you can get a nice revenue stream of unsuspecting customers for a few month until you've burned down every little bit of trust and user base you had

There are electrical lighters, which work by providing an arc of electricity. And back in the days, I used to light cigarettes on my electrical stove when the lighter was empty.

That was a great sub - you did something great there :)

X seems to have stopped fighting against bots. So there are less people, more bots and those bots won't be banned as quickly as before.