Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests to – 959 points –
Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests

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This should be human usage - the user survey was done by phone.

Ah, ok, 27% -> 19%, an 8% YoY drop, and the numbers were obtained using identical methodologies across multiple years. Yeah, I agree, seems to check out.

Still, there are definitely a shitload more bots than there were before.

Are there more bots or does it just seem that way because there are fewer people? I don't ask to be snarky, I'm legitimately curious what the numbers were and are.

X seems to have stopped fighting against bots. So there are less people, more bots and those bots won't be banned as quickly as before.