Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests to – 959 points –
Usage Of Elon Musk’s X Dropped 30% In The Last Year, Study Suggests

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How much did human usage drop? Because there are a shitload more bots on twitter nowadays than there were in the years before he took over.

This should be human usage - the user survey was done by phone.

Ah, ok, 27% -> 19%, an 8% YoY drop, and the numbers were obtained using identical methodologies across multiple years. Yeah, I agree, seems to check out.

Still, there are definitely a shitload more bots than there were before.

Are there more bots or does it just seem that way because there are fewer people? I don't ask to be snarky, I'm legitimately curious what the numbers were and are.

X seems to have stopped fighting against bots. So there are less people, more bots and those bots won't be banned as quickly as before.

I suspect even more than 30%, and by a lot. Nearly all of the communities that once thrived seem to be dead. It feels very empty.

Wasn't like one of his focuses going to be getting rid of bots? Did they just not do anything and the bots just invaded or did the bots just get better?

He got rid of like 80% of the staff. I doubt he has a functional team who can even tackle the problem.

I think the focus on bots was primarily used in an attempt to back out of the deal. It was never an issue, especially if it inflated his ego by pumping up his account.

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