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Joined 1 years ago

The fact that no bond companies would accept real property as a collateral for the bond and only liquid or easily liquified assets points to the properties being leveraged to the hilt. If he ends up having to pay even a portion of this and has to start selling properties we should see a true picture of his financial status.

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I don't understand why he would be allowed to borrow money for this purpose. Seems to me that would be an opportunity to commit more fraud by using properties at inflated values as collateral.

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I'm not surprised this was her strategy. Seems likw the easiest way to avoid perjury.

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He's got to be fuming. He's managed to go 75 years without ever being held accountable by anyone for anything. And now it's happening. He'll drain the RNC by August.

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I've never heard of pigeon management but I have heard something similar described as playing chess with a pigeon as someone who "knocks all the pieces over, shits on the board then struts aroind like they've won".

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I can't get over the quote from the bills author when he says "Give me a break". In my district in the last election there were 3 candidates running for the state Legislature and they all tried to out conservative eqch other.

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Obligatory xkcd reference https://xkcd.com/37/

WI have completely lost the ability to distinguish satire from reality. I'm assuming this is real but damn if we don't live in the worst timeline.

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There really isn't much good FOSS software in the CAD/Engineering world. I've tried the 2D and 3D solutions that I've beena able to find and they are missing way too many features or the learning curve is crazy steep. If anyone knows of good CAD software let me know, I'd love to try it.

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Given the makeup of the Legislature and who our current Governor is this is pretty much a done deal.

I was never active in terms of posting but I followed several news outlets, local government agencies, and a few friends. Shortly after Musk took over I saw nothing but right wing nutjobs and a lot of posts from Musk. I tried unfollowing but nothing worked so I quit logging in. I need to cancel my account but haven't taken the time.

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Louisianian here. We're seeing a lot of wildfires in marshy areas due to the extreme drought conditions. The marsh grass is really dry and several areas near me have experienced these fires in normally wet areas that would not burn.

Didn't W divest a bunch of stuff and setup a blind trust for the same reason. And if I'm remembering correctly didn't the peanut farm had been Carter's family for a while so he gave up something that meant something more than money.

I think it's mostly aboit the massive carbon footprint of a private jet and Elon has a rep for really short frequent flights.

Does he know what Marxism is?

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I noticed this before I left Reddit last summer. Except for a few smaller niche subreddits that had decent discussions, everything else seemed like bots. I also noticed a lot of my comments and replies were deleted for no apparent reason so I quit participating. I do miss Reddit from the time period mentioned but nothing stays the same and it's time to move on.

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I think the reason it was such an issue with Trump is I can't think of another president that had the infrastructure (i.e. his hotels) to make revenue via emoluments.

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I'm pretty sure most of his properties are extremely leveraged.

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I don't know if you're from Louisiana but the percentage of voters electing these guys is much higher than 20%.

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It really should be the guy rubbing his nipples from "Informative Murder Porn"

  1. Collect napkin
  2. ???
  3. Profit

It's using the kids to punish the parents. Members of my wife's family claim to be Christians but support these types of policies and don't see the problem. I've had to check out when yhose discussions come up.

I'm sure Ben Shapiro will work wokeness into it somehow.

I can see why no bank would lend him money, especially with the risk of his properties being seized. But this guy keeps getting away with it. I won't believe it until I see it.

That's a common misconception about hospice. My Dad spent the last year of his life in and out of hospice with the the last 5 months in hospice care. The main difference is hospice is strictly palliative - no heroic measures if some major event happens.

I think the focus on bots was primarily used in an attempt to back out of the deal. It was never an issue, especially if it inflated his ego by pumping up his account.

Sadly this is a prime example.

I don't see how Reddit ever becomes consistently profitable. I don't think they can do it with ads and I can't see a future where a significant number of redditors pay for a premium version of the service.

Most folks who say this don't realize which side they fall on.

That is a type of transition that's more exponential than linear. As time goes forward the decline gets faster and more noticable. I think you're right about where Reddit is headed.

Probably defense cross examination

It's only fair.

I'm so tired of these that I'm nimb to it. I've resigned myself to a bleak Donald Trump filled future.

It's probably a mix of that and how CAD/Engineering software is a complicated niche market. It's not as ubiquitous as something like an office suite or even a phot editor like GIMP. I don't have anything to back that up other than a hunch.

It's a shame because Twitter is a perfect platform for the kind of one-way communications required by a news agency or local government agency. Maybe Mastodon or Bluesky will fill that void.

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I didn't get diagnosed until 49. It pretty much took my wife forcing me to go see a psychiatrist because she couldn't take it any longer. I'm also pretty sure I'm on the ASD spectrum but I haven't been diagnosed formally. I'm also constantly fighting with my insurance because I'm now 54 and "too old" for the meds.

I do a lot of 2D civil drawings for underground utility construction and I haven't found anything that does what I need. Also the selection is pretty much limited to Windows. The CAD programs on Mac seem to be limited compared to their Windows brethren.

At this point, I'd be surprised if they were ever found. Assuming the sub is still intact and not wondering aimlessly, the sheer size of the search area makes it difficult to find the sub.

I've always tipped 20% for good service and 15% for average or below. I usually don't tip less that 15% unless it's just abysmal or I'm picking up a to go order in which case I usually do 8-10%. Several of the restaurants around me have changed from 15% / 20% on the suggested tip to 20% / 25% and a few have even added 30%. And I've also noticed the suggested tips are calculated on the after tax amount, and some restaurants that charge a credit card processing fee calculate the suggested tip on that amount. I tip on pretax and pre-fee totals and cap at 20%. If it get worse, my eating at restaurants will start becoming less and less.

I agree but I doubt if this were a well written article it would get anywhere near the exposure it'll get on YouTube.