
11 Post – 187 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

all avoidable. except for cold/heat

awkward moment when privacy software has some of their docs on google slides.

this service claims:

"Ad based search engines make almost $300 a year off their users.

Google generated $76 billion in US ad revenue in 2023. Google had 274 million unique visitors in the US as of February 2023.

To estimate the revenue per user, we can divide the 2023 US ad revenue by the 2023 number of users: $76 billion / 274 million = $277 revenue per user in the US or $23 USD per month, on average! That means there is someone, somewhere, a third party and a complete stranger, an advertiser, paying $23 per month for your searches."


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my theory is that they are pushing for more expensive upgrades like fiber.

google should not be allowed anywhere in healthcare. OR strict restrictions and full tansparency of the company should be required.

"New data published by Canadian broadband management company Sandvine reveals that cloud storage, YouTube, and other apps have taken over. "

i was once told to hotlink images from other hosters.. as opposed to uploading to lemmy. (to save on resources!)

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selfhosted searchengine . i see zero reason not to.

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better documentation eg: of cli commands would be an essential first step.

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devils advocate:

  • branches would fall in the tracks
  • wild animals might populate and then get harmed.

  • not citing pros
  • both can probably be mostly solved fairly easily i think
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i think the concept of "donation" is a relevant piece of this puzzle.

not the onion

u could also try making small valid changes to detail over time until the posted content is unrecognizable and probably** false.
eg: i drive a red car
i drive a blue car
i drive a blue truck
i dont drive anything

those are all possibly true. but alot of them are incorrect.

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immediate asprin for heart attack. immediate amphetamine for serious head trauma.

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Be careful that unlimited ( more acurately labeled via the "high speed data" limit) is a widely used practice of false advertising.
Check the throttle speed to see what happens after you run out of data.

excessively trivial things

i have heard it suggested that it could be national goverment who did this. so that means it could be israel, america, or china, etc .
i view this as potentially very well funded governments vs ordinary people. we never stood a chance.

gemini protocol. thank u for prompting for clarification.

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maybe less common due to adaptive immunity to familiar bacteria

could still happen. and stds are an obvious example.

people say they removed it with adb. no complaints -they say.
probably safe to remove it.
keep a backup of package in case u think u might want to turn on fancy services in the future.
i do not know what it does

Google sucks

"At Zerodha, many million users login and use our financial platforms every day. Over the recent months, on an average day, 1.5+ million users have been executing stock and derivative transactions. On a volatile day, this number could easily double. After a trading session concludes and all the number-crunching, tallying, and “backoffice” operations are completed—with file dumps received from stock exchanges and other market infrastructure institutions—stock brokers e-mail a digitally signed PDF report called the contract note to every user who transacted on that particular day."

some apartments have an clause to break the lease early. others may only allow for a friend or family to enter your apt.

the i3/sway scratchpad feature is handy. extra esp at beginner stage.

gemini search engines are not so bad for likeminded folks with likeminded topics.
ex: 12 results!
vs searching windows how to pay for windows. 0 results. srry. gemini is small.

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there are many other options, also.


Any safety certified equipment tends to cost an a and a leg. Nearly monopoly controlled.

not to be confused with:

Too late.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReactOS already exists

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question: how hard is it to make basic cookies?

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exit liquidity

if performance isnt great, then there are 1000 settings to help you fix it.

erythritol causes increased blood clotting


i used luckypatcher a long time ago. it was cool how i could remove ads from certain apps.(leaves big ugly red X)

< deleted. pls find info on fb/yt > ..
find the cause (inflamation, etc)

even if politicians change their tune and seem to want to be more privacy conscious..
we should hold their feet to the fire.
make sure they have 110% followthrough across all platforms. not just a one-off to diss tiktok.