How many cookies do you typically eat? to Ask – 58 points –

NOTE: All I had were 5 cookies just now. I was just wondering: not trying to eat them all.


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question: how hard is it to make basic cookies?

Peanut butter cookies take 3 ingredients and literally 15 minutes from the moment you decide to make them to the moment you stick the still-too-hot cookie in your mouth.

Not very. 10 minutes making the dough. 2 to roll into little balls and flatten slightly with fork. About 12 to bake.

You don’t need to flatten them. The heat alone from the oven will melt them into disks

Depends on the consistency (and temperature pre-baking) of the dough, some are made to hold their shape rather than expand/flatten in the oven.

If cookies are in fact the same as what we call biscuits, you can basically make a crumble mixture (2 parts flour, one part butter, one part sugar, plus any adjuncts you want) then bind it in your hands like you would a snowball, then roll it into a thick sausage, cut quarter-inch-thick discs out of the sausage, and bake them at 160°C for between 15 and 30 minutes depending how good your oven is. They harden as they cool. Easy peasy.