3 Post – 394 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Careful with the idea that you're a young country with limited history. Your indigenous peoples may view the matter (rightfully) quite differently.

In Australia we actually changed the lyrics to our national anthem a few years back. It did say "...we are young and free". Which is a bit of a 'fuck you' to the people who have lived on and cared for the land for upwards of 50,000 years. So it's now "we are one and free".

I'm not chastising you, just prompting you to think about things differently.

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If your shower routine is standing under water and just washing your stinky bits, chances are your body is still covered in sun screen. That stuff is designed to stay on in water. You need to properly wash yourself all over with soap/body wash and use a loofah. That will remove the sunscreen and also exfoliate dead skin.

Source: Australian

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I've used very similar techniques on men in bars who don't think no is a complete sentence.

I'm well past the age for shame. I will make a fool of myself if it means some twerp will think twice about harassing a woman who's repeatedly turned them down

I'd never considered doing the same for scammers - great idea! I'm just overly polite and that makes me seem like a target I think.

That's so silly

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No, guns are for maiming and killing living things. I didn't grow up in the bush or in a rural area, so there was no need to shoot anything.

Had my parents raised me around guns in suburbia then I would have categorised them as reckless fuckwits.

Because who in their right mind keeps guns anywhere near children? That's absurd. To think that's normal is institutionalised, cult-thought.

There's no way of avoiding it. Regular weed smokers think they don't stink of it when they do, so you're not going to get helpful advice from the smoking community. Smoke outside to avoid a lingering smell in your home. But your hair, skin, clothes (and breath if you're slack on oral hygiene like most smokers) will still smell of weed. Stick to edibles if you don't want to smell like a teenager.

I feel for him, and for his mother who gave up her seat so he could go. Fuck the billionaires but he was 19 - I can't feel any humour about his death, or for what this must've done to his mother.

I'm sure the others had family members too who have gone through hell while the world laughed.

We can have compassion for those people while still shrugging at the stupidity of the willing dead.

Schitts creek.

It was pushed so hard by Netflix when it first came out that I ignored it. Just seemed like an overdone rich fish out of water idea and I just wasn't interested.

I finally got round to it when I think they did another promotional push. After watching it I basically forced every person I know to watch it and it is now a comfort show that I've watched a bazillion times.

But it is just so good.

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Laser is a thing. I haven't had to worry about bikini lines in about 15 years...

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The incels have moved in too. The place is feeling more and more like Reddit.

I'm using the block option a lot.

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This just reminded me of a moment I had, years ago.

I was so stressed from work, working on my 6th burnout for the year.

I was meant to be getting stuff for dinner from the supermarket.

I had money, that wasn't the issue. But I didn't have a shopping list. My partner and I had just briefly discussed myself 'picking up something' on my way home.

I was paralyzed. My thoughts wouldn't align or connect. I couldn't think of any dinner option we'd ever had. So I couldn't configure a shopping list in my head. I think I stood in the canned vegetable aisle and just stared ahead, trying not to cry.

I ended up sitting on a bench in the middle of the shopping centre trying to write a list on my phone. Eventually I had to call my partner and tell him I wasn't okay and he needed to come get me.

Long story lacking events I know. But this meme made me think. Short of family emergency/death of loved ones, work is the only thing that has placed that kind of stress on me. Even in grief I have a sense of one foot in front of the other for any particular task. But burn out made me immobile. Completely saturated my brain and made it stop working.

Our brains aren't built for that. They shouldn't be.

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I guess it says a lot about the Lemmy demographics but it's getting really sad that every time something about nightclubs appears here, there's a whole bunch of people explaining why they don't like night clubs.

I'm assuming Lemmy trends towards a more introverted group and that's cool. But I'm here not caring about Linux or Baldur's gate, while at the same time understanding that it's very important and interesting to a bunch of people.

I'm an elder millennial. I spent a shit tonne of time in clubs, as did the majority of people I know. I still did other things in places that were more quiet, had conversations and met people. It's true guys - you can actually like both!

I went clubbing to sometimes meet boys, but mostly to drink and dance to extremely loud and often very commercial music, sometimes on drugs too. Because people, that kind of activity is really fun to some people.

But these threads always read like a Boomer pile on on a Facebook post, yammering about how they played outside as kids and walked to school.

The reason younger people aren't clubbing as much is cost. That's it. Talk about that. Not how you think it's an interesting take that clubs are loud and dirty.

Cisgender woman here, so my advice is only in relation to makeup. Lipstick is like the icing on a fancy cake. Some days or events you just want to be a cute cupcake rather than a 3-tier fondant covered cake.

If I don't fully make up my face but then add lipstick, it looks quite harsh and unflattering. Similarly if I made up my whole face but didn't use lipstick or mascara - it would look odd. This may be what you saw in the mirror that day. So please don't be disheartened.

Start with light, day makeup. Little bit of mascara, a hint of blush and some tinted lip gloss. That's one cute cupcake. Work your way up to that fancy cake!

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Haha I admit to using a ragebait headline for attention

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Oddly aggressive given your original comment explained sweet f a. Like you were being deliberately vague for attention. Calm down buddy.

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Where I live, the winters get very cold. Not like Canada cold, but cold by my country's standards - think a top of 9°c during the day. My city also has an odd culture where no one remembers how cold it gets, given our summers are so hot, so we're all left confused and freezing come winter - no one has proper clothes for it. It's like a citywide, seasonal amnesia.

That was certainly the case when I was in highschool 20 years ago. At lunch/recess time, the only time students were allowed inside the building was if it was raining. I understand that this was for the teacher to student ratio of supervision. Everyone outside or everyone inside - much easier to manage.

But it meant that every time it got really, really cold, half the student class would go inside to huddle against the radiators to keep warm. Periodically a teacher would come in and kick us out. You'd repeat this process a few times over recess/lunch.

So while it wasn't a stupid rule, given I understand the teachers need to not be spread too thin, it was also ridiculous to expect kids to hang around outside in the freezing cold, in a place where people act like wearing a beanie is being dramatic.

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Where I am in Australia, if as a group (say of coworkers) talking about a new person, we might be like 'maybe don't say "Jesus fucking Christ" in front of Lisa, I'm pretty sure she's extremely Christian' or 'let's do lunch instead of drinks to celebrate the milestone, I'm pretty sure Vish is Muslim so we don't want him to feel left out'.

Majority of my peers are atheist. Religion only comes up in our lives when we're trying to be inclusive or respectful of the religious minority.

It's funny how some places can't do the same in reverse.

Edit to say, the thing is, to the majority of us, belief in a god is silly hocus pocus, drummed up by humans when we just didn't understand how things worked and the scientific method didn't exist. But as a respectful person living in a society, I live by the rules that you don't make fun of those silly ideas, and also that religion is intrinsically linked to people's cultures too. So I have a live and let live attitude to it.

Pity many Christians can't be that Christian.

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You know when a friend's loved one dies and you tell them the usual sentiments about being there for them, anything you need etc? But there's rarely anything you can do, especially if you're not in their immediate circles where you could be making food or helping with estate etc.

Friend needed to do some job applications quite urgently, but was obviously not in the right headspace to do a great job. Friend asked me to help review drafts (I write for a living) and between us we got out 3 very solid applications.

I'm proud my skills had real and immediate use to someone. This white collar shit can feel pretty ineffectual sometimes, but this was a tangible help to someone so I'm proud of myself.

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The rule of the community is you must post before you leave after viewing something. It's obviously not anything policed.

Someone started showing their adherence to this rule by putting the word 'rule' in their post title. People continued this trend, sometimes using a play on words related to the post itself, making crap portmanteaus etc. they're usually not very cryptic.

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It's a perfectly fine zombie movie, but it only takes small elements from the excellent book. The book needs to be a TV series, made in a documentary style. I just pretend the movie is unrelated; it's enjoyable as just a standard action movie with zombies in it.

Mm dunno if you ever read the qanon casualties posts on Reddit. There's no discussing or reasoning with the people who have fallen prey to believing this shit. And if often leads to financial ruin. Blocking access to those sites is, for many, like taking the car keys away from an elderly parent who will only hurt themselves and others if you don't intervene.

Picking at my cuticles and cracking all my joints, while staring into the middle distance.

What 14yo isn't already doing their own laundry? That's setting them up for failure/being a pain in the arse to whomever is their future partner.

There was a sense of... Anticipation? When we first got internet in my family.

The dial up tone was an announcement that you were going on the internet. It was a mindful choice you made, and you had to wait a bit for it. Not just pick up your phone and look at it. You had something in mind that you wanted to do.

It did always have a slight sense of occasion and I remember having butterflies just waiting for the connection. I'm very nostalgic for it.

See if you can explain the content of your comment.

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I believe completely empty plastic cup is the acceptable projectile.

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What you're referring to is called 'active listening'.

It's demonstrating via body language and/or vocalising that the speaker has your attention. It can go further to demonstrating you understand what's being said but that's not always the case.

No one is ND in my household as far as I'm aware, but I did have a similar issue with my partner. When he speaks to me, I put down my phone or book, or pause/mute the TV, look at him and make eye contact and at the very least make 'mm' noises, or 'really?' 'wow' 'huh' 'ok' or paraphrase what he's said to either confirm or demonstrate I understand him. It's how I was brought up. It's how I function at work.

He does none of those things and will get annoyed if I stop taking and ask if he's listening. He always says he is, but gives absolutely no visual or audible signs that he is.

So it became a point of contention in our relationship. For me what he was doing was rude. I felt stupid talking into the void with no response. Whereas he said he didn't feel that responding was necessary.

My first approach was passive aggression, I'm not proud to say. I started doing exactly what he was doing when I spoke to him. He haaaaaated it. Kept pausing to ask if I was listening. Got to the point where he'd pick up the remote and pause what I was watching before he started talking to me. It was ridiculous on both our parts and caused a tonne of fights. But the one positive was that I could say to him 'do you know how rude I felt behaving that way? Did it feel rude to you? Why? Surely you're not knowingly being rude to me?'

Anyway, the penny dropped. Now he knows he has to give me a perfunctory grunt when I start speaking to indicate he's listening. And honestly that's enough for me. If it's a serious issue or I need his input (so I'm not just rambling about something funny I read or venting about work), I'll pause, he'll notice and he'll drop whatever he's doing to give me attention.

So that's all to say, if the person genuinely is listening, they may just need to be told that they're creating frustration for both of you, and it's perceived as rude. That all they have to do is make a sound of acknowledgment. That more will be expected from them in the workplace and now might be a good time to start practicing. YMMV with ND but it's a worthwhile conversation.

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Who throws out a plant

2003 Canberra bushfires. My little city was made to burn.

2019 Black Summer bushfires - see: whole fucking country either on fire or enveloped in smoke. I owned a tonne of masks before Covid hit.

We've been lucky in the last few bushfires seasons since but it won't last.

Does mumbling 'the ace of spades' to myself over and over work? Because I was already doing that due to playing cards earlier

Uh one correction, Tate rapes.

Watched Fury road for the billionth time last night. God it's good. Doesn't set out to be anything it shouldn't be; delivers what you want. Not too much dwelling on the past, no shoehorned romances. Just fast and fun.

To add to this, block users too. The community is so small here that you start to recognise names of annoying people and trolls. I'm all for a robust discussion, but if I know someone is always going to argue in bad faith or they're literally here just to stir shit, it's just easier to block them. Didn't really work with Reddit, but here it's got a decent impact.

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I mean, if anything, they're extra human? Concentrated human.

I don't want to advocate for abstinence-based education, but I do think OP should try and avoid gut-stabbings, especially given his...checks notes... height (?)

Isn't that just collecting? Could replace with any object and that's hardly a fad.

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I say lol occasionally, only for things that are dumb funny. Equivalent of a snort I guess?

"Hey did you hear Steve bought a jet ski? Where does he think he's going to use it? The local pool?"

"Really? Lol. What a dumbarse"

Like that. If shit is actually funny I laugh like a human.

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Hmm all cheap lamps in this basic bitch's house

I recall, years ago, both having a head cold and also persistent pain in my knees. I'd booked a doctor's appointment for the knees; I knew the cold just needed rest and with work being as busy as it was I figured I'd use the time I already had taken off for the bug to get in for my knees.

My partner watched me drag my sad, snotty body out of my track pants and hoody into smart casual clothes, put on makeup, fix my hair. He was like, 'why are you doing that - you're sick, you're going to a doctor, you can look sick.'

I was like, 'yeah, but I need to make sure I'm taken seriously and have the best chance of considered care. You don't get that guarantee as a woman. Got to 'look like' a real patient.'

I think I read a study years ago about it, but I can't find it now. But my own anecdotal experience is that if I dress how I feel, I get worse treatment. The impression I get is they think my thoughts/concerns are hypochondria/Dr. Google nonsense.

If I dress how I would for work - casual professional, I'm seen as an insightful patient with some valid speculation about my problem. Male doctors are the worst but I've experienced it with women too.

It's fucked. It's an obvious privilege too. If you don't work a white collar job and don't have those outfits in your wardrobe, or an interest in wearing makeup or whatever - does that mean you're just always going to get slightly worst treatment than me?

I'm not even getting into the POC aspect, can't even imagine that on top.

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