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Joined 1 years ago

Vaguely humanoid. Mostly made of meat.

99.9% of people have more in common with an illegal immigrant than Elon Musk. Their problems aren't caused by people arriving in small boats, but those arriving in private jets.

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The bed of that stupid thing is about twice as high as the useful one, so you have to lift the cargo twice as high.

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Short answer: yes.

Long answer: yes, it is.

Every time I want to do something, I have a look around the baffling ecosystem of frameworks and end up writing it from scratch because it's easier than wading through the bullshit.

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The old internet is still there. It's just dwarfed by the colossal amount of shit piled up on the shit sites.

As a general rule, stick to free and open stuff because the motivation of the people doing it is to give to the community, rather than make money. Mastodon and Lemmy/Kbin rather than Xitter and Reddit. Just stay away from Facebook. There are lots of old style bulletin boards still around for various interests, and they are often more used than FB groups.

I stopped putting adverts on my sites ages ago because I hate them so much. I don't want to be part of the enshittification.

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Just sums up our dumb fucking species.

What the world really needs right now is another narcissistic dictator.

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That's all right. I didn't want my kids to have a habitable planet anyway.

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Short answer: no proportional representation. Long answer: lack of proportional representation. If you are going to have voting, at least let people vote for the candidate they want rather than the least worst option.

Why do so many right wing arseholes look like freaks?

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I was chatting with a stock photographer a while back. Apparently the most important thing is the tags that you give the photos. The best ones are abstract because you aren't competing with "hand" and "pen". If you can make your photo of a hand holding a pen fit "wistful" or "trenchant" then you have a better chance of it being seen. Making thousands of weird photos like a hammer/screwdriver/wand being held over a watermelon/plastic duck/brick by a clown/policeman/nurse and giving them abstract tags is the way to go.

My wife takes the piss out of me for turning every task into a spreadsheet, but who ate a perfectly cooked, stress-free Christmas dinner exactly when it was supposed to be ready? We all fucking did, that's who.

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The UK was generally accepting of trans people (other than the occasional bigots), but in the past decade there has been a steady increase in transphobia, mainly pushed by the print media and our pathetic government. They see it as a "wedge issue" and are using it to distract from the appalling job they have done in running the country. It's working too. I have talked to people who should know better, who think they have "genuine concerns" about trans people in sports, prisons and toilets.

It's quite depressing how easily it's done really.

Loads of things superconduct below 10K - aluminium for one. This is for a different type of superconductor that can be turned on and off with a magnetic field.

IT got worse as soon as I joined. Probably just a coincidence.

If you genuinely can't see that it's hate speech, then you need to be blocked and not debated because you are immune to reasoning.

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I never knew about this. Thanks, Streisand effect.

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A Reddit alternative is going to end up like Reddit. Kbin/Lemmy are not like Reddit, and that's a good thing.

They aren't wrong that this law isn't fit for modern times, but not in the way they mean. It needs to be e expanded into a GDPR type thing.

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Israel could always stop chucking bombs at civilians, then they wouldn't need aid.

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I can't believe this tech bubble will burst. All the other ones have fared so well.

This has already been deleted once. Reported as spam.

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[ $[ $RANDOM % 6 ] == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo Click

Can you play Bash Roulette in Windows?

Seriously, you can hack it with one liners and scripts to do anything. I know you can do scripting with windows, but it just doesn't have the sheer number of nifty little tools. The Linux philosophy has always been "do one thing and do it well", so you can chain the simple but powerful tools together and knock up a little script to do something amazingly useful in seconds.

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Traditional Capitalism:
You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
The herd multiplies and your bank account grows.
After a while there is nothing to eat but beef and nothing to drink but milk.
A lot of people can't afford either.
The planet is knee-deep in cow shit.
Everyone is fine with this for some reason.

Brexit. Millions voted against their own interests and to make themselves poorer and more insular in order to empower the wealthy elite, thanks to the unrelenting torrent of lies emitted by the Leave campaign.

Sounds like you are very similar to me and a billion or so other people. I don't see much point in creating a label for yourself in order to restrict yourself to that label. You are what you are and don't worry about it. I had a thing with a trans woman for a while and now I'm happily married with kids. Whatever I am has never had a negative affect on my life because I don't worry about what I am.

Ow my brain.

That's ok. Our chickens aren't half-dead, disease-ridden skeletons rotting in battery cages.

Hooray! What the world really needs right now is more cattle farming for burgers and more people driving to go and get their burgers.

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Well, they can fuck right off.

This is not a conversation. Nothing of value will be lost by shutting it down.

I'm on a very active PHPBB forum for 2 stroke motorcycle enthusiasts, mainly RD350LCs. The amount of collective knowledge is insane. Between the members, they know EVERYTHING.

The way the alien grows before it has a chance to eat anything defies biology and physics.

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  1. Do what you can. Reduce your carbon footprint by eating less meat, using cars less, flying less. OK, by yourself it's not going to make a huge difference, but at least you will know that personally, you aren't making it worse. Join a group that is trying to make a positive difference.

  2. Concentrate on the little things that make you happy. You can't stop climate change on your own but you can make something nice for dinner.

  3. Value your friends and keep in touch with them. They probably feel pretty much the same as you do. Cheer each other up and support each other.

  4. Get a hobby to keep yourself occupied.

That's all I can think of.

I was going to see them just before Christmas but I came off my motorbike and broke my knee into 4 pieces the week before. I know that's not particularly interesting, but I'm posting it because I'm still pissed off about missing it.\_SjyBvepzgX6gAkQ/edit?usp=drivesdk

That's the actual sheet. If you adjust any times, sort on column E to get it back in the right order.

Now waiting for spam articles about which is the best poop knife.

Ooh! I wonder who is going to win?

You certainly don't find much alcohol in cereal these days.

They are coming here because they are angry at Reddit. They are still angry when they get here. Being angry is not conducive to having a good experience of something new, especially if they didn't want to leave Reddit in the first place. Kbin/Lemmy is being sold as a forced upgrade. It's like if your word processor has all its icons moved around and put into a side bar that's hidden until you know where to click. Why the fuck did they do that? We all hate that sort of shit, and that's what it feels like being forced to come here.

If you are going to promote Kbin/Lemmy, you need to change their mindset before they get here or they will just see a forced downgrade onto a broken Reddit clone.