
1 Post – 536 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I have no idea what any of this means

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Because literally everyone on Lemmy is 35

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What the shit is this article? I get the style they were going for, but come on

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Look at Mr well adjusted over here who actually likes their parents

This. Tbh this shit just confirms my attraction to women.

My cis-genderness on the other hand...

Immigrants. I always knew it was them. Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them

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That looks like a viper

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Being too religious should absolutely disqualify you, just like believing the world is flat or any number of other complete nonsense should disqualify you.

Anything to jerk off the CCP, right? And I'll bet they don't even pay you.

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Where this comes from is the fact that companies have to act in the best interest of their shareholders. Best interest isn't defined in law. But it basically comes down to businesses can't act against their shareholders by intentionally helping the competition, or something like that. For example if the board members all own stock in a competing business, and they make a decision that will intentionally negatively effect the business in order to help the other company they hold interest in, that would be illegal.

But people mistakes that for businesses being required to maximize profits at all costs, which just isn't true

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Do you write for the Simpsons? Because that was terrible

What the fuck are you talking about

I think knowing about frontend is important for a senior or higher level engineer. I would expect someone at that level to be able to contribute where necessary, and know enough to make sane decisions and know when those decisions impact backend/frontend. But to be equally good at both isn't reasonable

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Is this a trans thing? I can't quite tell what the artist is trying to convey, but this resonates with me...

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What the fuck are you talking about

No one cares what you're seeking

It's competitive as fuck to join the circus now You may as well go to college

How much money are you willing to spend? It's likely 2 orders of magnitude lower than what it will cost

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What the shit kind of response is this. We're trying to get enough info to answer your question

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What an incredibly obvious Republican planted article. Praising Abbott? Haha what a joke.

Ah, Murphy's law

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For a minute I thought this was an ecco the dolphin deep cut

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The answer is basically yes, until you get audited. Then you'll have to defend it

That diagram of a wing does not deserve the amount of space required. That could totally be used for something more valuable

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Which is awful and incredibly confusing. I hate ruby

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More money means more people saw it. That's it, whether you care is up to you

Denying an appeal does not set precedent

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but so do candy-like flavors.

Only kids like candy. Got it

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I'm having a hard time parsing these. Who is "he"? And who is hearing what?

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think murder is abohherent, baby murder especially so. I don't know when the right to life begins, so I err on the side of caution

Why stop there? You have no idea, right? So why do you masturbate or use condoms? You're killing millions of potential babies!

If you don't know, you should err on the side of caution for the rights of the people who you do know are real.

Or maybe you should just stay out of it, because as you say, you don't know. Leave it to the scientists and doctors who DO know and who almost universally support abortion access.

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Yes, there's no possibility because he's asked and was tolled no possibility.

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Send his comments to his employer. He's representing their business in this manner, they should know. Maybe post it on social and tag the company

Does the seller get the private information of the buyer and run it? Does the buyer just show up with a printout and a matching ID and we pretend that can't be faked?

Buyer gets pre-approved via NICS and is given a token Seller confirms that token with NICS

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Is the final panel representing a blowjob?

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I'm working on a little project to try this out.