Why are most memes on Lemmy from 5-10 years ago?

onlyhalfminotaur@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 101 points –

I'm glad people are active, but why are the most upvoted memes things from years ago? Bots? Users desperate for content?


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Because literally everyone on Lemmy is 35

I'm a decade older, but I feel like a lot of people who left for Lemmy were active on Reddit 10-12 years ago, and have preference for the flavor of discourse of that time. As it grew, reddit became far too sarcastically meta in a lot of ways. What was once a spicy "in joke" became boilerplate. I'm not surprised at the exhumation of the old memes. It may just be a phase of some sort, a necessary reset, who knows?

Nah, you're two years off.

Or, more likely, my parents managed to hide two years of my life from me.

That's awful sneaky of them.

Yours, too?!

Damn them! Stealing our years with the expectation they'll get to enjoy them. Not in the cheapest retirement home Florida can offer!