30 Post – 594 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I'm a little teapot đź«–

It's a picture of the people who submit zero value comment spelling fixes to the Linux kernel so they can claim "I've submitted X patches to the Linux kernel" for KPIs or resume building

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Yeah, no shit.

Another fun setup are the job postings put up so that a company can interview a bunch of people with no intent to hire them, claim none of the candidates are capable and then use that as evidence for the need for an H1B visa worker who they pay a cut rate salary. Good times.

I'd have a field day with that. Max line length 70 or 75, excessively verbose function and variable names, triple the normal amount of comments, extra whitespace wherever possible, tab width 8, etc. The possibilities are endless for that metric.


The Mozilla corp burns user goodwill like it's an unlimited resource. A lot of us are just sick of Mozilla's corporate shit.

Or they'll "purge" it and somehow the canaries will end up in the model anyway

Any company that intentionally underpays their employees so that they require govt assistance to live should be billed the full cost of all assistance that employee receives.

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It's almost as if paying for a trusted or verified badge makes it easier to spread misinformation

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Finally we've found the perfect car for Ben Shapiro's wife

Oh hey, look. The cycle of AI ingesting garbage output from another AI model has begun. This can't possibly impact quality or reliability in any way /s

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The French invented a wonderful device to cure sufferers of the divine right delusion:

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Ah, yes, the pinnacle of respect: grabbing them by the pussy

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Two points for anyone who hasn't read the article:

He pulled the fire alarm to delay the vote so that legislators had time to read what they were voting on - Republicans wanted to ram through a vote without waiting the agreed 72h to allow anyone to read the bill.


Legislators are immune from prosecution of any crime less than a felony while they're in session, so pulling the fire alarm doesn't matter anyway. No one can touch this dude for this, the worst they can do is make angry noises on TV.

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Let me play him the world's smallest violin. You don't get to fire 1500 people because shareholders think it's neat and then cry about how hard you have it. This guy can fuck off.

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Man that right wing grift money must be a hell of a drug

Gaming support is still very much a work in progress all up and down the software stack. Stable distros like Debian tend to ship older proven versions of packages so their packaged software can be up to 18mo behind current releases. The NTSync kernel code that should improve Windows game performance isn't even scheduled for mainline merge until the 6.10 kernel window in a few weeks - that's not likely to be in a stable Debian release for a 12-18mo.

TL;DR: Gaming work is very much ongoing and Arch moves faster than Debian does. Shipping 12-18mo old versions of core software on the Steam deck would degrade performance.

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The former group likes Lemmy et. al. The latter gets on here, sees a pro union post top of all, shits themselves dehydrated, and leaves to write screeds like that one.

So you're saying we should upvote even more pro union content.

I'm doing my part!

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Oh neat, now we're letting fundamentalist extremists dictate what can and can't be sold in stores. Surely this can't go wrong.

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Great! Now sue Facebook and Instagram.

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Ah, yes, a man with a vested interest in seeing offices full to capacity can clearly be trusted to tell the truth here.

Good, now reclassify net access as a utility.

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Look at all this free speech absolutism

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Want to know something about published science fiction or fantasy? Forget Goodreads or Wikipedia bibliographies, the ISFDB has ridiculously comprehensive details about every book, author or magazine I've looked up.

Google will give you ISFDB results if you search for an author or title plus "isfdb" but it's not nearly as high in the rankings as it should be.

Why would I upgrade to an OS that pushes ads on my login screen and start menu? Some software forces me to keep a windows machine around but I'm certainly in no hurry to upgrade from 10 to 11.

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Just wait until they get caught targeting people in recovery for these liquor ads at the optimal time for them to cave and make an order. You know that shit's going to be a scandal sometime in the next few years.

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The planet isn't going to warm itself you know

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Sure I'd rather vote for someone with Bernie's politics but that's not on the table right now. I'll happily vote for Biden over literal christo-fascism and the destruction of our democracy any fucking time.

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Linux may be the best way to avoid the \ nightmare

Always has been

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Funny how fast divisive far right sites are dropping now that the Russian money pipeline is shut down due to sanctions.

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Can we just restate this as: "A lot of society's problems could be avoided if parents actually put in effort to parent their children" ?

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They're only like 18mo late on this one. So far I've seen USPS, FedEx, DHL and UPS flavors of this scam.

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Arch packaging is also significantly easier to work with in my experience. I've packaged for both for some years and I'll take the Arch build system over wrangling dpkg every chance I can.

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Not to mention all of their dysfunction and obstruction is just a smoke screen so the wealthy can continue extracting wealth from our economy and offshoring it. Republicans are in government to ensure that the status quo does not change unless it's for the benefit of the ultra wealthy or fundamentally religious.

The Republican end game is to turn the USA into something resembling Mexico or India where the wealthy can do whatever they like at our expense.

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Uh, no shit? That's how light works once you're able to travel at relativistic speeds - communication over interstellar distances using light is going to take ages.

Even within our own solar system interplanetary travel will have significant communication time delays.

Edit: also, we already know that matter and light can't exceed c, but I wouldn't be surprised if we discover that other forces (gravitation, or another that we haven't understood yet) can transmit information at speeds >c. I wouldn't be surprised if we turned to quantum entanglement for instantaneous communication over extreme distances either.

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As irrelevant as flipboard is I'm glad to see tech adopting mastodon. Twatter and Reddit demonstrated the risk inherent in any single entity owning a public platform.

I'm onboard with 65 as the maximum age anyone can run for Congress but I don't have a problem with people 65+ finishing their terms provided they're actually competent. I'd like to see mandatory cognitive decline testing for anyone running for Congress, appointed to the SC or appointed to any high position in the executive branch.

It's absolutely ridiculous that we're allowing people with 5-7y remaining life expectancy to plan our future 20, 40 or 100y out - they just don't have the skin in the game that someone in their 20s or 30s does.

On top of all of that I'd like to see vigorous corruption testing, SC justices and congresscreatures shouldn't be bought and paid for the way they are now.