ADUHD rule to – 1025 points –

AD1440p is sufficient for the foreseeable future.

And more importantly helps prevent straining your brain with too many pixels for minimal tangible benefit

Yeah, until I get a hardware upgrade I would lose too many frames to run at that resolution

On a 4k screen just use some upscaler. The difference between native 4k and upscaled is in my experience imperceivable.

i think adhd1440p144hz is the best balance

I have 1440p and I really like it except from the scaling artifacts. Anything that’s 1080p or 4K has to be scaled up and down and since 1440p isn’t the same ratio pixels have to be lost or generated.

My ADHDMI Port only supports standard 1.0, on a good day.

I don't know about AD4K, but I was in the hospital for a diagnostic a couple of days ago, and they were still using VGA monitors, which didn't make me feel especially confident since my diagnostic involved technology.

Lots of businesses at least in my area still use VGA. And they connect them to their computers with DisplayPort adapters.

These were definitely VGA monitors. I saw them from the back.

EDIT: Sorry, misunderstood what you were saying.

The medical industry as a whole is staggeringly slow to replace anything technology. I'm a bit surprised at something as simple as what type of connector they're using for their monitor, but not jaw-droppingly slow.

I use an old VGA monitor with my modern desktop that I found in my school's recycling bins. I only use it as a second monitor but I can confirm VGA monitors are still fine for displaying simple text/monitoring software. No point in throwing it out if it works and isn't a security risk.

Jeez what's the hurry, we haven't even gotten to ADFullHD or ADQHD yet

I'm thinking that ADBlu-ray looks promising.

The fool I was decided to go with the ADHD-DVD format

Every time I see you commenting somewhere I think "oh cool, a new emoji!" and then remember it's just your profile pic. :(

I run in AD4K most of the time, but in the most demanding games, it's too detrimental to my ADFPS

If I wanna run at atleast 60fps the best I can do is 1440p

Which is best resolution. You can take my 144fps 1440p freesync monitor from my cold dead hands in about 50-60 years I hope.

I will one day have the specs to match my 144hz with 144fps

This was me ~4 years ago thinking XX60/XX70 series GPUs (X700 on amd) would eventually be powerful enough to run 1440p at more then 60fps, and now I'm still in the same situation because games are "more graphically intensive" (less optimized) and the same tier of card is now out of my price range

AD4K? Brain still using LCD tech. Refresh rate is trash.

I have a 4k60 LCD monitor, which is fine, right? It's not 144, but good enough.

Typically one chooses/compromises between high resolution and high frame rate. 4k60 is one way to go.

Doesn't mean 60hz is suddenly "trash", as the commenter said.

Nope I would say whatever you are drawn to is the best choice.

But some people play fast paced games that benefit from higher frame rate and it is noticeable when you see a 60hz monitor afterwards.

My laptop is LCD and has 165 Hz refresh rate, although the resolution is QHD and not 4k


The reason it isn't upgrading is Vyvanse.

If the shortage hits me, then I fear the upgrade will be me, sitting at work, staring at the "Updating your device. This make take several minutes" screen for 3 days.

Shit. You just reminded me I was supposed to do that last week.

I've already upgraded to ADQHD, but I still have my old ADSXGA monitor as a secondary display (I fear it's already dying).