10 Post – 655 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So, the play here is to get everyone who agreed to the app to file a binding arbitration suit against McDonalds for wedging a binding arbitration clause into the app.

They have to respond to it and it will cost them a lot of lawyer time and money.

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I once had a job that was working me every single day 9 hours a day because they would not replace the 4th employee who quit, running a 24/7 location.

I told them that if they didn't hire somebody I would quit.

I gave them a week and they hadn't even made an attempt to hire anybody.

I offered to the manager that two days a week we would each take a 12-hour shift, so that each of us in turn would get one full day off each week.

My manager said no.

To my manager's shock and surprise I quit on the spot, and my manager and my coworker each got to work a 12-hour shift for the next 6 weeks every single day until the other person quit and they had to close the business down until they hired in replacements.

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You done fucked up from the moment you turned 5. That's where you went wrong. You should have just stopped getting older

I don't care if you're on or off the Taylor Swift hate train, but this is freaking funny.

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Shareholders are the worst creation of capitalism so far.

It allows you to create anonymous gray masters that you must serve at any cost no matter how humanly heinous they are.

Also, the bad thing that can happen to the shareholders is that they lose a little money whereas the people beholden to the shareholders can lose everything they have including their souls, and all the shareholders have to do is say "I had nothing to do with it, I just bought a piece of paper, I didn't even get a piece of paper I got an nft" and wash their hands of the whole thing.

The fact that our retirement accounts are being used to fund the hedge managers that create small shareholders that run the businesses that fire us so that the large shareholders get more money now in hopes that in some theoretical future the small shareholders get enough money to enjoy our twilight years is absolute insanity.

"Doing it for the kids" he says to himself while she goes around and probably has sex with other people behind his back. Like I think we're all at the point where nobody would fault Will Smith for divorcing Jada pinkett and moving on.

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Real answer is that it's not that they don't like dick it's that they don't like the dicks attached to them

My reaction to this post is about the same as it would be if an alien came up to me and just started garbling noises at me. I have no fucking clue what any of this is supposed to mean

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Is the word "slams" appropriate in this context?

This is not fucking WWE hell in a cell, this is them fining them for breaking the law.

A slam would be the "value of the company", not a small percentage of the money they made off of breaking the law.

You can fine Amazon $130 million.

To "slam" Amazon you got to hit them with 130 billion dollars

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Or the warden got a nice chunk of change for that man's heart.

Poland ought to ban that company from ever working or operating or selling any products inside of its country and any trains made by that company that are not currently owned by Poland should be prevented from traveling on the tracks that cross through Poland.

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And what's really fucking infuriating about this is that it honestly has nothing to do with making the internet a better place to be or improving the safety of the internet or protecting children or anything like that.

It's about ads.

They're literally trying to fuck the entire internet in broad daylight so that they have a way to guarantee to their advertisers that they are targeting you with the ads the advertisers want you to see.

A friend of mine got roped into a game show when he was in Japan and ended up winning ~ $50,000 USD after taxes.

I think it was one of those shows where you had to contort your body into particular shapes to fit through a sliding wall.

Anyway, he bought a truck and paid off some of his family's bills and now he's running for some sort of city council position, but he's kind of a dick so I wouldn't vote for him.

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Reminds me of a story I read about how if you had a can of food and bacteria got into it, and every day the bacteria doubled in size, and somehow this bacteria had conversations with itself with all of the other bacterias in the can about how long the food would last.

How long would it be before everything ran out?

At some point, the smart bacteria would stand up and say, "Hey, my fellow Amoebas, we've used 1/4 of all of the food in the can! If we're not careful and if we don't manage our resources we will run out of food!"

And the politician bacteria would say, "Don't worry, everyone, we have 3 times as much food as we've ever used in all the months of our existence still in the can!"

And the bacteria was fruitful, and multiplied.

And when they hit the halfway mark the next day, the smart bacteria would stand up and say, "Hey my fellow Amoebas, we've used half of all of the food in the can! If we're not careful and if we don't manage our resources we will run out of food!"

And the bacteria politicians would say, "Everyone! Don't worry! We still have as much food left as we have used in our entire existence to this point!"

And the bacteria was fruitful, and multiplied.

And then another day passed, and all of the bacteria died.

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I am out of the loop, what happened to duckduckgo?

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Too bad the Mozilla foundation didn't pivot to that instead of whatever the hell they're doing with AI

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Sounds like the issue is that you feel sexually attracted to her at a purely base and instinctual level and you don't want to feel that way towards someone you consider as a daughter, and it's easier for you to try to have her fix the problem than for you to process your own lizard brain response to an attractive woman being near you.

There is nothing inherently wrong with feeling the way you're feeling, it just means that like most people you are not actually as noble and pure as you would prefer to be.

If you can process that whole shebang then it might make it easier for you to actually step into the role of being closer to your own personal ideal of pure.

I would start with taking a deep breath, holding it for the count of three, and then exhaling it and noting how you feel, what you feel, and how that makes you feel, and then accepting that without being influenced by it.

Sexual urges are normal. Not being in control of them is not normal.

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It's called shucking and it happens a lot especially in the home server home lab community.

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“Not all women are good,” he explains.

“Not all men are good,” I respond.

That's an amazingly pithy pair of lines

Very much this. The allure of raspberry pis was that they were $30 toys that could actually be used to do things that were equivalent to much more expensive computers and computer control systems.

Somewhere along the way they lost the plot, probably when supply chain issues drove their prices sky high along with the compute modules being used for home lab servers, and now cheap knockoffs based off of Rockville chips or ESP32 are just as capable as raspberry pis for a fraction of the cost, and at the same time actual desktop computers in miniature form factor have become so cheap on the second hand market that they are incredibly competitive with the raspberry pi.

Don't get me wrong, pi is a great platform. But the use cases in which it leads the pack have become incredibly narrow.

Actually I can't think of anything that raspberry pi does that can't be done better by a less expensive alternative.

Even the pi5 with the nvme hat is not currently price competitive with a 4-year-old HP ultra small form factor as far as I know.

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Oh yeah. I work a flat 40 sitting on my ass and make about 10x what I did then.

I definitely had to go through a lot of shit but that one was probably some of the worst of it job-wise.

Hell I didn't even own a car at the time but that walk home was the most baller stroll I've ever had in my life.

I got home, told my girlfriend at the time I had quit my job and then I went and slept for 14 hours without a care in the world, and then the next day I went out and found a job that paid a dollar an hour more.

Apparently they didn't stop them from doing a bad stupid thing to themselves and that means that the entire thing from start to finish is the Democrats fault

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Now you can also speak and translate the languages of the trees and the rocks and the inanimate objects all around you and you have no way to get them to shut up.

Yeah, if I were her I would never go back to Texas. Who knows if some jackass is going to try to make their career off of imprisoning her for getting an out of state abortion?

You could have a divorce before Jesus died for your sins too. It's just you're no longer going to go to hell for it.

But in one of the books I want to say Paul maybe Ephesians talks about this specific issue and he says that by that measure shouldn't we sin all the more so that Grace can abound all the more, and of course the answer is no.

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I mean I'm not trying to start anything but ever so often it crosses my mind that there are roughly 500 people that if we, the other 8 billion people on the planet, captured those 500 people, executed them, and divided their wealth among us evenly, would improve the quality of life for what 4 to 6 billion people so much that it would change the world in a single night.

500 people for 8 billion.

There's a phrase that comes to mind, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."

Honestly I'm too chickenshit to be the hangman but if we all got together and decided that it was time I wouldn't blame you.

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I'm frequently accused of being a white person by people who are looking directly at me and seeing my tan skin and my shoulder blade length dark brown hair.

And I don't really know what to say. Like, thank you for letting me enjoy the white privilege card, but it doesn't really do me any favors because in most areas the native American privilege card outweighs the white privilege card.

On the other hand, I am occasionally accused of being a Mexican even though I'm 6 ft 1 and speak very fluent English without a identifiable accent.

And old people have handed me things written in Spanish and asked me to translate it for them because it's my native language and it's fucking not, but then, since I can usually figure out what written Spanish means I still tell them the answer but I feel weird about it and I don't want to be made to feel that way.

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The good place.

I can't think of any other show that so effortlessly addresses the process of hitting rock bottom and then crawling out of the hole you dug for yourself with tenderness and comedy than that show.

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Fucking Texas made it so that someone that presents male, whom all of their classroom mates referred to as he, can't participate in a high school play as a male character.

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This reads like "gun makers softens triggers on guns to improve gun safety" or "baby formula makers poison baby food to build up babies' tolerance to poisoned baby food"

Donate the money to a charity in their name.

Like an honest Good Charity whose cause they believe in.

That way, you'll have done a nice thing in their name but they'll be a piece of shit for feeling bad about it when they find out what you did instead of giving them the money directly.

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Also, don't tell your wife or daughter what you're going through unless you can't control it and need intervention from them.

They may think less of you for it but no one is perfect, and no one is expected to be perfect, but it's hard to explain to people the simple truths of these things without them judging you on their own criteria, and it would be rare to be in a situation where you can freely express your feelings of physical attraction to your step daughter without it seeming like a fetish kink perversion type thing and not as an involuntary neuronal activation response.

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I've done some work for lawyers before in the it field and I would place a hefty bet of $10 that the reason that she has that laptop is that her old one broke down and she told her it guy to get her the most powerful laptop available.

Lawyers are not really known for being technologically savvy, same for doctors and teachers, but they often have a lot of money to burn for tax purposes every year.

I'm just imagining in like 10 more years or so she's going to end up having horse pubes and horse heads sticking out of her armpits and horse heads growing down her legs and shaving them off is going to be a real neightmare

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My question is, what is the advantage of buying a brand new car? It loses 20% of its value when they hand you the keys.

I don't know about you people but I can't afford to take a $10,000 hit on a $50,000 purchase the instant I make the purchase, and anyone who can afford that isn't buying a $50,000 car

16 more...

If you want further verification of that, look at where the money that he used to purchase Twitter came from.

It came from the Middle East, it came from oppressive regimes with wealth inequalities equivalent to the difference between a newborn baby that has to pay the hospital bill for its own birth and Elon musk.

It came from areas where people who were unhappy with the extreme laws that they were forced to live under used Twitter to organize so that they could vote and push for laws that brought them greater equality in life.

The fact that Elon is also using Twitter to fragment the American population and prevent them from unifying in a vote or having a single location where everyone can go and talk about the things that they are interested in is secondary to that but also serves the purposes of Elon who profited immensely from the Republican tax cuts from 2016 to 2020.

Elon went from a net worth of $11 billion dollars to $70 billion dollars in 4 years, and from $70 billion in 2020 to $219 billion dollars today, because the tax breaks that Trump instituted during his presidency have not been repealed or adjusted.

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Maybe we should write an open letter to our senators and congressman and request that they draft legislation to make it illegal for hardware vendors to software lock hardware capabilities behind a paywall.

If I buy a $100,000 vehicle I shouldn't have to pay 50 60 80 100 $200 a month to utilize the features that are built into the physical hardware of the vehicle I have purchased.

I can understand a fee for internet access or for premium radio subscriptions or something but not to use the heated seats and battery life that is physically built into the vehicle I purchased.

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I don't know if I'm in the right here but I'm practically at the point where I'm just like fuck it, let them ruin the internet.

I want to hear them scream when because of their own actions they have tanked the companies that their retirements are depending on.

Let's see how fast they can fix shit when they have 35 million angry retirees that hold 78% of the wealth in the country mad at them and telling them to fix it.

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I'm pretty sure my family is poor so you know I would finish my grieving process and then go back to work

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Human beings are bioluminescent.

We glow so faintly that we can't see each other in the dark but we can be picked up in the dark by sensitive enough equipment.