
1 Post – 191 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Mentally ill woman, adult, works for DIDDs (US).

I'm here to help!

You know what's extra fun about this?

Those secretions bleach underwear. That's right, my cute black panties are all inevitably doomed to have a white spot in the crotch over time!

16 more...

I just wanted to say these comments are off the chain. This is how the internet used to be- just people chatting, making jokes and telling stories.

I didn't know how much I missed it.

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Nutty Putty Cave is his Nutty Putty Grave sounds better for whatever reason.

Sounds like ADHD.

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They're trying to do a "gotcha." What they mean is, "Are even the dead children responsible for the situation they were in?"

It's a fallacy; appeal to emotion. Obviously the dead children aren't reading this, or hearing the words that "all of us are complicit." Instead of thinking as a rational person would that the audience being addressed by those words are the people to who that phrase would apply, they did a rapid-fire, emotion-based response because they want to feel right and superior, instead of taking the mature, nuanced approach.

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Even if she does I say we leave that be. Women grow facial hair and society's stigma around it should be eliminated.

Source: women I know with PCOS and the way it affects them.

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I gotta disagree with you homeslice.

Listening to my husband talk about Warhammer; cool as fuck, love that you love your hobby. Here are the top memes from grimdank that I don't understand but I know you will! I love that you laugh, then tell me why you laughed.

Listening to my husband talk about Magic: The Gathering? I do not give a fuck why are so many people all the way up the ass of Wizards and why do you assholes need to tell me every single time they partner to do limited runs of art from other IPs that are explicitly designed to make you shell out every goddamn dime every chance they get because FOMO!!

You're allowed to have limits is my point. Having limits on which things you just can't stand hearing about anymore doesn't make you a bad partner. It makes you human.

From Wikipedia:

Frank Oz, who previously performed as Bert, stated Bert and Ernie were not gay, saying,

"They're not, of course, a gay couple. But why that question? Does it really matter? Why the need to define people as only gay? There's much more to a human being than just straightness or gayness."[17][18]

Sesame Street went on to clarify further, stating:

"No, Bert and Ernie aren't gay - they're 'best friends'".[19]

The Gaystar News reported that fans reacted negatively to this assertion. Frank Oz later tweeted in September 2018

A last thought: If Jim and I had created Bert and Ernie as gay characters they would be inauthentic, coming from two straight men. However, I have now learned that many view them as representative of a loving gay relationship. And that's pretty wonderful. Thanks for helping me understand.[20][21]

So, I would say they weren't intended that way from the start but only because the writers didn't think to do so. Frank Oz is a great reference for these things, and if he says "I love how you see them as representation" then that's good enough for me.

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Given that my father has been dead for 17 years and I'm finally about to leave my husband... This for sure seems appropriate.

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Austin Powers was such a good spoof of the genre that it killed the genre it was spoofing (for a little while). It was also a great movie in its own right!

To this day I'll say "There you are!" And if someone asks if they know me, or if I was looking for them, or any number of things, I'll say, "No, but there you are! You're there!"

Way way back in the dark ages before adultfanfiction alienated everyone (and, in a move I would later thank them for, deleted all my stuff) I remember getting a comment that said something like,

"Stop writing short stories on this site and go write a novel. I don't have time for this."

Lemme tell ya, that was the most devastating thing I'd ever been told. I still laugh about it sometimes.

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I've been on Lemmy talking about this for ages. Listen. I'm in healthcare. I work under the Deparment of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities in a 501c3 doing residential care.

The health care system in America is absolutely fucked from top down.

I'm working constantly. We do not have enough people. In my particular field, we are vastly underpaid for the work we do, so no one wants to do it. The jobs are there, the labor isn't. And listen, no one in this job can blame them!

We're so burned out that every time yet another person quits we all nod and say, "Good for them" and soldier on, because if we stop showing up, these people will die.

That's just residential care. People living communally with disabilities wind up in every facet of health care (urgent care, hospitals, physicians) at an insane rate, so I see different facilities almost every day, and everywhere I go the story is the same!

Something has to give. You can't order us to work and eventually the rising cost of living will force people like me to give up on these marginalized populations. Every LPN and CNA I know has quit healthcare altogether because it's not worth it. The only one I know who still works is a PRN contractor who charges over $30/hour to work in nursing homes. We have to do something or there won't be anyone left to treat anyone!

I bake. I'm known for making birthday cakes for people.

I just made one November the 15th, and that night I was bombarded with "how much would you charge to bake one of these for-?"

Absolutely not. People are bastards. The instant my baking turns from "thoughtful gift" to something owed, I will be stuck with all the bullshit that entails. No thanks. Delicious, complex, mesmerizing bakes and absolutely zero strings attached thank you very much.

I'm glad yall posted this but I'm bummed it's no longer "aggressive." Anybody who pretends that the wording of "aggressive support" is concerning is probably afraid of triggering that aggression themselves... and they should be.

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Reminds me of when Ambien said the same thing.

And the above poster who says they need treatment should read this. We are out here. We are mentally ill. Our mental illness, even at its most untreated, doesn't make us fucking nazis so trying to be "kind" to nazis who happen to be mentally ill makes you an apologist.

Dude does need treatment. He also deserves a punch for the nazi bullshit. The one doesn't absolve the other.

13 more...

Imagine a railroad company evacuating your town but promising to provide you with Thanksgiving dinner... What hell

From time to time, I feel bad for all the people who don't enjoy crafting, fishing, or farming elements in their games now that those things are in every game.

Then I remember that I love them so much that I just get back to enjoying them.

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Misread this as Concerned Ape and became... Concerned. And also mad I didn't know there was a convention.

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I appreciate this distinction.

I have massive tits and I am physically active. I also have a physically demanding job. I think people (mostly men but also women with smaller breasts) don't realize how much they just straight up get in the way!

And I'm nearing 40. And have had a child! They get pendulous real quick and I have a feeling by the time I retire I'll be able to tuck them into my waistband! I am a liberated woman! I come from hippies! I even went a couple years completely without a bra! Strapping these fuckers out of the way has nothing to do with a fear they are sinful or might be seen and everything to do with not having the time to bat them out of the way every thirty seconds.

I also hate the pivot from "we need better boob operator equipment" to "Well akshyually if you didn't wear bras at all it wouldn't be a problem." Okay fucko you think you have all the answers about why breasts are saggy, how about addressing the problem?

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Fry scrubbed his nipples clean off!

Thank you for posting this. I knew a woman's orgasm had a purpose in insemination but vocalizations indicating the best time for male ejaculation makes sense.

And about a billion times more sense than some of the nonsense posted in this thread.

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I have to agree to disagree.

I often do find myself more likely to talk about gender specific issues when I know that the space I'm in will make an effort to exclude those people who don't understand that some topics aren't for them. I have seen, time and again, how any topic focusing on the issues of a specific gender will bring out hordes of people to scream about how this exclusion is somehow evil or wrong just because it excludes them.

Gender specific conversations draw out trolls like nothing else.

I have an amazing anecdote about a friend who was working hospice who had an ancient lady tell her about how she (the old lady) killed her first husband for being an abusive dick.

She laughed the whole time.

It was later proven true.

I'm on Wegovy and it's a miracle, frankly.

Between the ADHD medication wreaking havoc with my hunger signals and the non-diabetic hypoglycemia causing me to go from "not hungry" to "dying of a sugar crash," the Wegovy gave me actual satiety for the first time in my life, and evened out the crashes.

I'm a big fan of more options along these lines, for whoever they might save.

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I hope that little dude can get back out of there.

I know nothing of animal physics outside of how my cat can get in and out of literally anything if he's motivated by chaos.

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Leela's glass.

Ah. The Starship Troopers problem.

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I never did get tired of this format.

"Started?" Here in Tennessee we never stopped calling each other girlfriend.

But as others said, "Partner." I use it to talk about my boyfriend (since I'm a well-known demi person locally and the sex of whoever I'm with can be a massive question mark.)

This absolutely chaps my ass! I said I don't want dairy! I love gluten goddammit! Why am I being lumped in with celiacs??

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This "dementia" bit needs to die. Call him old or stupid but pathologizing to something as severe as dementia hits me the same way as if you called him "retarded."

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Let me add- not only are they mostly coping fatties, they co-opted truths for the other end of the spectrum (extreme low BMI) and started claiming the same for themselves. Yes. BMI is a poor indicator of health in weight lifters. 500 lb people do not share that outlier.

I say this as a fat person who will likely die fat, who feels no guilt or shame or any negative internalized anything. It is a fact. I am fat. I will likely be fat for the rest of my life. It's as clinical to me (I work in healthcare) as the sky being blue or my patient being bradycardic- it is what it is and the sooner we stop pretending it's anything more than that, the sooner we can all move on to the more important realities of dealing with the consequences.


No... no, this isn't an acceptable hyperfocus! I HAVE WORK TO DO! AAA-

Well, we go where the serotonin demands.

Here is an alphabetical list and the number of entries on the FBI site for cases in that state. Be advised this is of the number of people who were arrested in each state, so outliers (such as fugitives) aren't made clear, and neother are those who might be listed for multiple arrests in different states.

Additionally, I counted them by hand, on my awful phone, so user error is real.

Finally, I had some mechanical difficulty sorting through the individuals in the state of Washington versus towns named Washington in other states, versus the District of Columbia, the number of which I included after the list.

Alabama - 16
Alaska - 2
Arizona - 11
Arkansas - 4
California - 59
Colorado - 17
Connecticut - 4
Delaware - 5
Florida - 95
Georgia - 24
Hawaii - 1
Idaho - 7
Illinois - 36
Indiana - 18
Iowa - 8
Kansas - 19
Kentucky - 23
Louisiana - 3
Maine - 5
Maryland - 16
Massachusetts - 11
Michigan - 23
Minnesota - 12
Mississippi - 1
Missouri - 31
Montana - 5
Nebraska - 1
Nevada - 3
New Hampshire - 5
New Jersey - 28
New Mexico - 3
New York - 66
North Carolina - 24
North Dakota - 0
Ohio - 58
Oklahoma - 10
Oregon - 8
Pennsylvania - 80
Rhode Island - 4
South Carolina - 15
South Dakota - 2
Tennessee - 28
Texas - 84
Utah - 9
Vermont - 1
Virginia - 53
Washington - 14
West Virginia - 8
Wisconsin - 9
Wyoming - 0

Bonus round, Discrict of Columbia - 31

Also, I found zero incidents listed in any US territories but I may have been searching incorrectly.

I don't think it's fair that North Dakota (population; 763,657) and Wyoming (population 585,587) get the honor of being in the clear. The population of Hawaii (as estimated, my sympathies for the fires) was 1.43 million and produced a mere one insurrectionist. So I think a fairer metric might be insurrectionists by percentage of overall population. It might be skewed in some specific instances (New York being skewed by New York city, as a prime example) but it would be a more interesting metric...

God I hope I forget this thought experiment before I come to work tomorrow.

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I think that your impression that this user wants to be angry is correct, because the person they were mad at for being insensitive in their wording appeared in this very thread an hour ago and made themselves available to speak to the person calling you a Pick Me and being rude, but the user chose to continue arguing with you, rather than address the (IMO, reasonable) response of the original 'offender.'

I agree that the wording was insensitive but when the user in question clarified their POV, as far as I can tell, they were still being reasonable. It's telling that the OP chose to continue to attack you further rather than engage with the original 'offender.'

I don't think further engagement here will be beneficial to you, or the OP, though obviously you're free to do as you wish. I hope you have a lovely day.

Context here would help. MewTwo here was born after horrific genetic experimentation and the moment depicted was MewTwo learning that just because his "father" was an unconscionable monster doesn't mean that MewTwo is justified in waging war on all more privileged creatures. It isn't their fault he was made in a lab to subjugate the world, so it's not the circumstances of his birth that dictates that everyone else should pay.

Yes. It is always like this. The OP either missed the point of the previous seasons entirely or never watched them and chose to bag on a show for being 'meta' that has been that way since it began.

The entire eyePhone episode. Mom_santo_ corporation? Decision 3000? Futurama is more color commentary than anything else!

There's a lot to be said about it but anyone with a brain will agree to this, and simply this;


Don't qualify it. Don't turn it into yet another stale argument that will invariably link some grifter's asinine manifesto. Everyone from every side can agree that this is a good thing. Let it be enough.

I haven't moved to Linux because I work in healthcare and do 12 hour shifts and do not have the time needed to-

  1. Wipe anything
  2. Reinstall anything
  3. Learn new things and finally
  4. Use my computer.

The last one is the real pain. I'll tell ya though, if I ever get to sit at my computer again I'll learn how to unfuck it and I hope by then there's some easy to access resources for learning a system!

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One thing I think people need to understand is that 'Tex-Mex' should not be considered a goddamned insult. Texas has a deep history with it's relationship to Mexico, and Texas is fucking huge.

To put it in perspective, go look at a land size comparison of Texas and the entire UK. Texas is bigger. On it's own.

So to expect it to not have it's own culture and it's own cuisine is stupid as hell. Now, if we want to discuss which we prefer... that's a different conversation.

And to ask me if I want to live there? The answer is a resounding "hell no."

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They never got Ethiopia.

Thank you, History of the World I guess!