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Joined 1 years ago

I use podman and have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Send help

I mean she is kinda cute

Maybe it's just like a shit car? I'm no carologist tho

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Sure it is. Let's just pretend there is no monetary incentive for a region to have a holy relic which brings them a bunch of tourism. Ain't nothing holy under capitalism.

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Your mistake was using a MS account for your windows install

So that's why they are last place and why SKT is just better.

SKT would never.

Saving the woman sounds like a huge W. This is the easiest choice of my life, what are you on about?

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I feel like if you know how to look up the answer and can follow a guide to apply 5 steps, you are probably more capable than 80% of the people on this planet.

It's best not to touch anything web related, lest you want to go mad. It's like the elder scrolls or laying eyes on some cosmic horror creature. Tbf this also goes for C++

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And boats and icebergs. Even me. I can't swim, I just extend my legs. and fake it.

Tbf, I also really don't want to learn Rust. Overhyped dreck

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The ol tug n jug

Nah. We won't make it unless a lot of people start to be cool with cutting back a lot. Plane rides, cars, meat consumption, the list goes on. And that just ain't happening. Also fascism is on the rise.

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Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior Mozilla Firefox?

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AI nonsense privacy disrespecting "feature" coming next week

Dodged a bullet there. Thanks EU

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This guy is starting the next epidemic in his kitchen.

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Ain't no way that shit is legal, right?

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Wow I did not expect so many right wingers on blahaj zone. Feels weird

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Twink is the only constant

Is American democracy the shittiest version of democracy on earth?

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I imagine it's kinda like scheduling a DnD session

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This is a problem that will solve itself. Most genocidal fascists aren't that hyped about elections so they get rid of them.

You skipped past the batshit crazy part, eh? I would not trust any software she has touched, but you do you.

Jomo - joy of missing out

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Why the hell is America such a backwater shithole? Like the education system in my country is deeply flawed, but at least we don't have religious zealots.

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Maybe if we put ads in and take away the ability to download content foe offline use?

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Canonical is a joke

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So if I paint my cock I'm good, right?

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Firefox can be as slow as it wants. I will not betray little orange baby.

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Oh no, poor rich boy

But they feel attacked. They want to continue living in blissful ignorance of how animals are treated or how bad it is for the environment. Same as windows users who don't want to be reminded what corporate cucks they are. Some even go so far as to become utter bootlickers (see also Elon Musk fanboys)

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They are so gonna do a "friend wedding" in a couple of years.

You'd prefer the party that got Roe v Wade overturned then? Cause not voting Dems is being fine with whatever happens. And no, no silly revolution is gonna happen that will save you. Get out of dreamland now and accept this shitty choice put before you and just do the bare minimum at least.

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And yet they complain that our economy is in shambles. It's never enough for these capitalist ghouls.

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In the US? The same country that just overturned Roe v Wade? Yeah, somehow I have my doubts they will rid themselves of the archaic genital mutilation. I would like to believe people in 2024 are also smart enough not to crop a dog'a ears or dock its tail or hell, breed the abominations like pugs and french bulldogs. But that is not the world we live in. The world we do live in is filled to the brim with idiots.

Silly nonsense. Just cause I said I downloaded something isn't proof I did it. If I said I murdered someone you still have to proof I did it especially if there is no god damn body. In other words: they have to link my comments to a download I did via vpn years ago. Yeah, good luck losers.

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No. Mint is fine for my dad who uses a browser and an email program and nothing else. I'm not gonna recommend it to people who do a lot more with their machines. I can tell them I use Linux and they can ask me anything if they are ever curious about making the switch, but that is it. If they don't make the conscious decision to use Linux, then they won't stick with it anyways.

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