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Didn't you know? Those American Jews are being antisemitic for daring to oppose genocide.

93 more...

Reporting in after having just come from Panera due to this article. Didn't read article, and it might be click bait or might not. I do know that the drink in question is slapped right beside all the typical juices and sodas, and the label says "contains as much as our dark roast coffee" then below that, even less obvious it gives serving sizes & caffeine amounts. Call me crazy, but I doubt your average consumer is going to consider just how much caffeine might be in LEMONADE.

Panera is definitely losing this one. It could even be argued that they chose a product with that much caffeine and to not really advertise it based on the amounts of caffeine of the 30oz literally being a hair's width away from the potential danger threshold.

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I'm no fucking expert, but I've been around this shit show of a world long enough to realize that "economy good" equals Stockmarket is good which translates to rich people are still getting richer so fuck NBC

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Well. I never really gathered much direct information on what type of person Kissinger was, but considering the characters of both Anthony Bourdain and Sanders, I think I'll put him in the burn in hell camp.

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Shut the fuck up Gingrich nobody cares about your fuckhead opinions.

The civilians on both sides aren't in the right? I misunderstand you, and am being genuine here. Morality/ethics of a conflict can't just be measured and analyzed by the actions and consequences of the combatants. The people caught in the middle, whether Palestinian or Jewish are the real losers in this. War has no real victor..

I absolutely adore and admire those at Larian studios. Divinity 2 is one of the best games I've ever played. I hope I can play BG3 one day since I don't have the funds for a system that will run it or better yet, it becomes available on Geforce Now or something because I got a damn wedding to pay for and bills to pay!

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I just see this as one more revolution. Not the good kind, just the "neutral" kind that the great George Carlin talked about, as we continue to circle the drain as a species...

AD4K? Brain still using LCD tech. Refresh rate is trash.

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There is a primate that washes their fruit off and it is a learned behavior. They have taught all the other in the species to do the same thing.

Welp. Looks like I'm going to jail in the not too distant future I guess.

DING DING DING. The 10 or so mega corporations that are left after all the consolidation 2 Electric Boogaloo are making BANK so yeah... We good. /s

This isn't going to put a dent in climate change. It just isn't. Wake me up when we change our stance on Nuclear since that is the only thing that will bolster renewable energy, which is a stop gap.

Furthermore, if the US government actually cared about fighting climate change they would invest in public transportation across the country, making those EV, since they A. Go shorter distances and B. Can carry more people, and they would also tax the shit out of the fossil fuel industry and manufacturing sector for their wonton pollution. It's called internalizing the externalities and it needed to happen 10 years ago. We're so fucked.

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The stock market is the worst thing to ever happen to this world. FTFY

May we stop living in interesting times....

Wheeling out the Both Sides argument here of all places, huh? Tone-deaf much?

I get what you're saying, but at some point we have to admit that there really aren't any adults at the table. A direct example is the governments covid response and another more recent is the emergence of the so-called freedom caucus. Basically I subscribe to the depressing notion that all these fuck head fascists that came before have sewn their seeds and now there is an alarmingly large amount of the populace who have drank the koolaid, made from those seeds, and even worse is a lot of the original sewers (heh), have lost the thread and are drinking their own koolaid....

No offense, but this is oddly familiar to Circa November 2016..

I'm just saying. We should tread lightly and take it all seriously if there is evidence. They're counting on slinging so much shit at the wall that we won't be able to tell what is credible as a threat and what isn't.

After reading the article I not only signed up for Teen Vogue's political newsletter, I signed up for the United Autoworkers Union newsletter too and I'm not even part of a Union!

Is this an original ? If so, do you write because I want more. You had me wanting to look up the book to buy it lol. Good shit

Uh oh

Late stage capitalism ruined or will ruin every corporation FTFY

George Orwell, before he wrote 1984, wrote a treatise on the weaponiziation of language. It seems like he was right to warn people.

Most people that believe or even don't believe don't usually follow it to its logical conclusion like that, but I concur. The opening lines of Richard Dawkin's God Delusion says something similarly.


I adore Legal Eagle.

Thank you! I've been reading the responses and many of them hit the mark, but yours is the only one mentioning the sbortsightedness of it all. My brother and I have had many conversations about this subject and agree that part of it has to be some kind of collective brain misfire for the lack of a better phrase, that happens to organisms that get to the level we're at, since everything that we build moves faster than evolution will allow our brains to adapt to, and while we see all of this as a mistake we've made or a small subset of us being greedy and upsetting the apple cart, I posit that it is just our species finally reaching a bottleneck that all species eventually face. We just artificially pushed the ceiling further and further upward so we didn't see it. I think we are starting to see it though and it's unlikely that we can do anything to stop from hitting it now.

On the other side of that coin, it is much easier for someone with a high degree of intelligence and self awareness, to perform the necessary mental gymnastics to justify bullshit beliefs...

Photons. Not trying to be pedantic.. it's just a massive difference.

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I'm so ready to get the kind of polish and mastery that BG3 has applied to a new game in the Divinity universe. I haven't finished DOS3, not by a Longshot and don't have time to play it, but it blew me away and I think about playing it again often. I will one day. It is daunting when you haven't played a game like that in a while, to continue on. Especially on the harder difficulties lol RIP. Larian is the GOAT game studio up there with From Software and the Zelda team imo.

I went further still and fed your post into ChatGPT with this prompt: "Analyze this and tell me your prediction on the future of the internet keeping in mind the total enshittification of social media and most of the big tech companies apps and people as products mentality: "

& this is what I got back:

"The text you provided highlights the evolving landscape of AI chatbots and their potential impact on online interactions. As AI becomes more prevalent, distinguishing between human-generated and AI-generated content could become increasingly challenging. The concern about a feedback loop of AI-generated information perpetuating inaccuracies is valid. To mitigate this, it's crucial for platforms to maintain active moderation, user guidelines, and mechanisms for authentic human engagement. The future of the internet might involve a delicate balance between AI and human interactions, with responsible management of AI-generated content to ensure the preservation of genuine conversations and connections."

Does this increase or decrease your concern???

This. You have to baby it and then if you want it to do something different you have to tell it a hundred times in a hundred different ways before it stops producing the same stuff with the same structure with slight differences. It is a nightmare.

Education is where we all in America are going to lose this battle. looks at the GOP

Not to mention grades are about doing the work and having the discipline and organizational skills. There are plenty of people who are very intelligent, but lack both of those. US testing metrics (is that the right word?) are heavily flawed. This isn't even bringing up the racist aspect of most institutions, including educational being headed up and formulated by white people.

Yeah. That's how culture works from an anthropological lens. Culture makes people and people make culture and each individual moves the needle just a microscopic amount while some move it a bit more. (Gross simplification) my wife has a master's in classical anthropo and I had some exposure to anthropological theory lol.

Much easier to rearrange reality to fit your perception rather than alter your perception and admit that you're possibly wrong.

Hackers are revving up their fingers

ITT: Really good story prompts...

If you didn't say it I was gonna.

I respect your thoughts on this as they're very fleshed out and sound like something that could be accurate, but the big problem i see is that your experiences in high-school are extremely biased by your age and limited experience with the wider world at the time. I'm not singling you out btw, because my saying this is based on my own self-reflection of earlier years. Before you are fully integrated into society and also, your frontal lobe is literally still developing until you're in your mid twenties, it is hard to assess the state of things imo. There is definitely a capitalist/media centered cultural zeitgeist that pervades everything, and I'm sure has profound effects, I just can't buy being able to fully grasp it in highschool or earlier. I look forward to your reply.