Biden-Harris Administration Announces $15.5 Billion to Support a Strong and Just Transition to Electric Vehicles, Retooling Existing Plants, and Rehiring Existing Workers to – 505 points –
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $15.5 Billion to Support a Strong and Just Transition to Electric Vehicles, Retooling Existing Plants, and Rehiring Existing Workers

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This isn't going to put a dent in climate change. It just isn't. Wake me up when we change our stance on Nuclear since that is the only thing that will bolster renewable energy, which is a stop gap.

Furthermore, if the US government actually cared about fighting climate change they would invest in public transportation across the country, making those EV, since they A. Go shorter distances and B. Can carry more people, and they would also tax the shit out of the fossil fuel industry and manufacturing sector for their wonton pollution. It's called internalizing the externalities and it needed to happen 10 years ago. We're so fucked.

Exactly. EV cars are meant to save the car industry, not the planet.

EV cars are meant to be powered with green energy, but you need a demand and a supply of that first or you're just powering them with coal instead of oil.

Common myth. Coal makes up a small percentage of power in the US and Europe, and EVs powered by literally anything other than coal (including natural gas) are a net win for the climate over ICE vehicles.

For example, where I live, coal is 3% of the energy mix. Renewables (including hydro) are 42%, and nuclear is 9%.

What's the other 46%?

38% natural gas and the rest "unspecified", probably smaller energy generation projects that don't fit neatly into other categories.

Edit: did some more research and "unspecified" means power imported from other states that didn't document the source of the power.

You realize natural gas is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect, right? When people talk about going to green energy, only the fossil fuel industries pretend gas, or for that matter "clean coal," is part of it.

And sure, it contributes less per kilowatt but the current concerns are that we're either already over the threshold or won't convert in time.

Cool, but that's a whole separate conversation.

An EV powered by 100% natural gas is still a lot better for the climate than an ICE vehicle.

And note that natural gas is a decreasing amount of the energy mix.

It just isn’t.


renewable energy, which is a stop gap

Shill detected.