
4 Post – 250 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

But hey, don't vote for Biden because of a bad debate. After all, how much worse can more conservative justices be....

Not directed at you- just in general.

This is simply fan fic.

Young people are fucking stupid then if they think trump gets them anywhere nearer their goals.

Source- I was a dumb youth in my day. Vote for the car that gets you closest to your destination, not farther away from it. And definitely don't abstain and then complain after the fact that things are worse.

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There are two standards. Everyone expects Republicans to be lying shitheads so when they are, no one is surprised.

We somehow just accept this.

Progressive paradox. Simultaneously so popular but can never get enough votes.

Biggest climate change law ever, forgave student loans, pardoned homosexual acts on the military, stood in picket lines, got railroad workers sick days, appointed a trust buster to the FTC.

Plenty more. And he's not trump. Got my vote and Anyone who isn't a complete dumbass, their vote too. Don't forget about who will pick new SCOTUS justices too.

The last three years did that. Idgaf about one bad debate.

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You are always full of the absolute worst takes.

This is so dumb. The Democratic party coalesced around Biden. If more people wanted Bernie then they should've fucking voted for him in the primary.

I did but can easily recognize not enough of others did.

Cool. How about a repairable phone with a headphone jack? I'll be a day one buyer.

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Apple tv sucks anyway. I'd like to remind people that it's near the end of the mls season and they still have no android mobile app. They actively piss on anyone not totally in line with their ecosystem, etc.

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For the hundredth time- it's not on Democrats to unfuck Republicans. If they want to actually be adults they can come to Democrats and offer up their own "olive branch."

Let the fuckers stew in their own shit and maybe some people will finally wake the fuck up that Republicans aren't at all fit to manage a Wendy's, let alone govern the country.

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As someone who was around for the sysvinit to systemdd change, I'll take the latter every single day and twice on Sunday.

Terrible topic but systemd itself is a godsend IMO, warts and all.

It's nothing more than this shit stain trying to save his flailing and ultimately horrendously unsuccessful campaign.

Seems odd. They've been pushing login.gov like everywhere.

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Get me a decent phone with a jack and unlockable bootloader and yeah, I'd at least give you one sale.

This is fantastic. I've been using it for a while and it's battery efficient and easy to use.

The Dev is responsive and I've donated. Should probably do that again soon.

It's not going to be a shitshow at all. Business will mostly move to 11 whether they like it or not and consumers will just use unpatched win10. The exact same way they did with XP and the exact same way they did with 7.

It's only gonna be a shitshow if there is some earth shattering vulnerability found that a worm can exploit and even then MS would probably just push out an out of band update.

This is honestly going to be a "nothingburger."

Move on? Hell you could just move back to xmpp when people were using aim, gtalk, trillian clients, digsby, nimbuzz...

Some of us are old enough to remember the golden era.

EVs are meant to save the car industry, not the planet.

Surely they're better but you're right- we should be focusing on more transit rather than just EVs.

The US needs better public transit everywhere, not just EVS.

You know, you can recommend lxd and whatever without putting out FUD about proxmox and other tech.

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Dewine just pretends to be moderate. He should be in prison for his role in the energy scandal alone.

Our only hope is the redistricting amendment.

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Greece has actually had a remarkable turnaround. Nothing like it had been five or so years ago.

Having a jack entirely avoids the introduced problem by only having a USB port. Ie. Dongles

For everyone else without all that time, just invest in an index fund and go. Vtwax and chill with the bogleheads

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It's been this way forever. I never see KDE get near the hate from gnome users because it just doesn't affect them.

When you can pick whatever you like i don't understand why you'd waste time complaining about any you don't use.

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Why wouldn't they vote against McCarthy? He made a deal then abjectly refused to honor it later. His word is useless so him getting the boot is just desserts.

Why keep a guy in there you can't at all trust to work with?

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Anyone with any experience with Oracle hates Oracle.

Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.

Or just you can use a different de and move on?

I've been running fedora with updates since 29 without issue. I don't know what people are doing that they break shit constantly. Maybe I'm just old and don't do extreme enough on my desktop.

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Honestly surprising. I thought multiple states were going full bore to get this on the ballot where possible.

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You are like the most miserable poster with so many axes to grind.

Relax man.

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Not an onion headline. Apparently that really is the new name.

Why would i ever buy this for sports? Do i want to be the only one watching it? Does absolutely no one have friends anymore?

A big TV is a far better investment for like 90+℅ of people.

Yeah and for that convenience you fuck over actual people in the city who need a place to live.

Sorry but fuck airbnb for this.

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That doesn't make sense to me. It would discourage innovation if you could produce something new and then someone else (or some huge company rather) could reproduce it entirely and steal your idea.

Now obviously this 100 year crap is awful but I certainly think there is merit to short copyright/patent law.

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I stopped using certbot when they made it nothing but a snap.

Lego, acme.sh, and tools like caddy, traefik, cert-manager can easily replaced it afaiac.

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Multiple projects that each spawn ten plus tabs. Why in the hell would i want to "remember" some obscure stack overflow link when i can use simple tab groups to keep it there?

And bookmarking something so temporary is also wasteful. Tab groups are a lifesaver IMO.