3 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The other consideration is that pretty much every company you could work for as a software developer is going to try to take advantage of your work. Most companies are morally bad at best and morally terrible at worst. If you discourage any good person from working there, the problem will only snowball from there.

If working at FAANG gives you the resources to support things you're passionate about, and you're willing to stand up for your values when they do something bad, there isn't a problem with that IMO.

If he was counting his money in $100 bills it would still take him about 40 years,

Edit: assuming he counts 1 $100 bill per second

Github contribution graphs (basically how much code you committed over time)

*Unfortunately this graph is from Google images, not my account :(

Edit: maybe I should have included a screenshot of light mode because it looks closer to the shower panels, oh well

Another interesting low-level interpreter/emulated system to look into for anyone else trying to get started with this type of thing is the CHIP-8! It's a pretty basic 8/16-bit instruction set (there are 35 opcodes, the instructions themselves are mostly simple) and there are tons of detailed guides on making one and writing roms for them.

Another funny concept

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If I had the willpower or time to go through a multi-thousand line (not including the html templates) legacy Angular 6 codebase where almost every property is typed 'any' then I assure you I would have, it's driving me insane 🙃, also why I prefer backend

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It looks like yay was storing AUR build files there, that folder took up about 160 of the 164GiB

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Some people are speculating a database error, because apparently 0.18.3 requires a database migration to work, here's the other post I just saw about this:

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^^ imo the logos under the "Doric" and "Tuscan" pillars are my two favorites. I like the slightly more detailed one better than the flat logo, but I completely understand why they changed it and there are some way worse examples of logos getting butchered by becoming too simple.

Crazy? I was crazy once.

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To a degree I'd say this applies to anyone that works on a game except upper management. With games like these the devs/artists are almost always the passionate ones trying to put their best effort into their games but end up forced into incredibly condensed timescales by upper management.


No, .cache is similar to a temporary directory (or at least in theory) where important data isn't supposed to be stored there, instead only temporary files that might speed things up (e.g. images in a browser or thumbnails in a file manager). In this case it looks like all of my AUR packages had their source files cached, which added up over the ~1.75 years that I've been running this distro

Permissions are listed as "user", "group", "other". I.e. the user who made the file, the group of the user who made the file (usually just their name as a group), and everyone else. In this case the rxw is for the user.

For chmod, you can also represent these as binary numbers: 111 would mean having all 3, 101 would mean having read and write, etc. These binary numbers then get turned back into regular numbers (7 in the first example, since it's 111) for chmod. Giving a file "chmod 777" means the user, group, and other all have full permissions on the file. "chmod 700" gives the creator full control, but no one else can view, modify, or execute the file.

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Wasn't the name "soccer" originally from England?

Edit: it was, and it was used for ~100 years in England until around 1960 -

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Lemmy in general uses this but a lot of mobile UI's don't have proper implementations (or at least they didn't for a while). I'm not sure if liftoff is still in development but the reason I switched back to Jerboa was because spoiler support was finally added

Anything that touches the internet can be scraped. Mastodon DMs aren't encrypted, and public posts are obviously public. There's nothing stopping someone from using the API or any web crawler to harvest data on mastodon users anyway.

Not arguing for/against threads, tbh I don't even use mastodon much because I don't really like the idea of microblogging to begin with

It's yay, which took up ~160 GiB. It was storing previous versions of AUR binaries which I guess added up over time. I posted a screenshot of ncdu outputs for a more detailed breakdown in one of the other reply threads

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Seems to be down, I haven't heard any news but can no longer log in

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VS code is a good app in spite of using electron, not because of it. There's no reason a simple plaintext editor needs to allocate 300MB of ram even without extensions just to launch, and there is definitely no reason a plaintext editor should require compiling chromium to build from source.

Slack is fine, but only when you exclusively use slack. Throw in an actual browser, discord, VS Code, Whatsapp, teams (?), etc. each with their own chromium instance and now your 16GB of ram are being eaten up at idle.

Is that definition not supporting your points though? It defines gender as mostly a social construct, which imo reinforces the fact that it's made up and not a tangible thing anyway.

Sometimes biological sex matters (e.g. as medical info for a doctor to understand) but other than that it's connected to gender in name only, based on made-up social rules.

I use an old VGA monitor with my modern desktop that I found in my school's recycling bins. I only use it as a second monitor but I can confirm VGA monitors are still fine for displaying simple text/monitoring software. No point in throwing it out if it works and isn't a security risk.

VS code is an electron app, there are a few others that have a simple enough purpose that they shouldn't be using a whole dedicated chrome engine to function.

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Oh I completely missed that lol. Oh well, it's probably still a useful explanation for someone else reading this

Most students have probably used Google drive by now, but it's still worth adding. Additionally, I personally find Overleaf to be great for LaTeX documents.

Edit: Also worth mentioning Notion for note-taking/studying/planning, and if slack is on the list for study groups, discord might as well be also. This might be because I'm a CS major, but nearly every class I've taken has had students make a discord server for studying/working on homework

I'd recommend reading the books if you haven't, the show changes a bit but it only goes up to book 6 out of 9. The books are all pretty long (I don't read much though), but they're highly worth reading

Broadcom, it's always broadcom's fault

Looks like yay is storing every previous binary for AUR bin packages (also excuse the unreadable terminal theme, it doesn't play very well with a lot of TUI apps unless they support custom theming)

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They're clearly making a racket over there

Thanks for this! I've been meaning to start getting into learning more about systemd and making services, this is super detailed and gives me a pretty good starting point!

any small PC

This is a pretty small niche though. I feel like (except for dev boxes and single-board computers) there aren't too many small PCs that would fit well near a TV. Even something like a steam deck SOC in a case around the size of a Mac mini would be great. Bonus points if they gave it a more powerful GPU

It was AUR packages from yay. I'm a CS major into gaming and emulation so there are a decent amount of programming build tools from the aur that I had, it looks like most of it is coming from storing all of the binaries from AUR packages, as intelliJ ultimate takes up 50 GiB, proton-ge-custom takes up 31 GiB, and Yuzu emulator takes up 16 GiB.

I wouldn't call necessarily call it "unproductive" though? He has been lobbying in cases and contributing to the right to repair movement for several years now. It's not like he's doing nothing, he's doing everything that he has the power to do.

I just found this today, I don't really know anything about cron jobs but this will probably incentive me to learn lol

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I use thunar (with ePapirus-Dark icons which is probably what makes it look like nautilus), I liked nautilus when I used it but thunar has a bit more functionality that I like

Nevermind then, that's good to hear! I enjoyed but I eventually had to switch back to Jerboa because it was the only client at the time with proper spoiler support.

Add a randomizer that has a chance of resetting it back to normal every now and then for maximum chaos

For me windows uses 3-5gb of ram on idle just after starting up. This is pretty consistent across multiple computers for me. On the same computers (I dual-boot on both my laptop and desktop) Linux idles at about 800mb-1.2gb. This was even true on KDE which was one of the "heavier" feature-rich desktop environments. I think Gnome might have been 1.5gb ish but I haven't used in a while. Either way, it used way less RAM than my windows installs which could noticeably impact some resource intensive programs like blender or davinci resolve

🤷‍♂️ They're just internet points, lemmy doesn't notify about up/downvotes so I will only see it if people respond. Either way it's hopefully still useful to someone else looking at the post who isn't familiar with basic permissions or acl