7 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

To be fair, the 2020 election was won by a left wing conspiracy to oust Donald Trump. In fact, it was the biggest left wing conspiracy in history. Over 81 million Americans conspired to vote that fat cunt out of office.

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I don't know what a HD is, but my doctor says I uave 80 of them.

Absolutely. As someone who manages a small team, my duties are advocating for the people who work for me, listening to the people closest to the problem, mediating disputes between people with different solutions, and ensuring we are all working towards the same overall goals. Most of the success of the team is directly attributed to their work. My biggest contribution is making sure they have what they need to do their job.

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I think I'll just keep calling it Twitter.

I don't know that the right listens to their base so much as they have identified ideas they can exploit. They rally around political hot button topics that drive turn out and engagement.

As far as the democrats go, I can't really argue with you there.

We need to dismantle the underlying system that allows a two party, money driven electoral system to exist. How you do that when it requires the cooperation of both parties is a question I don't have the answer to.

You should try that next time someone starts spouting "stop the steal" conspiracies. Marvel as their brain does a hard reboot.

The first panel ruins it.

Yeah, same here. Th API changes had 0 effect on me, but corporate money grabs that involve restricted access and screwing the community is a big no no for me.

Wait till they find out that's not what the movie was about.

This seems to keep happening to prominent right wing homophobes, and here I am, not gay at all and I never get my cock sucked. It just isn't fair.

Yep, I have no problem with doctors making what they make. Medical insurance companies are fundamentally incompatible with the mission of providing better health care. Some things are best left to the free market. Health care ain't one of them.

I didn't read past the first three words in your comment. BORING.

Install gentoo. Then you'll be building the defaults for the rest of your life.

The trick is to order half sweet/half unsweet. Otherwise you get Aunt Jemima on ice.

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Looks like the Nazis doing their usual schtick. All 15 of them, lol.

About 15 people wearing clothing and bearing flags emblazoned with Nazi insignia demonstrated outside the entrance to the Disney Springs shopping center

What I don't understand is why we give these fucks any air time. Don't counter protest. Don't cover it in the news. Just let them be sad and angry about their pathetic lives.

Imagine for a moment how different these events would be if literally no one showed up to fuel their hate speech. No one yelling at them, or holding protest signs, just an empty parking lot. It would really take the air out of that whole "rally" part of it, wouldn't it? It's hard to keep up the energy of an event like that when there's no one to be angry at and feed back into it.

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Absolutely not. It is kinda hot tho.

You know what, that's exactly how I feel about it. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but that sums up my feelings about that show precisely.

Actually, that's probably your best chance at getting your medical debt erased. If you just die broke and alone, no more medical debt!

I only drink the straw yellow stuff, the other flavors are too strong.

What app is this? Never seen it before. Whoever created it must be a real dumbass though.

The same idiot that thinks an omniscient, omnipotent being created you and gets mad about your sexuality.

I'm sure sooner or later we'll find out Bryan Fischer has been appropriating homosexual culture by sucking dicks in a public park.

Lol, what the fuck.

Seems like the obvious choice.

Considering how important it is to me that I'm not some piece of shit manager, yeah, it was a little personal. I take that kind of thing seriously. It kinda doesn't work as a meme reference without the meme.

I'll tag it NSFM: Not Safe For Mayonnaise

I'm aware of the existence and superiority of maple syrup. I only use Aunt Jemima in this example because that's what oversweetened tea tastes like to me: shit.

Assuming you plug it into the same receptacle or one that is on the same phase, nothing happens. Stupid for sure, don't do that, but it's already wired that way in the wall, you aren't short circuiting anything with a cable like that (also assuming you didn't mix up the neutral/hot wires when you made the cable). USA outlets at least. I don't know about the rest of the world.

Graphics used to be the hallmark of a great game. Back in the early days, if your game didn't come with improved graphics, it was trash (like, '90s era games I'm talking about). These days, good graphics can be achieved pretty easily, so it's not nearly as important as it used to be when trying to stand out from the crowd. If I had to pick the tipping point for this trend, I would have to say Minecraft was the game that proved definitively that graphics < gameplay.

Employers pay their workers the bare minimum legal wage, yet are shocked when the work is the bare minimum you would need to do not to get fired. Weird.

I feel like that would just backfire. They would wear it like a badge of honor. These people get off on conflict. Plus anybody who's an avowed Nazi will definitely let you know.

Not everyone in my position is a sniveling little shit, as much as you may think. I do get paid more than my team, but not by some ridiculous margin. The lowest paid person gets 70% what I do and the highest paid person is at 95%. When I took over it was no shit closer to 40% for the lowest paid member. I fought for that to be fixed and burned up a lot if political capital doing it too.

When COVID came along and pay cuts and layoffs were a real threat, I told my boss to cut my salary before anyone else's. We never had to, thankfully, but I literally told him I would quit if they cut one of my subordinates pay or laid them off without first taking out of my pocket.

I had a direct report who, for three years wanted to be in a leadership role. I fought for a new position for him and put my own ass on the line recommending him for promotion every chance I got. He's been promoted past me and I hope (since I can't see his salary anymore) he is getting paid more than me because he's earned it.

I'm not some superstar manager, but I do feel like I keep my team out of the political battles and turf wars so they can focus on doing what they do best without dealing with all that crap. That's my job. When something goes wrong, I'm accountable. So when the people doing the work get it wrong and take a critical system offline by fat fingering a command, I'm the one answering the phones and taking all the shit for it and smoothing things over with stake holders. And unless it was a result of gross negligence, I'm not going to give them hell for it either because I've fucking been there before.

I didn't even want this damn job. I was perfectly happy being the technical lead and not having job recruiting and performance reviews to do, but I took it because I knew at the very least I would do my best to advocate for the people I care about, and that's not something I could say about everyone who applied.

So you can make snap judgements and assume because I manage a team that I'm just collecting a paycheck while everyone else does all the hard work, but I don't and I won't because it's unethical and shitty and despite your own insecurities, I actually give a fuck about other people.

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No, it's a great analogy. For the purposes of electrical conductivity, the gender of the socket is really just an expression of the cultural norms where they were made. There are hundreds of different socket genders, and you can easily convert one type to another depending on what you want to accomplish. Sounds like they're really just advocating for gender affirming care.

If you've ever seen comments on gay porn videos, this isn't too far off. It kills me all the "repent sinner" comments. Hey, buddy, we all know you're here for the throbbing cocks. It's a safe space.

I got pulled over in Germany with weed from Amsterdam in the car (I'm an American, visiting my friend). I'm leaving the country the next day, I show them my plane ticket, so instead of giving me a ticket, they have us follow them to an ATM instead and give them 200€. They take my weed, my brand new bubbler, and most of my remaining money. All I was left with was this story.

Another time, was camping with friends for a week. We have an ounce with us, at the time a big problem if we got caught. We're on day 1 of 7, sitting on the tailgate of my car, smoking a one hitter and eating PBJs. Cop wheels around the corner, catches us. Started searching my car, I have no fuckin clue where my buddy stashed the bag. I'm sweating bullets. Cop tears the car apart looking for what he knows must be there, but finds nothing. Eventually leaves us with a minor ticket and takes our grinder and our piece. Immediately after he leaves I turn to my friend "where the fuck is the weed!?!" He's laughing hysterically, lifts up the loaf of bread that was sitting right next to us on the tailgate the entire time, it's just chilling there in plain sight.

That was shit, for sure.

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Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that. They just haven't told you about ghost demons and their transgender pronoun agenda yet.

This was fuckin amazing. I chortled audibly, multiple times.

Well, I laughed, so shitpost. But it was a close call.
