1 Post – 221 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

i remember when ads started rolling out when I was much younger and i was like this is odd but ok then they became longer than skippable then an ad played in the middle of my video and i was like must be a glitch haha.

i cannot even look at youtube without an ad blocker i feel like 13 viruses would be downloaded at a glance

woah be careful you're about to dismantle the whole anti vax argument if you keep talking like that

they ruined the game with false promises of PVE for the last 4 years and then released monetization and nothing else. they just released a shitty pve gamemode thats 15 bucks for like 3 missions i think which is a slap in the face

religion is a choice and that choice is killing people its ok to be disrespectful to public practicers of religion.

we should be laughing in their faces and mocking them because its embarassing

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it should always be ok because the stigma of crying for men is super weird and cringe

hunter biden did a drugs guys why r we talking about giving out nuclear secrets

yeah i wish it was an old white man they always have the best policies

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legal reasons or media manipulation reasons

being a boomer was prolly pretty good deal if you were a white heterosexual dude

yeah that's insane that murder is like we might put u in jail but you'll be released in a couple years

fuckin 20 bucks is stolen and that's an instant 100 year sentence

the cops here were prolly watching like "oh shit he didnt kill any if them i guess we have to arrest him now"

so youre saying if that wouldve happened you wouldnt leave a bad review due to the fact its a bad experience you would just leave?

thats a crazy argument you just made and it's even crazier that youre implying the other guy is being crazy. lots of mental gymnastics on this one

me emailing the hacker asking for my password

nobody is watching what youre doing and all this lemmy shit is theatrics just live your life how you want to live it restrictions are for people that think they have a bigger purpose. nobody has a bigger purpose.

unless of course that restriction is a healthy dietary and physical change in lifestyle. that is a good purpose but everyone should be doing that.

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you just described all the conversations i had with my ex. blah blah blah "you know i think desantis has some good points"

"NO HE DOES NOT DONT SAY THAT" cue argument about what hes actually doing and that one policy that only kind of makes sense doesnt make desantis anything anyone should be listening to

no its about the kids not trans erasure. MAYBE FOR YOU ITS ABOUT KIDS OR SMTH but for the majority of the conservatives its about trans erasure WHICH IS NOT A GOOD THING.

don't even get me started on fucking covid vaccines. "this study says.. myocarditis, autism, mrna blah blah" "which study" "they exist theres data" "ok i believe you show me these studies" "well i cant find the studies now i feel stupid gets upset but doesnt think shes wrong still"

once she brought me a "study" and the results said "THE DATA IS INCONCLUSIVE AND FURTHERS PROVES THE BENEFITS OUTWEIGHT THE NEGATIVES" and im like i dont know what to tell you this wasnt the study you think it is.

i don't get how people can just be wrong and proven wrong over and over but still think theyre right. her parents shove right wing propaganda down her throat sadly.

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"alright time for my murder suicide. what was I supposed to do first? uhhh probably suicide then murder? we'll see how that goes"

im imagining someone rotting from 90-120 but still conscious then making this news story

im joking tho i only read the headline

i was and still am confused that chimichanga isnt a universal term

if i may ask are you from southern usa area?

i turn the microwave upside down

religion is a choice for everyone no exceptions. treating someone eating bacon as a psychopath slaughtering animals isnt the same as bacon and animals are real, and the connection between the two can be studied. religious folk choose to believe something fake that cannot be studied or proved and people die for it. wars are fought over this fake garbage. meat doesnt cause wars (because the vegans are lacking the essential nutrients to fight back lol)

also i eat meat and you can call me a psychopath if you want. youre not entirely wrong officially the meat industry is terrible i just dont see me boycotting it causing a tangible change, and i like meat.

edit its important to add, anyone practicing religion gives the people that use religion to kill a platform and sets a precedent that its ok by not ostracizing them. christians like when people they don't like are murdered. put any religion in place of christian it still works.

bro only sees other real humans on his linux box

not nearly enough niche content like reddit because of the sheer lack of users, but browsing all is ok. except the content on all is lacking too its usually a linux post, an old meme, or biden in some capacity.

ahem and the porn sucks

i can only use the reddit app for like 5 minute intervals so u can extrapolate what i use it for

youd still have to be stupid enough to think he wasnt just getting lucky

which a lot of people are stupid enough so good luck

now the only memes we get are school shooting or bigot related smh where are the fun memes

yeah those unwritten rules are why i hardly want to tell anyone about this site. its a bunch of comp sci nerds that finally have a platform to talk to be mildly social

and the humor is very par for course of compsci nerds. dumb, contrived, an obscure reference with a random jpeged gif in the background, etc. not funny.

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its gotta be b bros got 4 rooks on the board he's just missing the sorry piece that white has. the only chance player a has is spending all their lands on a blue eyes white dragon or smth idk i never played poker

its a prison. if they can't do slave labor for a profit there's no reason not to lock them down forever.

gah dam librul

does everyone only use reddit for porn?

like shit i only use reddit for porn now i thought i was weird.

unless we're both weird

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what does that even mean?

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more like people in America sometimes eat it. just like how people everywhere sometimes do everything and stupid nationalism only divides everybody more.

u seem to care a lot more about it than anyone else

most folks just downvote and probably half read. i wouldnt worry about downvotes theyre not even tracked.

im like small sentence (heres some back story though (and some deeper context thats needed (also something vaguely related to thing))).

i feel like hes almost too articulate even in his typos for this to be non parody. this sounds like a non stupid guy making a joke for religious idiots to fall for.

theres wayyy more windows 11 users than linux users but this is the one place the "enlightened pc users" cam flex their ability to navigate a command prompt

windows runs fine, plays every game, software is generally made for it, people who dont like it have a very niche issue with it which is fine

but its a good OS if you just want to use your computer like a normal human

u quit cigarettes? NICE JOB ive never dabbled with nicotine more than a few times coz im scared of it but ive heard thats the hardest shit to kick good on ya.

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more people oughta read about and pay attention to philosophy shit is actually pretty interesting. if nothing else just to see how predictable the uneducated monkey brain is.

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except water doesn't move all those nasty water insoluble bacterias and grossness that soap makes more hydrophilic

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i find the anti vax stuff is because some people genuinely believe its dangerous and was pushed too fast because of money and corporate sponsors (yet those people arent against capitalism just against when capitalism doesn't serve them)

yet a lot of the claims of myocarditis and whatever is largely unsupported by studies and currently the anti vax folks are just going waiting for a source to say theyre correct because if i want to counter antivax i show any study theyre claiming exists

they cant show studies becuase low n behold they dont exist and facebook was lying. shocker

the hard pill to swallow is we arent even as good as Idiocracy

at least in Idiocracy the authorities listened to the "expert" and solved the systemic issues.